Is this meme true?

Ok let’s break it down.
Americans. They are a mix of many different ethnicities, this is why they call themselves “white” a word we as Europeans never used, we go by our historical names and ethnic groups. Such as “ look that’s the German” or “ look that’s the Italian” Americans are a mixture of so many different ethnicities that you can’t even say they are European anymore. So please for the love of god to all my euro Caucasians don’t call yourself white, it’s a insult to your ancestors your history your people and everything else. The only people who use to term “white” to describe themselves are people with no culture or history of their own, for instance in Brazil if someone has a lighter skin complexion than the average Brazilian they call him a “Gringo” “blanco” or any other slang term for white. Since they don’t have a true ethnicity that’s what they call themselves. Stop faking for the Jew trap.

Attached: A169CB7E-06C4-49C8-9531-101E799A022B.jpg (900x506, 92K)

Depending on how ethnically MUTT’d you are you can still go by an ethnic group.

Attached: D0142491-EED2-4EBF-BE47-03E00263FB9E.jpg (750x933, 121K)

y-yes :(

Attached: d4c47f6bf06d1d23fb64347cbf700eec.png (794x695, 79K)

What do you look like

Dios mio...
Also, this

Am I white, Jow Forums?
>65% Great Britain
>13% Ireland
>8% Iberia/southern France
>4% South European
>3% Western European
>2% Eastern European
>2% Scandinavian
>2% Caucaus Mountains
>1% Middle East
I would like to see more Europeans taking DNA tests desu.

El abominacion

North and west European includes Germany and France?

It is for me, my mom is an irish immigrant and my dad is mexican. i'm as mutt as they come. Most people think i'm white though because i have green eyes and light skin but really i'm a sleeper agent for the beaners looking to mud up some white genetics.

A pure mixture of white people?