
The like to dislike ratio on this one is spicy as EA DICE try to pander to SJWs... but can we make it spicier?


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Reddit is already doing damage control. They’re saying anyone who critiques the game is a DRUMPF supporting snowflake.

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Look on the bright side. For once they are making it relatively easy to root for the nazis.

I did my part and down voted. It's a shame, I was looking forward to a new WW2 vidya.

Why can't they just leave video games alone? Why do they keep doing this?

who gives a fuck about casual fps shit

Guy is proud to not be triggered over people not liking the trailer.

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>damage control when people don't buy into a progressive narrative
Why doesn't this surprise me?

Are there even Nazis in BFV? I mean it's about WW2 but I'd be surprised if there were, they were playable, and weren't made out to be crazed or something.

>Why do they keep doing this?
Because they can't win through debate or discussion, they need to force this onto people and label anyone who disagrees as a something o' phobe, or something -ist.

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thats probably an EA botnet

you might not realize this, but real dubya dubya 2 history buffs know this follows the historically accurate tale of Ol' Left-hand Lucy, she was a run-of-the-mill whore who escaped getting shipped off to Australias penal colonies by giving the best damn handjobs any had ever scene. Instead of shipping her off to Koala land they let her enlist as a Relief-nurse for the shellshocked troops.

One fateful day, she lost her golden left hand, her chub-chuggin lotion locomotive five-finger-delight taken by shrapnel, and to keep from getting shipped down-undah, she enlisted to fight in the 809th Cricket Bat-talion, eventually earning a Royal pardon for her heroism and learning to give pretty good right-handed knob-polishes.

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