Rank these from most to least dangerous to civilization

>African immigration
>Muslims (people)
>Islam (religion)
>Jews (people)
>Judaism (Religion)
>Pop culture
>White liberals
>Female vote

Attached: 0si8uos1t34orpo1_500.jpg (500x375, 43K)

Is there a name for these types of pictures or some place I can find more of them? Asking for scientific purposes of course.

Most dangerous
>African immigration
>Judaism (Religion)
>Islam (religion)
>Muslims (people)
>Jews (people)
>Pop culture
>White liberals
>Female vote
Least dangerous

Without it, none of the Marxist shit every happens, white birth rates stay up and all the immigrant ones never happen, and none of the Islam related shit ever happens. Just hang a few atheists a year, a small price to pay.

>i fucking love cocaine

but i dont like any of that

I seriously need more pictures like OP's someone pls halp

the female vote causes the rest of these things to be problem in democracies, therefore it is the most dangerous.

yeah dude it's a clothed picture of a child you should be ashamed of yourself. facebook, youtube, and image hosting sites are good resources on that.

I don't really care about Russia and Atheism/Debt can both be alright if used sparingly.

The rest is cancer, particularly Democracy because by virtue of superior numbers the weak and parasitic will subjugate the strong and productive.