How salty are people over this news?
What a faggot. Blacks taking a knee is a deliberate anti-white/anti-American gesture. It's not comparable to simply looking away or whatever.
Flag worship is retarded in a country as pozzed as this one. Just for different reasons than the niggers think.
Spoken like the backward retard you are. Go beat off in your MAGA hat.
>t. kike faggot
Fuck you, nigger. Your time is running short.
what's funny is that Trump didn't attack the NFL he literally helped out his billionaire friends by starting the anthem scandal to completely mask another one. the NFL learned the tactic well with deflategate and then dragging out the brady affair
>when's the last time you heard anyone mention the NFL concussion scandal
I don't watch football because I've never found the sport to be interesting. However, as an avid MLB fan, every time I'm at a stadium and the anthem plays, the vast majority of fans stop what they're doing and look at the nearest flag - including those buying concessions. It's already done and people like it, it's like religion - being part of something greater than yourself. It's the human experience, and anti-nationalist scum such as this faggot kike deserve copper implants.
I like his first name