Fucking this is gay

>fucking this is gay

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Having this on your computer is gay

Not even gonna hide my flag
w o u l d

>rain is wet

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Op is a gay in denial. So SAD!

I'd love to deep throat that cock and swallow that load.


damn shes got a nice cock :3


Its gay but hot

This guy is actually a commie, so top-right is entirely accurate here.

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>trap has a bigger dick than me

One-line one-posts are spam, every single time. There is no intelligent case that cam be made about the modern political situation with one sourceless contextless line.

wtf I'm gay now

Can i download this?


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your Identity has been added to the small penis registry
Thank you and have a nice day

you are correct. it's gay.

Now I'm gay. FFS.

i don't understand how that thing has hips like that

if gay then who was boner?

Are you me?

Hispanics have (on average) bigger dicks than everyone including Africans.

wtf im gay now

Yes, it is, if you think otherwise, you are part of the problem.

Fucking disgusting degenerate shit. Link me to the original so I can report it.


Why even post, faggot?

Fucking that isn’t gay because I am a female.

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>tfw you will never have his cute uncut cock in your ass because you're a fat white guy who's hairy as hell

white genocide is real

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Sourc? I love breaking twinks.

you got to it before i could

>I love dick!
Yes, you're gay

say that here

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knowing what it is is gay

Are you me?

took me a sec

It's all the onions in the water, who do we blame?

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I think he just hates pulled pork

My peepee is hard. What do?

N-no, pls don't

ur gay now user. Jow Forums will do that to you.

>tfw no nice butt big dick gf

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Is it straight if I'm really drunk?

This thread again?

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eww wtf is wrong with you losers, that's just some spic, how desperate, how sad.

Seriously, if you want to fuck a tranny you're garbage-tier in terms of taste and class, you can't claim to be better than even a nigger if you fuck trannies, that's not even up for question since any sane person would agree. So basically, you're left desecrating yourself if you're that delusional as to want to put your dick up some mexican guy's butthole because he's in a wig and some lacy shorts. hahahahah what are you stupid? a bonobo? European men are nothing but scumbags now, go fuck your monkey, it'll give you the AIDS you already infected your mind with

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Super gay.
Whyd you post it?

Immigrant and spic ass belongs to far-right men. It's not gay if they are made into women. It's more gay to bottom to a woman (licking pussy) than topping a sissy faggot. Even the ancient Romans knew this.

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Every trap I see has a considerably larger dick than me, wtf bros

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i don't want to but i agree with this.
to be honest all the wogs are half gay anyway, raping them is a language they understand.

is dis Jow Forums?

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You call that a passing trap? How low are your fucking standards?

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Nigga this super gay. That being said im super into it. I dont give a fuck if its gay its hot.

What are you trying to accomplish here?

>it's still up

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You seen those Brazilian trannies? Legit swinging 9 inches around. All of them.

pls don't remind me...

>fucking this is gay
Then why do you keep posting it?
>I'm fucking gay
OP, everybody.

That's a big clit

Yeah. That's a guy