Battlefield Vag just revealed their trailer and apparently women were on the front lines, people with prostetic limbs were on the front lines, nigger with braveheart face paint were more prevalent than whites, and swastikas aren't real. They are literally rewriting history.
Battlefield Vag just revealed their trailer and apparently women were on the front lines...
First battlefield I am actually gonna wait and see how it turns out. I am absolutely waiting till I see how the multiplayer is and what kind of people and weaponry you can choose.
>swastikas aren't real
What did they replace them with?
Christian cross
This shit will crash and burn hard. CoD, Battlefield, and Halo have all become SJW crap and they've lost a huge number of players over the last couple iterations of their shit tier recycled generic FPS shovelware.
Hurr, durr, we found evidence of one chick out of 40 million soldiers, and some dude had a prosthetic in Boston in 1942. You just don't know history.
t. apologetic leftist that won't shut the fuck up
That's just as offensive to modern liberals
Sauce on that claim
Pretty sure there pink-haired steampunk bulldykes on the front lines in Guadalcanal.
rip halo