>high IQ
>net taxpayers
they should be voting with us. white-yellow alliance when?
>high IQ
>net taxpayers
they should be voting with us. white-yellow alliance when?
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Agitate racial tensions between them and other nonwhites. It's the only nonviolent way of keeping power
Mongol milker thread!
why would Op post a very sexual look asian to may his case...
What are you, 60 years old?
They are too busy gambling away their retirement funds at casinos
May I remind you that Jews:
>high IQ
>more taxpayers than gibs seekers
And they vote against us harder than anyone else does
Asians don't vote for Trump or the right because they see all the uneducated stupid white trash that supports the right and they totally don't identify with them. Also many of the right are religious nutcases and asians don't follow that bullshit either.