
>1) Full compliance with the printed vote law in electronic ballot boxes or adoption of the printed vote in canvas urns, with canvass by the Armed Forces. In case of noncompliance, we will join the popular clamor for military intervention.

>2) Seat in the negotiating tables and in all the organs involved in the creation of the policies that affect the sector without the mediation of labour unions (because the paralization did not have their adhesion or support) or of the CNT - National Confederation of the Transportation, that does not represent us.


>1) Abolition / replacement of the current text of the Regulatory Framework of Road Transportation of Cargoes currently in final proceedings in the Congress;

>2) Reduction of the final price of fuel in the same levels as those practiced in Bolivia;

>3) Reduction of costs of registration fees, mandatory sticker and renewal fees in ANTT;

>4) End or substitution of the type of mandatory toxicological examination;

>5) Greater supervision of ANTT / State and Federal Revenue and energetic actions of ANTT or of the fiscal / fiscal authority in carriers in default with the Treasury;

>6) Toll values at a reasonable price and proportional to distance, besides the end of the absurd collection of the suspended axle in empty vehicles (without load);

>7) Greater security in the activity and right to bear arms for self-defense;

>8) Mandatory implementation of the minimum freight rate of the freight forwarder;

>9) Increase of the punctuation limit of drivers with CNH [driver's license] "EAR" (Exercises Remunerated Activity) because of the greater number of driving hours in relation to other drivers who do not practice the profession;

>10) Revocation of resolutions, decrees and penalties created at the occasion of the National Transportation Stoppage of November 2015;

>11) Vote in transit for drivers who have CNH "EAR" (Exercises Remunerated Activity).

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Other urls found in this thread:

Bump. I hope this is a real Happening.

) Greater security in the activity and right to bear arms for self-defense;
For real though, I hope they get it, I'd love to see some Brazilian truckers fuck up the favela niggers.

it is, half the country is stacking up on fuel and food cause its running out

fuel went from 3, 4 reais to 10 in the cities because of it

1 U.S. dollar =
3.65190081 Brazil reais

How well armed is the general population compared to criminal gangs? Also, is it is easy for an average person to get weapons illegally?

I just bought 200kg of food. When the crisis come and all the plebs are starving I'm going to get rich HAHAHAHHAHA

Why are truckers always right-wing?

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criminal gangs have everything from handmade smgs (pic related) and shotguns to pistols and revolvers and full-auto ak-47
common people do not have the right to bear arms, and the right to own them is very limited

these are our laws:
>Only repetition or semi-auto
>Short guns: Ammunition that has less than 300 foot-pounds (407 J) of energy, like .22LR, .25 Auto, .32 Auto, .32 S&W, .38SPL, .380 Auto
>Long guns with rifled barrels: ammunition with at most 1000 pound-foot (1355 J) of energy, like .22 LR, .32-20, .38-40 and .44-40
>Smoothbore long guns: 12 gauge with the barrel being at least 24 in (610 mm) inches long, or ones with lesser calibers of any size.
>Airguns (pressure or spring-based): Caliber smaller than 6mm
>Guns to start sports matches, which don't fire ammo.
>At most 6x36mm scopes
>Hunting cartridges
>Can only buy 50 cartridges per year for each gun
>Can have at most 6 guns, 2 of each kind allowed above

>Can only buy bulletproof vests that protect you from legal guns (pro-tip: criminals use guns stronger than that).
>Shall issue, so you might be denied anyway (vast majority of people are)
>Must pay more than a month's worth of minimum wage to buy licenses (protip: most people are poor and make less than this)
>Needs to renew each gun's registry every 3 years
>Older than 25
>Technical and psychological exams
>No criminal records
>Must be employed and have a house
>It's illegal to carry unless you're in the military, a politician or a few other privileged classes

probably because they have to drive around the country and be so independent, and in brazil because they really need guns

>3, 4 reais are u fucking crazy? it was 5 reais before the strike

Go luck ifunny bros

because they work.

i'll invade your home and fuck your wife in front of you, also I'll smash one of your eye and cut half of your arm.

Who gives a shit about monkey land?

) Reduction of the final price of fuel in the same levels as those practiced in Bolivia;
That one made my laugh when I went to Foz do Iguaçu.
People driving to Peru everyday to fill up their tanks with gasoline exported by Brazil at 2/3 of the price. You guys get so fucked by taxes it's unreal.

Brazilians don't respect the law when there is plenty. They will just rob you.


Well shit that's fucked up. We have pretty strict gun laws in India too but the homicide rate here is extremely low and it's declining.

Really don't understand how race mixing has made latin america so violent but a mutt country like India is so peaceful relatively speaking.

oh the irony

So how possible is it to start gun running to Brazil? Asking for a hypothetical friend

>Foz do Iguaçu.
>People driving to Peru

>It's only a fucking truck strike
Do any brazilanons actually expect the country to change after all these years of pozzing? Aren't you tired of saying it will soon™ change but it never actually does?

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Sounds like a bunch of socialists.

it is changing. Yesterday was bad. Today is worse

Most people that do trades or anything that is crucial to our surivival are right wing because they are more in tune with the natural order unlike regressive leftists who are completely detuned.

Fuck, meant Paraguay. Sorry Gerson.

Are you experiencing any consequences from the strike or the current political situation? Seems to me the strike will soon end and this will all blow over and people will go back to loving welfare.

It's because of your Hindu beliefs. If people believe they are poor because of Karma then, they hold no grudges. Many in Brazil believe they are poor and miserable due to the unjust capitalist system created to fuck them over on behalf of rich people. So, the more violent ones, have no qualms about killing and robbing others as a way of life. In their minds, it's the fair thing to do for survival.

No politician as of now has been able to capitalized on the strike.

it can go anywhere from here.


Fucking retards

per liter or gallon???

Great i hope that shithole favela country burns to the ground

kek, thats how much gas costs here in the US, around 3 dollars.

>>Can only buy 50 cartridges per year for each gun

This is the most insane one. Its easy to go through 500-1000 rounds after a day at the range. 50 for the whole year? How are you supposed to train??

not what has described, but there're more than 100 politicians on jail revealing more and more people involved with corruption.

they work

>Brazil: the post

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I just had a electrical shortage

are we m-marching to apocalypse?

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>Cutting taxes
>Less regulations
>Printed vote

Brazilian left is against all of these

How do kikes manage to become more despicable by the day anons?
Next time their camps won't have pools

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You can train with bullets from gun ranges, but you can't own them

Depends. Where do you live? I can only imagine the hordes of favelados sacking everything in Rio, for example.

Go build the wall, Pedro

I'm considering buying a crossbow. Can practice at home, too

It is mostly due to catholic faith and morality being destructed it has nothing with social equality.

Fuel protests in UK in 2000 were the last time people power rattled the government imo. Any other bongs want to chip in?

liter, we dont use gallons

>right wing strike

I just laughed so much. My fucking sides. Lmao

it is the bosses are supporting the strike too

Good luck brazil, i played with you fags for years on tibia

Serious question though. How long do you guys think it will last? Three days more and we will have no fuel (cars, bus, airplane) or food or even water. Dear God we will be damned

well thehy kicked the labour union people out of the places they were in, it started with autonomous truckers and then the ones working for companies joined, with their bossess supporting it

and they're asking for less taxes and regulations, for ex

They don't believe in anything, your average favelado doesn't think at all. They act on instinct, and their instinct is to be savages. The whole unjust system thing became popular in recent years because of the media brainwash, just like up there, but they were already violent far before that.

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Beanerland is just as corrupt as Hueland. Everything from Mexico on south is a bunch of banana republics with machismo dictators.

They work, they pay taxes and then get to drive around all day and see exactly what those taxes gets them.

Lol they'll all be replaced by AI in 3 years

I hope it ends soon, I didn't expect shit would hit the fan already, I'm not ready for it. God damn it I don't want to die stranded in a monkey colony

You know those monkeys will come here, right? And get nationality extremely easy and then go all around the EU being the shits they are but with Portuguese passport.

Read up on history, this was literally the prelude to Pinochet. Its happening. This is real. This is real life.

Attached: 1521671875151.gif (300x300, 821K) son. Is that a regular occurence?

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Dumb americans have trains (the jew on tracks) and they don't understand how important the few poorly built roads that Brazil has are.

We literally have no means of transporting anything besides highly expensive big rigs. That is it. If they stop, the country stops.

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brazil isn't capable of operating automatic trucks.

Just like America isn't capable of operating a diet.

Can the military do anything? Shoot one in every 20th driver and the other ones will get to qork real quick. Or throw their families into the favelas.

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Hope all the monkeys which inhabit this country go there with you.
I'm sick of them.

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The constitution guarantees the right to strike.

3 dollars per GALLON

Its a piece of paper. Certianly if the basic functions of society are threatened you can take action?

Is it really that easy to get portuguese citizenship? God damn it I don't want to be a nigger, but at the end of the day if that turns out to be the only way...

The niggers getting into your country are also only there because of a piece of paper

Here's to hoping this becomes more common in Brazil

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it is, peepee poopoo

But they haven't brought us to the brink of collapse (yet). This apparently will cripple your entire country. Do you just have to sit there and let everything crumble?

The military and the truckers are not enemies.

>tfw the spiderman nendo i ordered from aliexpress will never arrive

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Most of the population supports the strike. The truckers are the most important work class in Brazil, and they have the power to make the government bow.

Brazil is a dead country.


They don't have to, they just have to buy contracts self driving trucks from American companies (which will cost a fraction of what they have to pay truckers)

That's because our dear government left the train lines to rot to favor cars, instead of expanding. It'd be a great solution to us, but of course who cares and nobody will ever discuss this.

Why would I care about a country that is actively trying to destroy my people both through demographic replacement and violence, propaganda and abusive taxes whose only purpose is enriching jews and allow favelados to have more 10 kids?

You bet the government will not let this happen again. You will see massive investment in transport infrastructure just to avoid handing so much power to the truckers.

What about those niggers the kikes are sending though? They are targeting small cities already

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Good one. Discussing the ship sinking only happens when the hull is halfway underwater, that's the brazilian way of dealing with problems.

anyone else sad that the country transformed into a commerce zone and all the people born there are eternally fucked as wageslaves since all mid tier positions will be automated and inaccessible?

>so much power to the truckers
We are witnessing a single episode, you don't really think we disposed of railways because of truckers, do you? It was more to benefit Petrobras than truckers. On the other hand, it's actually quite nice, because it makes it harder for niggers to leave for other states

Attached: brazil sao paulo.webm (352x640, 1.39M)

I wish things would change, but they wont. Brazilians can't see long term and the rats in brasília only care about the now. It says a lot that in a elective year they have not and don't plan to deal with this quick and, for lack of a better term, benevolently.

That's because no one in the government ever cared about improving our country, only how much they can pocket from us.
And truckers have to pay a lot of taxes and maintain their own trucks.

That's not what I meant. Leaving the railroads to rot had the unforeseen consequence of leaving tthe truckers with too much power. The government is bowing to them, and will be under even more pressure as the strike goes on. After this is over, they will have to take measures to prevent this, and this includes investing in alternate ways to transport goods.

God speed Bernstein Pepe.

Germans are cucks, even in Santa Catarina.

it's impossible for brazil to remake their infrastructure so late in the game and after this fiasco, because no investor in their right mind would dare involve themselves with it. it's all over. activate the self destruct sequence. dios mio...

there are rules for strikes and if judged illegal the people responsible can be forced to pay large fines per day they stay on strike
closing streets and shit is ilelgal anyway tho

Another German girl from Brazil with her typical German surname: "Barbosa"

That would be an extremely pleasurable shag. I mean, I can't even imagine it properly. If I could hold my cum in my balls for 5 seconds I'd look at the mirror and call myself a hero.

10/10 would fuck.

Exactly, we are broke and no one will invest in this.

How did unemployed drug-addict leftist react? Call them class traitors?

Yeah this is why I'll live there got citizenship
haha yes I aready got citizenship

Was this a plan of the military to take power?

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The real problem here is that this country produces a lot of value yet it all goes to jews and their crypto kike friends, this includes both politicians and people in media, business and entertainment.
For fucks sake, if judges stopped getting half a million/year + shitload of benefits salaries that would be enough to build at least a portion of a railroad, it's not like they're doing their job anyway. But again, we know all that money would disappear overnight

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Dear god why are you such a despicable nigger? Gas yourself disgusting degenerate
And stop being so butthurt about germans in Brazil, no one said she was one to begin with, grow the fuck up. From the looks of it you'd fit in better in a favela than in Europe