Humans can see 10 million colors
Mantis shrimp can see 40+ million colors.
Looks like you lose again, theists.
Humans can see 10 million colors
Mantis shrimp can see 40+ million colors.
Looks like you lose again, theists.
And yet it is I, the mere human, who is least likely to be lightly battered and served on a vinegarette salad?
We can just steal their eyes from them. Technology ftw
>going out
>wifi signals everywhere
>bluetooth blinds you
>cant see shit
>why did I leave Jow Forums
That has nothing to do with God making us you idiot.
>meme flag
top kek
kek laughs as well
>you will never see some colors
whats the point of even going on bros
Yeah, but we have thumbs and leather jackets.
>tfw by the time it takes to process stimuli, be it visual, auditory, or whatever else and consciously become aware of it, the stimuli you're responding to is already in the past
time is an illusion
it deodorant exist
from the same people who told you dogs cant see color?
oh fug
>Shrimp have exoskeleton
>Human can go to the fucking moon
Checkmate Atheists
shhhh its over now
The ones inside of what we consider to be the visual spectrum are redundant because using our RGB receptors we infer the information. The ones at the IR and UV ends of the spectrum may not be very useful depending on the depth these live at. Still interesting.
Oh ya. I have yet to find a preying mantis with a drivers license
>wanting to develop in a environment thats so intense you need to be able to detect the tiniest fluctuations of light in order to survive
>gets thrown into a fight with a human on land
>see your own defeat in the greatest of detail if the overload of brain processing doesn't kill you first
Probably why their eyes are so sensitive to begin with
Only a europoor could make such a retarded post, you guys are always going on about the shit you have that is redundant and useless, and something nobody gives a shit about
>lmao you cant even have kinder eggs
>be human tossed into the deep ocean
I mean, two can play this game.
Ok lets list how many ways a human would bring this up, to how many ways it would bring a human down to its environment
>>dies somehow in the middle of the plan of bringing the human down to its environment
>people still die to animal attacks
How can humans know that mantis shrimp can see 40+ million colors if humans can only see 10 million colors? Are there humans who can carry on a conversation with a mantis shrimp and they are taking their word for it?
Why cant god have invented evolution as a means to begat life in a totally natural way?
You hook up electrodes tp the thing and measure its brain activity while subjecting it to dofferent light spectrums.
Let me put it like this, say a shrimp can see infrared. You cant see IR, so if i shimed a super bright IR lamp in your face you wouldnt see shit, and you wouldnt wince.
A shrimp wouldnt wince, just like it was seeing a duper bright light
>why can't this made up deity of a religion that rejects evolution be the tool of that deity?
Good question. Ask theists.
Sounds like God was smart and created us so we wouldn't be blinded by the sun all day. What's the need in seeing UV and IR anyways? Turning all the lights off would mean turning the heat off as well. Dumb.
>Looks like you lose again, theists.
The irony is this is only evidence that there is existence outside of your perception thus conception, and that that which we could never understand as we are exists, thus everything we don't understand plausibly exists. Thus, to begin to try to claim rationally the implausibility of God's existence, the atheist ironically needs to claim impossible knowledge of "God," which they circularly reason by claiming "God" is equivalent to conception, which isn't necessarily true as demonstrated by the mantis shrimp.
>finns in charge of understanding wavelength
Mantis shrimp are literally miniature demons. I used to have one in my aquarium and the little fucker used to punch through a a half inch of glass and break the damn thing. I had to pick the fucker up once to save his life and he tried to murder me, I needed 70 stitches. Went home and ate the son of a bitch
Mantis shrimp can create mini-suns with their punches, your move
bullshit i can see all those colors
I should never of posted in this crap thread, something must be getting slid... Shills cant even carry on logic in their slide threads
>Turning all the lights off would mean turning the heat off as well
>being so autistic that you compare the fighting ability of a shrimp and a human
>Sounds like God was smart and created us so we wouldn't be blinded by the sun all day
Interesting topics aren't "slid" by design of the bump system. There is no such thing as a "slide thread" and anyone who uses the term outs themselves a newfag.
Being egotistical enough to lecture someone over the irrational comparison of two animals inside a thread created about that very topic
its an irrelevant comparison, if the animal evolved in a dark enviorment than that meant creationists are wrong, and if creationists are right you have to draw the autistic comparison of fighting strength between human and shrimp
People aren't animals.
god created the mantis shrimp in his image. more perfect than us.
Oh yeah? Well if Mantis shrimp was so smart why he still in the ocean?
No goy our thread is very useful and current to the discussions people are wanting to talk about
Another sage for ya
>sage as a downvote
There he goes again
You cut a shrimp eye open, analyse the different types of cone cells, mesure their reaction to different wavelengths, and then you can deduce a number.
am*ricans will never be able to grasp complex concepts outside of the reddit rating system
>People aren't animals.
"check these six signs to find out whether you are a fungus."
You can't imagine those colors (outside DMT use), so you can live.
What's "current to the discussions people are wanting to talk about" is decided by the bump system, you idiot. It isn't possible to circumvent this. What you find useful is irrelevant.
Remind me when we said God gave humans the most detailed color vision. I don't remember ever saying that. It's almost as if you made it up because you're some kind of a fat retard.
O no look how hard this thread is dropping because no useful content is being added. Do you get paid less for being so obvious?
Mate I can barely see when the suns not behind the clouds
>shrimp live in water
>shrimp are prey
>shrimp need to be able to see the movement of predators in the dark and underwater
If humans could see as much as shrimp we likely couldn't read or do anything on a computer
(Ill admit I aint no scientist and Im guessing that)
Where are my augmented eyes scientist atheists? Checkmate.
found one!
>Some people wear glasses
Checkmate atheists
do you get payed to be so fucking paranoid
But user I thought the bible specificaly says God made the man in his own image, how come God doesn't see all color he created?
Also, how come God made man first, and animals after but he made many animals better than the man in many ways?
so what was you point, that God created a shrimp that can see more colors?
God is a wonderful God, so I can totally see him doing that.
Also he created things with 8 fucking legs man! 8! fucking amazing! Bipeds BTFO!
Dont listen to paranoia goy, nobody would waste time and money payinv someone to try to convince a phone poster they have a relevant thread....
Unironically this. Amerifats need everything to be watered down to numbers
dont worry goy, w- i mean the jidf would never shill against the most pro israel religion on the planet
The worst part of american posters is to understanf whenever they are being sarcastic or just displaying their education
americans are not capable of irony or being sarcastic, and neither of understanding said things
You do know that sageing a thread just prevents your post from bumping it, right?
God can fly too so he actually made birds in his image instead of humans. Bow down to our new overlords, the birbs. Retard.... In reality though most people think being made in his image referred to being self aware. If an animal has a certain ability that we don't have it's irrelevant, like flying or seeing more colors or using echo location. God can do all of that if he wants.
Bait, no content, weak arguments, and the same usual cycle
and they will cry out in pain as they lash out at you
>>Stupid shill doesnt know about proxies
Shall we rotate through the rest of the global bait to see if i catch onto something?
>it can punch so fast that it creates supercavitation bubbles with redhot gasses inside that implode with a spark and can break the fucking aquarium
Mantis shrimps are allaround awesome animals.
Wait, do people eat Mantis Shrimp?
And people will see the only bumps are from crap, do you get paid to keep each others threads on the page? Does it count if you are the only bumps? You can only post in so many places so this looks like a pathetic attempt at your job tbqt
>I take every single word the bible absolutely literally. Why don't you? I can't "defeat" you unless you are as fucking retarded as I am.
Calm down, fedora-incel. Go smoke another 600 pounds of crack and eat a shelf of butter. The bible has these things in it called METAPHORS.
a figure of speech in which a word or phrase is applied to an object or action to which it is not literally applicable.
God didn't LITERALLY make pharaoh choose to retain the Israelites. The first stage of the creation of the world wasn't LITERALLY 86400 seconds. We are not LITERALLY God's long-lost twins. (I mean, have you looked in the mirror lately? There's no way you fat fedora dipshits are anything like God.)
>You're making my pussy hurt.
>its all metaphors, but dont fall back to simple deism goy, cutting off your dick skin and owning slaves is totally literall. dont forget to support israel
downvoted for trolling
>I'll make up a bunch of shit you never said so I can pretend I won.
>but seriously guys the bible is the one and only truth and \God is real he created us and he hates gays and blacks
How will I ever fucking recover?
Faggot, I've saged every fucking time I've posted in this shit thread.
His image, not his attributes, you fucking retard.
Holy shit. That's like saying "if I made this sculpture in my image why doesn't it bleed" you are one fucking dumb nigger.
>i use memearrows to show my mental superiority without making any accual aruments but compalin about people not attacking my arguments
>I've saged every fucking time I've posted in this shit thread.
its all so tiresom
>Remember when you said God hates blacks?
I never said that
Why do you have to lie? Is it because you know you'll lose if you have to tell the truth?
>His image, not his attributes
Faggot fedora.
why did you use a Fedora picture?
I never said anything about a fedora
Why do you have to lie? Is it because you know you'll lose if you have to tell the truth?
not even counting on your small IQ handicap brain to comprehend the message behind this image but here you go
its a great quote, but you dumb niggers are rather licking your own piss from the ground than take a sip from the "natural science" glass
Its very clear by your posting you think fedoras are fashionable
>look like god in terms of physical anatomy
>dont have the ability to see xrays
Thanks for the reaction image though
>physical anatomy isn't the system directly responsible for detecting visible wavelengths
he will just leave this unanswered and in the next thread complain about the shills hating on how dumb america is