Why did so many Veterans of Iraq/Afghanistan come back with PTSD?

Why did so many Veterans of Iraq/Afghanistan come back with PTSD?

What the hell happened over there, man?

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War in a third world country with a hostile terrain that young adults from a first world country were unable to adapt to.

War maybe?

they grew up playing cod, they were brainwashed, and like most modern humans had never been exposed to death.

the guys who went to ww2 had ptsd also, but they came from farms. they had slaughtered animals and seen their relatives die. they knew about death. my grandpa told me about how he used to have to drown kittens in the pond when there were too many cats around the farm when he was a kid. put them in a sack with rocks and leave it in the pond for 20 minutes or so.

also there is social incentive to have ptsd. gets u gibs and pussy etc.

this poster is retarded, disregard everything he says

They thought they were going to go over there and massacre brown people, but unfortunately for them the brown people shot back.

It's a result of every single war, there's just a pop psychology name for it now.

It's any war, you ditwitted dunce. The problem in America is that we pay veterans to be pussies. After WWII veterans came home and didn't tell anyone about their stories and didn't demand money for their pain. WWII vets said "fukkk your money!"

When I got out of the army during my ETS they said "You have hearing loss! You have tinnitus!" You have PTSD! Let's sign you up for some money!"

Even the desk chair monkey that never left a forward operating base is handed money for PTSD. It's a DISGRACE!

All war is ptsd

ur an idiot, the ptsd is not from fear of death and combat, it is from repetitive exposure to trauma and heightened states of adrenaline. Haji is shit at killing us, haji is awesome at killing other hajis, We end up cleaning up most of that death. You can only watch the IA and IP kill a dozen kids so many times before you start to lose sleep.

War crimes they commited get the ones with conscience in the end.

is fine

you, , are just a pussy

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It's a lot more to easy to determine.

Also no warfare is conventional since the trenches. The threats of IEDs, the enemy's has no uniform and looks like the village folk.

War changes people, we just called it shelllshock a century ago.

They didn't. You get disability payments for life you simply say you have it. Who wouldn't claim it?

ohhhhhh kay

> What the hell happened over there, man?
Next question, shill.

Surely, it is not that easy

America nurtures weakness.

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It is....at first they deny your claim. You appeal it.
They deny it again. You appeal it. They deny it again. Eventually...you appeal until you finally win.

It really is that easy.....

>not from fear of death and combat
>repetitive exposure to trauma and heightened states of adrenaline

wew lad, the mental gymnastics you're willing to do to keep up that tough guy image must be exhausting.

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PTSD is a made up term to get free money from the govt for sitting on a REMF base cooking Turkey dinners for guys out in the shit.

Because it was different kind of warfare.
More ambushes / surprises, more waiting for something unpredictable.

WW2 and earlier was more head on.

Nah man this guys understands the farm life. I went back to Ukraine when I was 13 for the summer before HS to work on my uncles farm, my father thought it would build character which it did. Coming from a first world country into my homeland of 3rd world Ukraine was an eye opener. Slaughting pigs, lambs, goats, chickens, steers, and taking them to the bazaar to sell on a 12’ trailer hauled by some 90’s Lada truck. Eating the rest, fresh meat daily, fresh milk, eggs. Seeing my cousins almost beat some mafia gopher to death who came to collect the “roof money” they were trying to extort. The next week finding your oldest cousin dead in the field with his head cut off. Learning to make Molotov cocktails and fire bombing the restaurant those mafiosos hung out. Seeing them shot whilst on fire as they ran out in a panic. Yeah man, coming back to Baltimore that September for my 14th Birthday and the rest of your family asking how your summer was, all I could muster out was “it was interesting”.

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I wasnt there so this is all secondhand. I have 2 brothers and friends that served and from what they related it goes like this. Discounting the support staff in green zones that were relatively safe, of the people who left the green zone only a few of them got to fight and act like soldiers. Thats where you get your majority of KIA and disfiguring injuries and of course anyone involved in that type of action will be permanently affected by it. From what i was told though is most soldiers engaged in more police type action. This included such soul crushing activities as standing on a corner and keeping eyes peeled and hoping you dont get shot in the back by a 12 year old. Or training local forces who were all drug addicted retards who were just as likely to friendly fuck you or be a UC that would kill you on purpose. Just that sort of uneasiness for yeara in a hostile land with nothing familiar but other guys going through the same is pretty awful. I guess years of feeling at high risk of being murdered doing things you dont see the point in puts you on edge and do it long enough you never get off of it. Thats how it was related ro me by guys who had "boring tours". I have no idea what people actually went through though so dont listen to me

checks out.

>Be me
>Go to India
>See kids shitting on the streets
>Realize the meme is true

I guess designated streets aren't too bad.

I joined on '03, didn't grow up playing CoD or never have for that fact. More like Mario Kart, Zelda and Golden Eye if my friends had a gaming system.

I went over to IZ/AFG expecting hand to hand fighting and stuff of that nature. In reality, it was a lot of sitting on ass, and getting mortared/rocketed at times.

Out on patrols, you do maintain a higher sense of vigilance, and if you go out on enough patrols, it does get harder and harder to turn that off.

I don't have PTSD, nor have I ever seen anyone for it, but at times I do have night terrors about a few incidents where some friends/squad mates were injured or killed.

I think the worst part is the survivors remorse, for instance, I was supposed to be on a helo that got shot down, but I had crazy food poisoning that night, so I wasn't able to go, but my friend did.

Is the VA system being abused by PTSD frauds? Yes. Do folks really get mentally stressed? Yes. I think it all depends on the person and their resiliency levels/mechanisms.

It was the almost constant fear, so many things to worry about.
>road side bombs
>vehicle bombs
>IED's all over the place
>"""friendly troops""" which often were not
>filth and disease
>longer fiefights
>longer deployments

Sorry about your friends user, don’t blame yourself man.

It was nothing compared to the great meme war, which started up just as they came back home.
RIP memefriends

This guy isn't wrong.
The term shellshock was coined to describe the symptoms displayed after soldiers in trench warfare were subjected to heavy artillery bombardment.
Ptsd is "muh trama". War will get to most people, but we live in a largely controlled and ultimately disconnected modern age where people are not exposed to the ceaseless violence and death of the natural world. There are men who will imolate if you call them the wrong pronoun or ask them to handle raw chicken. I know a few people my age who have never even been to a funeral.
For most if human history we killed our food and each other. And even in peace time violent death was a real possibility for most.

>It was the almost constant fear

US troops getting mortared
UK troops getting mortared

>but unfortunately for them the brown people hid and planted roadside bombs.

This is entirely annectdotal now but I have an aunt who just passed away and two members of my family in their 30s are having full blown meltdowns. They are relatively normal people with homes and families of their own. But for some reason they have never dealt with or contemplated our mortality and they are finding themselves incapable of coping with a reality most people grasp before or during adolescence.

I gotta disagree here a little bit.
I grew up on a farm, killing/slaughtering animals almost weekly. So bloodshed wasn't anything new to me before I deployed, but when you do see some guy get some shrapnel through his talk box or a mangled up IED victim it's a lot different. I think mainly due to the vocal memory of it. For instance, a pig will cry when it knows it's their time, a chicken will dance after snapping it's head off, but when a 19 year old kid is sure to shit he's gonna die, he will say some off hand stuff that is hard to get out of your noggin. Then the aftermath/reflection kicks in a few hours later, and you're looking around at a dirt pile some kid died trying to defend. You get really upset and your brain can't logic it out correctly, that's when your puzzle pieces start to get scrambled up stairs.

Everyone gets PTSD in war
It has something to do with killing and being in constant fear of your own death

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Shooting women and children in the face for Israel will twist your soul up pretty good.

modern warfare is more terrifying than any that came before


modern western civilian life is more comfortable and softer than it has ever been before

put the two together.

>killing innocents defending their homes
put the rest together

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Being upset,scared and disillusioned is a normal reaction in that situation. Going home and crying and loading your gun and killing your family and yourself isn't.

That was meant for

Dude I heard about how traumatic the meme war was, talk about some real war heroes

>long deployments
>no fucking reason to be there

Combine those two things and you'll want to blow your fucking brains out

>modern warfare is more terrifying

Yeah because lining up on a field and stabbing/bludgeoning each other to death was chill af


>my grandpa told me about how he used to have to drown kittens in the pond when there were too many cats around the farm when he was a kid. put them in a sack with rocks and leave it in the pond for 20 minutes or so.
Too bad your grandfather didn't get his piece of shit head blown off in ww2.

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Guerilla warfare is extremely effective when done properly. If you can create a state of fear in the enemies mind 24/7 you have won the war because they will never be able to envision victory and thus never achieve it. In long term conflicts morale is crucial to the effectiveness of your soldiers, not every soldier is rugged, hard and built for vigorous combat.This is something the NATO armies more so America is laughably shortsighted on. They put their soldiers through insane amounts of psychological stress, their logistics are garbage, and on top of it all the overall goal of the war was a blatantly manufactured lie. Couple those factors with being in terrain radically different from most NATO countries, IEDs everywhere and an enemy that can attack you when and wherever it wants to and you have some very long term psychological problems for the soldiers coming home. Soldiers should normally be able to recover from regular combat but guerilla warfare isn’t meant to break an armies physical effectiveness it’s meant to break its spirit and destroying soldiers psychological health is the best way to do that.

I am not condoning any post war violence of any kind like that, but if these traumatic events happen to you as a young man, let's say between the ages of 18-24, they're going to have a mark on your core beliefs and personality later on. Luckily they didn't scar me to act out or become violent for no reason, but everyone is different and reacts a different way.
Also, compared to some other folks, I didn't have it as bad, I am not sure how I would handle a 96 hour firefight with no CAS, little to no water and massive casualties.

The only PTSDs I got was some gonorrhea from a Korean mommasan. Luckily that one isn't for life.

What do people think happens when you go into combat?

Killing civilians for Israel fucks the white man up over time.

Some A10 pilot comes and saves your sorry ass whilst you cower under a bed?

If you drown kittens instead of giving them a quick death with a gun or knife or hammer you're not only a piece of shit but a LAZY piece of shit.
How much fucking work is it to off a dozen cats with a hard strike to the back of the head?

The government started paying gibs for PTSD so soldiers started claiming it. That's it. 90% disability is the magic number, because you get maximum gibs while still technically being allowed to work a normal job, so you get two checks. If you qualify for a disabled veteran plate you not only get good parking spots but you also don't have to pay tolls in many areas of the country. Hiring preferences, all sorts of benefits come with a disability rating.

Also, as others mentioned, many people get their personalities from modern media and pop culture, which tells them they need to cry and drink all the time after being exposed to violence.

Source? I'm an Army vet with two deployments to Afghanistan and one to Iraq. The saltiest soldiers, drunks and people with anger issues tried to blame their shitty personalities on PTSD, but really they were just shitty people or they didn't know how to manage their anger, stress or subsrance abuse issues. Only a handful of people I knew could claim they actually had PTSD, and they almost died or lost limbs as a result of trauma. I won't question their traumatic experience. Everyone else is a mooch or stupid asshole that tries to shift the blame off themselves and their stupid decisions and onto past experiences that qere hardly traumatic.

long periods of boredom with intense violence popping up anytime. rinse and repeat until nerves are shot. also, anything can be a bomb

>not organizing illegal late night kitten fights (with razor blades gaffer taped to paws) for money

Going into combat isn’t necessarily the main factor. The mind is just like the body it needs time to heal and R & R. Being away from home can be way more damaging to the psyche than any combat situation. The current model of 9 - 12 months tours is absolutely retarded in post modern war fare and shows you the true military intelligence of military leaders which is a joke. Overpaid generals who have never spent time as a NCO. As a Canadian for example being a first world country, coupled with the difference in environment between Canada and the Middle East I would say a 3-5 month MAX would be the most efficient for retaining a soldiers psychological health and building an efficient adaptability in them and that’s assuming the mission is achievable which in the case of Iraq and Afghanistan it was not achievable. NATO armies were used to destabilize the region to make it easy for israelis intelligence services to control those countries via proxy, there was never an attainable goal except terror and isolated hits on organized leadership on the part of NATO forces

Another interesting thing is that whether you are the aggressor or the recipient of aggression affects your response. Special forces guys have pretty low levels of ptsd, and we think it’s because they’re usually the ones who are instigating (I.e. they’re attacking, not being attacked) whereas GIs often Get randomly atttacked, mortared in vase, hit with IEDs, etc.

Pretty much, third worlders are used to seeing carnage and death; we're not.

PTSD has existed since man realized he could better kill fellow man with a big fuckin rock. It used to be called battle fstigue, shell shock, etc...

A lot of it has to do with brain damage. There's a much higher survival rate for soldiers hit by explosions now than during WW2.

>Being away from home can be way more damaging to the psyche than any combat situation
>Homesick is the new ptsd for leafs

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shut up faggot, thats who things were. My dad did it as well, sometimes you have to many cats. Sometimes cats learn how to unlock your doors at night, sometimes you have to kill lots of cats for knowing how to unlock your doors.

>Call of duty finest hour: Released Nov. 16, 2004

>U.S invasion of Afghanistan: Oct. 7, 2001
>Invasion of Iraq: March 20 2003

Really activates my almonds.

The real reason for it just like with Vietnam, was the fact that you didn't know who was your enemy half of the time. Children, women, civilians all participated. WW2 although a total meat grinder and the most horrific war humanity has caused bar none, you knew what your enemy looked like. You knew what to expect. Modern wars will rape your brain.

Funny coming from a Bong who can’t even control the streets of his own country. You think we have problems with radical Muslims in Canada? Hahaha, our prime minister maybe a faggot but we have miles of northern region for unmarked jihadi graves and the guns to do it. Can you say the same tough guy? Most soldiers are fighting for a paycheque fuckface, they don’t see themselves being in the Middle East for the rest of their lives and of course who the fuck would do that? That’s how I can tell you haven’t been in the military.

That would at least be less lazy, you edgelord faggot.

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Because they know their friends all died for kike wars, not for their own country like the jew cock sucking politicians told them.

because the soldiers that went over in WW2 were actually fighting for freedom

nowadays the people that go over realize they're just a puppet for the jews after they've killed a dozen kids and civilians

>Why did so many Veterans of Iraq/Afghanistan come back with PTSD?
>What the hell happened over there, man?

This might shock you but there was

a war

>You get really upset and your brain can't logic it out correctly,
Right, but then again, is because you are not used to it, in this case humans dying.
If you were used to living in a favela for instance, with kids robbing you everytime they can (and shooting, etc) you woudn`t feel anything.

>retarded leaf post
Most soldiers who went and fought WW2 were doing exactly what any soldier in history has done, fighting for a paycheque you absolute fucking retard. The soldiers in WW2 had all lived through the biggest financial depression in history, my grandfather grew up in a 7 child family eating potato skin soup for dinner then serving with the British 8th. Stop spouting your kike propaganda here faggot

my brother was in the Navy and he said you can't adequately describe what it is like to see how the people live there and what happens to them I think it is just a huge black pill also seeing how your fellow military people act etc. it basically jibes with the journal my second cousin kept in Vietnam

Coz once upon a time when you went to war you would be killing people who actually deserved it;
> tatar and turkic gang rapists who were coming for ur 9yo daughter,
> crazy-eyed religious faggots who wanted to burn your wife at the stake,
> wild tribes of Indians who wanted to tie you down in a desert and build a campfire on your body.
Who could possibly feel guilty about murdering such fags?

But these days good goy American patriotards raised on cringy bullshit like full metal jacket and jarhead think they're gonna be big heroes in uniform going off to war only to find themselves murdering women, children, and unemployed fathers building shitty IEDs to defend themselves.
It's gotta feel shitty to be murdering innocent people.
Hollywood calls it PTSD.
But there is a much more honest term for it: a guilty conscience.

>Can you say the same tough guy?
See pic
>That’s how I can tell you haven’t been in the military.
Wrong, you triggered fucking snowflake. I served when you were still a slimy stain in your daddy's pants.
Fucking leafs need a woman to hold their hand when they deploy. I swear...

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Shoot the parent in front of the kids, kids pick up the gun like parents trained them and you have to shoot the kids too.

Women being held in front of a man with a gun then miraculously being able to shoot the man without killing the woman hostage but it turns out she wasn’t a hostage she was his wife and now she’s got the klashnikov.

People raping each other in alleyways

Kids playing sports in a bombed street

People burning alive

People raping children

The whole place smells of shit due to animals all the time

Lack of hygiene

Lack of humanity

A group of people that have the idea that since you’re of a different religion you can stab them in the back and get applause

They didn’t snap cuz of the terror of it they snapped cuz of the fact that they are the antithesis of a civilization loosely held together by tyrannical rule of a bastardized religion

Well the piece that didn't sit right was, "why are we even here?" Every so often a general or some officer would talk about winning hearts and minds, and getting the local populous on our side, but they hated us worse than the guys shooting at us.
Then you see a kid screaming/crying for home or his dog or some shit and you just can't make sense of it. Yeah the mortars, direct fires didn't scare you a little bit, but it was more the math not adding up. But, back then we were still under the illusion that these piss ant farmers somehow had something to do with killing all those people on 9/11

Lol where was the last time the British served with any fucking merit at all? The fucking falklands?

>thats who things were
>My dad did it as well, sometimes you have to many cats.
Too bad he didn't get killed by rampaging niggers.
>Sometimes cats learn how to unlock your doors at night, sometimes you have to kill lots of cats for knowing how to unlock your doors.
pic is related

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PTSD = BOITBI = Blast Overpressure Induced Traumatic Brain Injury

TBI= neurological, psychological, autonomous and motorcortex issues that can lead to gazillion different chronic conditions ranging from psychosis to endochrine system malfunctioning and sudden death.

That's right, you little faggot.
Not everyone here is a pissant little teenager in mummy's basement.

You got a license for that edge?

Most of it is fostering the issue. They prescribe a cocktail of psychotropic drugs and, what I assume is the continuation of project monarch/mk ultra.

>burger coming to save weeping leaf
The meme's just write themselves.

>Why did so many Veterans of Iraq/Afghanistan come back with PTSD?
Too many millennials had to leave their safe space to do what they signed up for. Same thing happened in Vietnam except the hippie boomers were forced to leave their safe space.

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>fighting off gangsters
>finding cousin dead
>firebombing restaurant and shooting everyone
>returning to Baltimore

Are you sure you didn't hallucinate the Ukraine trip to cope with life in Baltimore?

Yo we herd you like trauma so we put trauma in your traumatized.

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the libs happened - the more they can get on ptsd shit the more they control the whole narrative and their protest power increases
when you need to call florida or norad for permission to shoot the fucking muzzie war enemy in front of you (thanks libturds you shitstained muzzie loving traitors), the mind immediately wonders if your side is against you

Hardly weeping just making a valid point that post modern soldiers shouldn’t be away from home for extended tours when fighting guerilla wars. Sorry the falkland combat conditions and the length of the conflict were a joke compared to middle eastern conflicts nice try though bong. Maybe you should make sure you can step outside your front door without being gutted in the middle of a street by a muzzie on camera before you go fighting wars for israel

Skinwalkers yo

U.S military doctrine abroad deprives troops of the typical psychological and physical rewards that smooth over the horrors of war; booze, pillage, and whores.

This is compounded by a "love thy enemy" approach wherein the U.S military has, on paper art least, deliberately refused to allow the open dehumanization of enemy populations, depriving troops of another key psychological defense mechanism.

>t. user with four deployments to Iraq and Afghanistan between 2007-2015

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>british """trolling"""

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It's not really a matter of leaving safe spaces like people think. It's just a matter of the type of attacks that happened. When you're fighting guerilla attacks, it's always an ambush when you think you're safe. This messes up your mental habits and you begin to think that nowhere is safe, even in your own home. PTSD develops far more easier in this kind of environment than traditional wars do.

>I meme'd your meme with meme's to make sure you meme'd my memetic meme's.
Isn't it time for your afternoon nap?

My grandma did the same things, but instead of cats they were puppies.

The true honour of NATO troops isn’t that they were fighting for (((freedom))) its that they were thrown into a bureaucratic nightmare of a conflict for israel, where they were expected to be super soldiers without any of the necessary psychological and even physical requirements that a soldier in the 21st century needs to properly operate. It was so blatant I’ve begun to question if it was done purposely.

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for a second there I thought I wrote this post

you know what you are talking about

>cats learn how to unlock your doors at night
your grandfather was retarded for installing such shitty and easy locks for cats to unlock. and cats are feral.


Should've just taken the kid gloves off and kill them all, if terrorists hide in civilian population you mow down the civilians too.

I can't remember where I read it, but the average infantry soldier in WWII spent 10 in combat per year.

Now, soldiers are in combat 200+ days a year.

Here's the true redpill about skyrocketing PTSD rates:
>PTSD = Gibs