Mother delays cancer treatment to protect babies

>This lady does this while most roasties are getting abortions

A noble sacrifice. Press F to pay respects

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the world needs more women like this


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that dog would get you convicted in my country

I remember my first day on Jow Forums



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that is a cute dogge

Nothing stirs what's left of my heart up more than a a parent sacrificing themselves for their children.

Whatever heavens await have a spot reserved for this broad.

Now her children will grow up without a mother. Why not get the abortion, get the treatment so you don't fucking die, then try to get children?

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Respect F

Checked and kekd.

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Because Chemo isn't a magic cure you mong.
I know a woman who's had cancer 3 times. She's had chemo treatment on it the same amount of times and each time she becomes more and more of a zombie because chemo also kills your organs and healthy cells.

>lets just murder the kids lol

No guarantee she'll survive to have other kids.
She really wanted those kids.
She cared about them.

At least try to emulate being human, dude.


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Kys you stupid mic.

Your thought process is why the white race is dying.



anyone has pic that comperes cat mother who saved kittens from fire to some roasti who ran away and left her children in burning house?

I'm literally advocating for less single parent households, which is one of the main problems with western society
Well the article implies that she sacrificied herself for her unborn children, which is undeniable noble. But if she could've saved herself and then have children, it would have meant a better life for her and her children.


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F eels sad man


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also F

Assuming she had a husband single fathers raise kids a lot better than single mothers.


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not all heroes wear capes


killing babies is good ! im totally not a jew


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This is not the same thing as two people who divorced secondary to marital issues, toothpaste.






you forgot to post the donation link

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We salute you true spirit of femininity!

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Only the best hopes and wishes for these kids.

The world needs more single parents. F

F, a good mum


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Cause this woman has heart, faggot.

>kill babies with Chemo
>Survive Cancer
>have more babies.

This makes her a blessed person doesn't it


This woman should be held up as an example of motherhood


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Those first babies she had were perfect though, and worth dying for in her eyes. You are a selfish cunt who puts self over loved ones every time. I hope you choke to death while eating food.



There must be more to the story. As in she had trouble getting pregnant and used IVF as a last resort. Perhaps this was her only shot at preggers.

>chemo means you will survive cancer

Penelope would approve

Haiti isn't rare, you fag

thety wont grow up without a mother, her love will be with them all their life. you probably say this to compare this situation with a parent which leaves their kids to their own. not the same


May God have mercy on her soul



Reminder that anti-white women posts are either misguided incels or kike shills.

ALL women are emotional and guided by their feelings and follow strength and sail the direction the wind blows in society. White men simply have to get fucking seriously in control of themselves and their nation to be respected again.

Rest in peace. I pray her children will be prosperous and healthy.

Digits wasted though

Probably got cancer from Jew chemicals

Was she, dare I say it, /ourmom/?

Why is this being applauded? If I were the father, fuck the babies. Get the treatment. I'll toss another load into her when you get your hair back.

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This is a true super hero

Nuclear family > single father > single mother

It's not the best situation, but by default men are better parents than women.

>dead mother is a good mother

youre the reason why teh white race is dying out, fucking degenerate babykiller

burn in hell

God mean't for her to have those babies user. Your demonic training is showing though.


>Top L0L look how rational and invalidstic i am just kill your kids lol

To a real mother

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I'm pretty sure teh white race would be better off if you didn't breed at all.

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Single father is not that bad.
Father can also remarry.


She knew she was dead either way, but didn't selfishly cling to life.





On paper that premise is sound. Kill the children to keep the machine that makes them alive to make more. In practice, treating cancer nearly kills you (it has to, cancer cells are YOUR cells). Also cancer treatments are designed to kill fast reproducing cells, such as cancer cells, hair follicles, stomach lining cells, and sex cells (egg/sperm). There's no guarantee she'd even be alive after the treatment, much less fertile, much less strong enough to survive a pregnancy. She made the correct choice.



She's caring for baby angels now

I'm just saying if I were the father, I'd hate those children with a passion. Instead of having a loving wife (that I could later impregnate again once she recovered), I have two infants without a mother figure in their lives. Great.

Look where muh morals got her. She's fucking dead over two children I could've given her again anyways. What a waste.

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>When the consumerism hits you so hard you replace your children like a flat tire


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She looks like a roastie thot.


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You call them children, I call them a bundle of cells and are completely disposable to me until they're out of the womb.

The woman is a saint but I think it was a bad call.