Well 4chins? Explain yourselves. Why should the mother suffer?

Well 4chins? Explain yourselves. Why should the mother suffer?

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Can't she just drive to the next state?

Texas keeping babies without heads alive is weird. abort that

Sluts and whores always argue that their unwanted pregnancy and much needed abortion is due to medical reasons. They should have to prove this in courts or just get themselves sterilized so they can be the whore they always dreamed of.

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Suffer for her sins as Christ intended, and we need to dox this lawbreaker and make sure she's imprisoned for the maximum, and for anything else we can find. She's clearly unamerican.

Can you do a TL:TR??, I aint reading this shit at 4 am, fuck me

Texas slut got a no-brain baby inside her, demands the right to murder an innocent child with a full life ahead of it. Fuck this traitor to America.

>Can't she just drive to the next state?

>having kids in 2018
When the fuck will you learn?

It has a head. Just not a fully developed brain. It can grow up to be a libcuck paper pusher.

Well, you half arab mongrels in Iberia certainly shouldn't be.

>prove it in court
The child would be stillbirth since a year by then, are you retarded?
Anyways this shit is fucked, I don't want a potato baby and neither does anyone else who still got all their marbles together, if some cunts want to virtue signal with their retarded babies that won't survive to speak their first words that's on them. It's not ok to push it on other people. Those people pay for the health insurance, so let the damn insurance insure their health.

Christ wants all babies to be born, heathen idolater. Die in the fires. The muslims invading your continent are your fate for even considering women as worthy of rights.

Handmaid's Tale is the story of an insolent breeding stock who should be beaten daily, for ruining a perfect world.

Suffer indeed. She's just throwing a tantrum because

a) she'll spend the next five months looking like a hippo

b) her husband will soon find out that the brainless wonder she just gave birth to was obviously sired by a nigger.

When men want nice things, they pay for them. What's her excuse?

Woman is the Jew Hitler warned you about.

I have a cousin that has lived a full life with a major birth defect. Yes she has the mind of a child but can still function just fine. She even has a job washing dishes at a facility that houses people with mental disabilities. Abortion is the taking of a life without consent with intent. What other word has that same definition ?

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Insurance companies get subsidies, Texans don't want any public money going to baby murder. All she has to do is drive to the nearest abortion clinic and pay $400-500 and you're in and out in a couple hours.

two wrongs don't make a right, low probability isn't a no

Look into this beautiful white child's eyes and tell me you'd abort him.

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and of course, life is precious, even the slim possibility

what a whiny cunt, I h ope she kills herself

>durr we need to keep all the retard babies around like muh jesus would've wanted

That gets expensive to be a female prostitute. Guess sterilization would be the cheapest healthcare choice a slut could ever make. I say we should make sterilization free and taxpayer funded.

I also know people with disabled children. They're fucking miserable most of the time. Not the children, they don't give a fuck. How would they, as you said, they have the mind of a child. The parents however basically drop out from society and stop being productive members, instead channeling all their energy into their child, until they die. It's just not worth it, easier to kill it before it can feel too much and either leave it at that or have another go at it.

You are full of shit. I have worked a NICU ward and yes parents as miserable as the are in that time are also not wanting death for their child. It is you that is too weak and have no faith in yourself or GOD

She should be crucified for typing all that shit and not using proper format. Where are the paragraph breaks? It's so clusterfucked I can't tell when a sentence ends and the next begins.

Yeah okay Shlomo, show me your swastika tattoo and tell me how we should gas everyone

Am I the only one who read this whiny cunt's blogpost and my first reaction was
>I wonder how old she is? :^)
If she's 35 or older (and she probably is, because all whiny liberal women who use reddit usually wait until they're 45 to have children), then the risk for birth defects skyrockets.

If she's 35 or older then the fault lies squarely with her for not "womaning up" and having kids sooner.

She shouldn't. The only perspective that this is morally wrong from is one of religion. And religion should not affect government. She should be able to terminate the pregnancy and have her insurance help to make sure that she remains healthy through something that is difficult emotionally and physically.
Also I don't know why some of you are calling her a slut or whore when this was clearly a planned pregnancy with a long term partner.

>I have worked a NICU ward
>NICU ward

Proof you're a liar. NICU is NICU, in a maternity ward. It's not a ward in itself, you mouth breathing imbecile.

Just go back to your first slut shaming post and stop trying to sound smart. you're not.

I'm wondering how old this Kenny Rogers' Roaster is and if she's only conceived a waterhead baby because she waited until she was 38 to have kids.

>Also I don't know why some of you are calling her a slut or whore
Did she have sex? Then slut. She got a marriage out of it? Then whore.

she must suffer.

>arguing with holes

>the mom also has a "heart condition" called "wolf parkinson's white"
>says she knows full well this condition would cause her to go into v-fib during the delivery
still say its her fault. She chose to breed knowing she's physically unfit. Fucking typical reddit-using woman.

I installed and maintain Hill-Rom navi care systems for medical facilities. These systems are integral in NICU ward. There are no normal children in any NICU wards. Just grieving hopeful parents and families. Go back to sucking dicks and get yourself sterilized you slut. No man wants a slut to mother a child.

>giving birth to a literal brainlet
Sounds like that's your problem, lady

The law doesn't permit abortion if it's medically serious? Doesn't sound right to me.
I'm against fashion abortion and flagrant hedonistic abortion but if the child or mother has a serious problem that would cause the baby or mother to not be able to be healthy then abortion should be a legal option otherwise you're basically sentencing one or both individuals to death, and where's the sense in that?

Even if you're prolife, if the baby has no neocortex they're not human and it's pretty cruel to have to give birth to a mindless "could have been"

But if this was a big personal deal to her and not just political grandstanding she could take the time to drive or fly a few hours out of state to get it done. The fact she doesn't suggests to me an ulterior motive.

Also making law based on Extraordinary circumstances makes for bad law

Deformity is an exception


No man wants a retarded kid either. Your parents must have been pretty disappointed they got you.

Sluts just do not want to be put on trail to prove they have an actual problem or just a mental illness and bottomless pussy.

>outcomes are 98% positive after 24 weeks
Choose two. It’s stressful, but not terminal.

Wide dis bitchez puzzy eat da babeez hed?

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Selfish cunt should just give birth to it, stick a pumpkin on it's head and set up a blog / patreon celebrating 'pumpkinbaby' and then sell the rights to Netflix.

Bitch could live like a queen the rest of her life and have enough money to buy some decent grade-A Chad sperm ....

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>NICU ward
still saying NICU ward


Pushing a bed into hospital rooms makes you a delivery boy for Hil-Rom, not a hospital worker.

She wants other people to pay for her genetic inferiority.

real men or your men?

literally still human, not a different species.

you idiot.

these are definitely tough choices. im unironically a centrist on this issue. every time i hear the other sides argument i can really see it :/

wat do?

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Is she legally allowed to have it if she has insurance cover it?
I don't recall abortion being covered by taxes.


Are you just shitposting to get people to post those webms of those sad fuck parents playing with there vegetable gremlin children or do you legitimately believe we should have people giving birth to children who would require welfare to support their entire lives because they literally do not have a brain in their head?

They are because infidels and libcucks ruin America's Christian truth.

She can do it, that's not the problem. Her insurance is prohibited by law to pay for it, which is pretty stupid because it is medically necessary to have the thing removed if it will literally die 100% after it's born. It's not even a human at that point. But the insurance can't pay.

What portion of our taxes went to it and what legislation covered it?

Call it what you want but your straw argument of infant critical care not being a completely different area than maternity is your flaw and ignorance not mine. Neo-natal intensive care units are separate in first world hospitals with navi care systems that monitor asstes and liabilitie as well as lock down areas of that floor to ensure a child is not kidnapped by the crack whore mother which happens to be like any other slut wanting abortion.

No, I think the government should make htem give birth to the child, end of story. We need to destroy communist systems like medicare, medicaid, welfare, SNAP, and Free lunches.

When everyone can only count on Jesus and themselves, America is strong. All the weak will die or be killed. It's simple evolution, or do you not actually believe in it, except to justify libcuck race theories?

>if I'm not getting laid I'll make it as punishing as possible for others if they do
>Jow Forums

sorry, transposed insurance and taxes. Insurance covers it. Hyde Amendment prevents taxes and gov't spending directly from covering it.


without the freaks, who would we all laugh at?

think of the children

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Christianity is pretty cuckoldy if you ask me. I'm not the one worshiping a Semite.

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If wife threatened to kill herself while carrying my baby, I'd tie her somewhere and force feed her, wait until she gave birth then killed her myself.

>asstes and liabilitie
well, I don't have to argue with the illiterate.

Hardly anyone feels that there shouldn't be an option to "abort" miscarriages like this, or in cases where the choice is the baby dying or the mother and the baby dying. The left has done a very good job of propogating this strawman though, and the right hasn't been good at messaging or even having a coherent position. To the point where a small but significant number of retards ON THE RIGHT thought that the leftist strawman was real. So now niggers and thots can kill their children with increasing impunity because both sides were living in two different worlds.

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We'd bring back clowns.

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>what is protection

He was cleansed of that in Resurrection, made whole and clean, duh.

Is that what he told you

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no but even as an illiterate you cannot disprove that I am right or that you can create a debatable point as to why murder should be legal.

Abortions cost $400. That's not backbreaking. If your case is this circumstance there's a decent argument for an abortion to be medically necessary and done by a doctor to be billed later.

I don't buy this stupid shit and you shouldn't either. It's fake news.

>everything would be perfect if everyone just agreed with me on everything


Literally nothing is wrong with suffering, OP

Same, my issue is that regardless of what she/the state says, i'm pretty sure it's impossible for any state to block an abortion if it's a guaranteed stillbirth or worse. I also fail to see why she can't just go to a different hospital; either a private one that takes the insurance or a state hosp./clinic out of Texas.

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If we argue that aborting retarded babies is better for society because you cannot find them useful and should be publicly funded. Then should we also argue that genius children cause problems in society? How about short people? What about very tall people? You dumb fucks that argue pro- abortion should be genetically tested and and certain trait identifiers be used to determine that you should be aborted to improve society.

You don't understand the law - in Texas, it is illegal for her insurance company to cover abortion, full stop. Texas understand that Jesus needs some people to suffer for their sins.

Any fucker that argues publicly funded abortion strips the rights of women away are too dumb to realize that I have the right to not pay for abortions through any means.

I got an idea. Lets add abortion to the list of checkboxes you are willing for the IRS to deduct money for you to fund. Problem fucking solved with no arguments needed.

Define "full stop". Also confused if the baby lacks a head isn't it already dead and the procedure is not technically an abortion? I also don't see why doesn't she just get the procedure done in Oaklahoma or another neighboring state where it would be covered.

Duh. Under Texas law, insurance plans cannot cover abortions, for any reason, including risk to the mother. They cannot ban abortion in cases of threat to mother ,but they can ban making people who object to abortion have to see their money pooled into funds that do pay for it. and read the fucking article, that child's alive and healthy, moving and kicking. She's lying about almost everything - obviously if it's moving it's healthy and will live a full life.

Playing devils advocate here, but these abortions would only apply to those who cannot sustain themselves or others throughout their entire life. They technically are incapable of providing anything useful to society and requires society to completely service their needs.

This is a Christian Nation. The baby must be born, the parents must solely suffer the burden of its existence. Anything else is theft.

See we are creating jobs at the same time.

This is one of the few situations where I'm okay with abortion. There's no reason to go through it when the baby is completely non-viable.

do negroes count as viable?

Animals have no rights.

Of course not.

Maybe the defective baby AND the mother should be killed. That way the all defective gene material is effectively dealt with. Throw in the father that also could have provided shitty genes that produced a non-viable baby and maybe that would be the best.

Where does the government get off telling insurance companies what they can and can't insure?

I agree.
taxpayer subsities

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>> not having children in 2018
>When the fuck will you learn?

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Ancelaphy doesn't sound like that baby is going to live a long and healthy life. She could be lying but I doubt that. It is a tad strange that Texas would block insurance for an abortion if they can clinically prove the baby will die regardless.

>insurance companies
Wouldn't they just use it get 1 more person added to the bill?

What do you mean by "anything else is theft"?

This is a law that protects liability insurers from a doctors greed or mistake. It really protects both side by saying no let nature work its course.

Technically, but those people need to be paid which means that we're essentially paying for money that never returns as a benefit to us as a society.

Ancelaphy babies usually only live a few years, with support. There's no hope for them at all.

IT'S 2018 DUDE

Ireland votes tomorrow on legalising abortion. The Yes side wants to murder unborn babies. The No side needs meme energy to win, polls are stacked against. Pray with us anons.

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Does every single company get subsidies? Is there a choice to decline them?

I don't know what you are saying.