Vox is here to explain to us how monogamy is unnatural


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promiscuity is unnatural.

Attached: truth about female promiscuity.jpg (2952x2497, 929K)

human testicles are intermediate in size between gorillas who have small testicles because they keep harems and chimpanzees who have large testicles because they constantly participate in orgies

monogamy and sexual egalitarianism is hard baked into humanity even jungle niggers take wives and practice monogamy (for the most part)

Great infograph.

Support these kinds of videos. The time for debate is over. Society needs to collapse already.

It's unnatural tho, that's why islam allowed us to marry 6

Nice, this goes right into my "proof that Netflix is shit" list

Leftist's eat this up, to them this is proof as to why Netflix is WOKE.

Let's see, the benefits of non-monogamy
>Get to have sex with multiple people
Now the benefits of monogamy
>Less likely of getting STDs
>More likely to be the father of your child
>More trust between partners
>Better long term relationship for child rearing
>Better monetary resources for the partners and child

Gee, I wonder which I should chose. The one that lets me be a degenerate with no benefits, or the one that is greatly beneficial to me and my children?

And that's why Islam is a sandnigger religion. Men and women pairing off at a 1-1 ration guarantees male biological emperative and it's the bedrock of civilization. In that, civilizations came about as a consequence of sexual repression via monogamy and not the other way around. The faggots at VICE are disolving the mortar holding society together and they should swing from a tree because of it.