Other urls found in this thread:
Have the family decided on where to spread his crumbs?
Fuck this faggot. The world is a slightly better place without him. Now let Bob Chipman die in an Antifaggot rally and the world will he a considerably better place.
Dico stercore, pario taliones
Into a trash bin hopefully
Damn wtf. I asked why he hasnt died yet a few hours ago in response to a tweet of his without realizing he was actually dead. Now i feel kind of bad, am i a cuck?
this was pretty recent but already a classic
>caring about this smug britbongistani
Now when gabe takes exit, the world will end.
But F.
RIP, this man has reached and influenced more people than you ever will. His name will live in in history, will yours?
History is a jewish construct, flaggot
>His name will live in in history
lol I forgot about this faggot before he even died
He's a big guy
Looks like TB took his own advice
I actually had to call the old lady to tell her he was dead. She bought me a cheesecake to celebrate
>edgy redditors trying to fit in
>Industry shills
>Buttblasted gamergate faggots
>Normal human beings lamenting the loss of a loud pro-consumer voice in the industry
I saw TotalBiscuit at a grocery store in London a while back. I told him how cool it was to meet him in person, but I didn’t want to be a douche and bother him and ask him for photos or anything. He said, “Oh, like you’re doing now?” I was taken aback, and all I could say was “Huh?” but he kept cutting me off and going “huh? huh? huh?” and closing his hand shut in front of my face. I walked away and continued with my shopping, and I heard him chuckle as I walked off. When I came to pay for my stuff up front I saw him trying to walk out the doors with like fifteen Milky Ways in his hands without paying. The girl at the counter was very nice about it and professional, and was like “Sir, you need to pay for those first.” At first he kept pretending to be tired and not hear her, but eventually turned back around and brought them to the counter. When she took one of the bars and started scanning it multiple times, he stopped her and told her to scan them each individually “to prevent any electrical infetterence,” and then turned around and winked at me. I don’t even think that’s a word. After she scanned each bar and put them in a bag and started to say the price, he kept interrupting her by yawning really loudly.
boy, how many times have you reposted that everywhere?
what industry? the "entertaining learning disabled 13 year olds on youtube" industry? truly the world has lost a great visionary
He was born in 1984? Fuck I feel old
Trump curse strikes again
>tout the benefits of socialized medicine
>get cancer
>go to USA
>die anyway
If you're rich like he was, it's the best healthcare system in the entire world.
>>Normal human beings lamenting the loss of a loud pro-consumer voice in the industry
(((consumer))) choice
That sucks man. Rest in peace.
Didn't know he had died.
No. Nothing cucked about respect for the dead.
yeah fuck this dude
Who is this for people who don't follow e-celebs
some sjw beedy eyed anglo kike who talked about video games or some shit
>video games
How old are you?
Quick rundown? Did somebody actually die or is this just memeing.
Steve Jobs also died of the same cancer. It is a special type of cancer that only faggots get, but for some reason the media omitted that detail.
i liked him from starcraft 2 commentary
don't really care about his politics. was a good caster and part of my college years. so rip. plus i'll prolly die young from cancer too so, relatable
Why should I care about him?
john bain known as total biscuit, i.e useless videogame (((reviewer))) died at the age of 33 due to bowel cancer, great news.
>when your friends are all upset about it and you're quietly laughing on the side
Never heard of the guy. Was he liberal or conservative?
Jim-I'm being cucked by a 1/10 trans-Sterling is a bigger fucking pro-consumer voice than Total Biscuit.
Q predicted this
Again, who is this and why should we care? Seems like some sort of pseudo-intellectual e-celeb jackass.
>His name will live in in history,
No one will remember him in a generation.
He shouldn’t have pegged himself relentlessly and had faggot sex
Forbidden insult.
retarded liberal faggot
and that's his wifes statement after their usual pegging session:
Was pro-consumer and generally the voice of reason when it came to gaming related shit, also sided with that gamergate thing about calling out journalists shilling games
Then he got cancer and started being vocal about politics and came out as a liberal
tl;dr great guy when it came to games, idiot when it came to politics
Also, he was british, so his political opinion about america was expected desu
Literally one of the most Reddit people in existence. Also a friendly reminder this guy was extremely anti trump and had a meltdown live on his stream after the election.
Typical classical liberal britbong scum.
>bitches about America
>bitches about greedy capitalists
>knocks up a fat American redneck
>gets green card
>moves to America full time
>makes a ton of money
>continues to bitch about America
>continues to bitch about capitalists
He's like Jim sterling without the giant dildos: a parisitic ameriboo that latched onto a low effort land whale to complain about the opportunities in life that allowed him to survive at all, under the pretense that it was all somehow for the "greater good of x" more Canadian than Canadian.
Also: couldn't code and fucking sucked at vidya
so if he died, then who posted that?
i enjoyed his wow content back in the day
may ODIN take you to VALHALLA WARRIOR!!!!!!!!!!
>The three websites he shat on the most are the ones milking his death for views
He posted it in 2011
She voted for Trump?
How is this guy dead but McCain isn't?
Fucking twitter comments are hilarious
seems so.
Mccain wasn't pegged as hard.
he was an insufferable cunt
She was born and raised in West Virginia, hope that answers your question
Don't feel bad user, I'm a year older than you at 49 lel
Dude looks our age, not 33. Must be all the cocks he's taken.
i barely remember who he is
i only remember him being somewhat involved in gg
>how dare you not let my wife into the country
Who was his wife?
I was told she voted for Gary.
You're right
Seems like she just agreed that Trump wasn't shit and Totalbiscuit did what liberals do, attacked her for supporting literally Hitler
Context is too long to write down
tl;dr He is in UK and wants to visit his wife in USA but gets denied, people see it as a way for quick lulz and roast him about it, he does the "get cancer and die" bit
Then the same happened when he tried to bring her to the UK, immigration stuff on both ends
He married her back in 2007
makes it even worse that totalcasket attacked her like that then, dude was full blown cancer.
>That replaced quote
I remember seeing that explained in this video here.
>it's the best healthcare system in the entire world
Obviously not, he fucking died.
Rip. Politics aside he was a decent game reviewer.
Whining about UNITY ENGINE GAMES not having enough boxes to click in the options menu does not make a good reviewer.
it'a not magic, you idiot.
Pic related most appropriate.
What are your thoughts on the matter?
Is this some new copypasta or are you actually saying this really happened? :|
RIP Freddie Mercury
Based Gayman ;_;