The spanish unionists want to keep the nation of Catalonia as a part of their joke of state, Catalonia is a nation that has pure european culture, and the nowadays Spain is half muslim half jewish.
Those who want Catalonia to not be independent are trying to wipe the last bastion of white culture on the iberian peninsula
Nobody cares. You Catalans have been spoiled by Spanish media and think that anyone in the World finds your bratty shit engaging. Well, they don't. Go back to watch tv3 you vocational victim.
Thomas Morales
Liam White
I’ve seen a lot of you cats be openly communist so I don’t really care
Gabriel Ortiz
dont care about what? because that's the thing, no one actually did anything wrong to them, its all a fucking meme
i wish the spanish govt just accuses puigdemont of sexual abuse and ends this bullshit at once, since thats how the world works when it comes to it
Parker Thompson
From what I’ve seen >Spain government j vests heavily in Catalonia >Catalonia complains about something??? >wants independence because they feel like the rest of Spain is holding them back after Spain invests heavily???
It’s like New York wanting independence from rural America
Liam Allen
basically this
Jayden Thomas
Nathaniel Jenkins
y so butthurt, hermano?
Michael Collins
Why that one catalonian is pretening that catalonia is a white region when we all know that it's full of marxist?
John Morgan
falling for 0ne post by this id
bots or retarded?
John Morales
>1 post by this ID
Carter Johnson
No faggot, Spain is anything but jewish or muslim by either central european or american standards. Iberian nations were funded out of a christian crusade, almost all muslims were kicked and later many jews were burned with only a few converting by force. Fuck off!
Nathan Myers
For me it's more like a cultural issue, there in United States you don't have too much historical background
Josiah Long
You portuguese cucks are the same, don't dare to talk to me you son of a muslim
That we have some marxist is a problem yeah, but they have a wrong ideology, not a wrong race nor culture, don't compare ideology when it comes to a cultural problem idjit
Adam Cooper
Cause latino muslim/jews are trying to say that a white nation is part of them
Anthony Cooper
Go back to your Alhambra mosque you basedboy
Colton Russell
Thats not so a big problem, we'll wipe the communists, there is a majority of the right-wing here some of the "communists" are actually nationalist supremacists so dont worry at all, my american friend
Jeremiah James
It's a serious issue, you asian
Caleb Long
i have to agree with this. children and chinks should shut up when people talks about a serious matter
enjoy 155
Christopher Hughes
155 is over with Quim Torra my boy, a true fascist and not a liberal and zionist cuck like Puigdemont
Jaxon Williams
I cringed hard with this
Jaxon Reed
I had a catalonian gf. Most independentist catalonians are basically immigrant andalusians LARPing as original catalonians and demanding independence. You faggots are so delusional, but the women have amazing tits I've got to admit
David Jones
ehmmm actually the govt said they're not lifting it until he FULLY gives in to Madrid's demands, which is a huge power play, but I'm ok with that
Blake Smith
catalan chicks are hot desu thats for sure, i wish i was a cop and had been deployed to the referendum thing, i'd have unironically raped a few
You must be son of black slaves to support the half muslims spaniards you stipid southern
Michael Torres
To defend my nation and my culture, something that, as I see, here it's not a valuable thing
Oliver Lewis
Are there any bisexual far-right handsome Catalans?
Leo Lopez
España Unida, catalan marica.
Jace Hernandez
I guess, maybe, thats a weird question tho
Nolan Sanders
>Catalonia is a nation that has pure european culture, and the nowadays Spain is half muslim half jewish
Catalonia is the part of Spain with most muslims retard Fuck you jordi
Alexander Diaz
A free Catalonia would immediately ruin itself with open borders (which is why Soros supports it). Secession rights are still in everyone's interest though. Spain needs to let the tumour cut itself off.
Bentley Morgan
Ok, so Spain gets the communists to voluntarily segregate themselves out of it's electorate. Win win.
Isaiah Clark
Catalonia was part of the Carolingian empire, learn some history you retarded
Tyler Parker
why does the OP flag have a carlist cross if he isn't a unionist?
Noah Carter
The same open border as Spain have, the same as EU, that's something to fix as Catalonia or as a part of Spain, y'know?
Alexander Price
First this: Secondly, you were always the anti-monarchy, anarchist, commie retards so fuck you. Una, grande y libre.
David Lee
I't's the cross of the burgundy dynasty, who ruled in Aragon as well
Also France was, and now they're almost officialy fascists, also Learn to shut the fuck up
Hunter Cook
>it's another WE WUZ episode Nothing to see here, move along boys.
Jayden Morgan
That's prevarication, look at this:
Lucas Young
Do you know where to look? I want a nice young fuck buddy of Catalan origin. How do you single out ethnic nationalist types in your indy movement? Spain already has open wide borders
Dylan Russell
Absolutely BASED Puerto Rico.
Colton Thompson
look the MOOR and ISLAMIST politician that Torra choose for his government.
I really don't know, very sorry, but I'm sure you'll find out how
I can differenciate them by the blue 'estelades', they're usually supremacists, the ones who use the red one are marxists ones, be careful
Jayden Miller
You latin trash shut the fuck up
Wyatt Jones
Do they have a website? Pictures maybe?
Nolan Ortiz
errejon looks like a small child
Ethan Reyes
You have seen wrong. Catalonia is basically the cashcow of Spain. Catalonia has 16% of Spain's population, 19% of GDP and gets only 13,3% of investment. Stop believing dumb memes, burgerfriend.
Julian Bell
Lol someone is mad
Nolan Perry
D'you know that Torra's decisions are limited by the muslim central government, right?
Bentley Perry
I'm sure you can find some on Twitter
Ryan Bailey
>bots or retarded? Unlikely to be shills or bots considering how assbackwards the spanish govt is in matters of communication, and that it's almost 2am here.
Lincoln Turner
I don't allow latin persons to talk to me
Jose Powell
711 again. Sage
Angel Evans
are you the spain user that was posting ''spain is the most communist country in the world'' with a pic about spain and their hyper liberal views/attitudes?
Wyatt Anderson
No way Joseph
Carter Murphy
I feel that Catalonia should be independent if they really feel that they are that different from Spain, but I would miss el clasico.
Levi Perez
Well, maybe States wouldn't affect football since one thing is politics and the other is entertainment
Austin Young
Catalan marica, hay mas musulmanes en cataluña que en el medio oriente, ademas de eso los que quieren la independencia son todos un monton de perros comunistas vende patria que estarian mas que felices de dejar morir a su propia gente de hambre. Eso, si es que logran ser comunistans y no el otro califato de los musulmanes puercos, hazle un favor a España y guindate por las bolas.
Ayden Cooper
Not that user, but it's true. Not just because of hyper liberal faggotry, but Spain is also the most overregulated country in Europe. You can't do SHIT without first having to spend thousands of euros on permits and bureaucracy. That's why there's a shitload of unemployment, because people can't just go to work in trades (like plumbing, electricians, whatever). You have to pay around 300 euros a month just to be allowed to legally work, regardless of whether or not you even make money. And when you do make some money, you pay 21% tax on it first. The whole system is designed to keep unemployment high, make entrepreneurship impossible for poor people, and this forcing workers to be wageslaves to big business, earning peanuts. Spain is a country made by criminals for criminals. Like, people who denounce corruption are often sentenced for some bullshit (like insulting someone's honor or privacy or whatever) before the corrupt politician or public official is sentenced. There's literally some cases where the father of murdered kids has been sentenced for shit like that while the murderer has been left free over technicalities.
Alexander Wilson
STFU Cucurull >We wuz world rulers and sheit
Jonathan Long
Did I allowed to talk to me, you should die non-white scumbag
Yo onions brasileño, e yo gosta de Barcelona porque Neymar jogou ali. Que teme tu gusta. Did I say that right. I know y’all speak Spanish and Catalan, but I don’t know any Catalan and Spanish is hard cause Portuguese and Spanish have different rules and stuff.
Isaac Powell
that's ok, just don't steal their cellphones
Daniel Thomas
*onions not onions
Andrew Jackson
I dunno, that's like some gallician or portuguese shit
Benjamin Smith
Nationalism is a leftist ideology and nation states were a mistake.
Actually I'm a serb based in Catalonia. I used to feel some simpathy for catalan independence long ago. Things like ANC, SJW movements, lies, and constant victimism, made me change my opinion. Grow some balls, get rid of that fucking commies, and maybe you collect some supports again. You're ruining your own beloved "country". Think about it.
Ayden Hall
It says “conservative”, “populist”, “Spanish unionist”, “euroskeptic”. Like based minorities type of shit, and not a proper nationalist organisation
Another classic are squatters, people breaking into empty houses to live there: If you have squatters in your property, the judicial process to have them thrown out can take several years until the police can break in to remove them. And if you cut off their water or power they can literally sue YOU. I SHIT YOU NOT!
Brayden Torres
White nationalism is leftist, is your brain working you gypsy?
Alexander Morgan
Stop trying to splinter historical european territories you separationist snowflake.
Nolan Wilson
I'm really not part of any organization, we're spread on the right-wing nationalist parties
Nicholas Butler
I know, I try to wipe that leftist thinking out, thanks for the support I guess
Colton Richardson
>Ethnicist nationalist is the right thing to do >Trying to make a white nation is from "separattionists snowflakes" Fuck off retard
Christopher Perry
No problem. IMO people are pretty tired of leftism and cuckoldry, and of course, of that stupid performances like planting yellow crosses on beaches. That's plain stupid and don't help your cause.
Nolan Davis
Fuck off, i traveled thru catalonia, flooded with pakis and chinks.
Muh white heritage. Eat shit moro. Adeu.
Nathaniel Hall
Did I allow latin scumbags to my thread? I think not
Samuel Torres
>region is prosperous >vermin appear to leech off it >region is poor >noone goes there to leech pottery
Jackson Miller
>Catalonia is a nation that has pure european culture
Catalonians are virgin fags.You're not even a nationalist movement, you're pro-European Union and globalism. No one will ever take you seriously unless you guys became right-wing.
Nathan King
I’m sorry is my meme flag more pleasing to you now you fucking catalonian crybaby?
Why do all spanish """""""""naitonalists""""""""" end up plundering their supposed homeland? I guess stealing from someone is the spanish way of showing affection.
Grayson Edwards
holy shit, this is why no one likes the catalonian independence movement lolol fucking virgin commies.