She's right you know

Attached: 1527214973566.png (1420x1215, 245K)

Other urls found in this thread:

ring, ring, ring
>hello, this is pajeet
>i'm not pajeet, wrong number
>no, this is pajeet
>im hanging up

He never said "the free market solves everything," he was sucking at the government teat.

And that's a good thing!

it's beautiful

>private watchdog organization isn't consistent with capitalism

>made-up quotes
>complains about being called a liar
Elon is a genius.

(((they're))) afraid

The lack of self-awareness with these Lugenpresse kikes is unbelievable. They just straight up lie and make up shit all the time like this and then wonder why people don't think they're the Good Guys. I would rather lynch 90% of the "journalists" in this country before the kikes and niggers desu senpai

Attached: 1481998699135.png (316x261, 197K)

And this is a good thing.

>Calls out media and its army of bugmen for pegging any dissent as a nazi
>Media and army of bugmen call him a nazi

Fascism is not incompatible with trade unions but when has any whining lefty ever been informed on fascism?

Literally nothing that thing posted contradicts anything that thing quoted.

Attached: Pizzagate2.jpg (533x558, 74K)

I’m really fucking sick of the misuse of the word fascism.


Which states are you Americans from?

did she mean evolve?

If you're not a goddamned fascist by now then god help you.

Journokikes get so butthurt when you show the slightest bit of criticism.

It's incredible how fast the left turns on you for thoughtcrime

Pretty smart of Elon to choose this drooling retard as the voice of his primary opposition. Really amazing. They're taking the bait

Uhmmmm sweetie hitler said bad things about journalists.... THIS IS FASCISM

Except the quotes are fake.


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Meaningless liberal twaddle.

Musk to revive the V2 program.

No he wasn’t. At all. He took a loan like millions of businesses. And paid it back 7 years early.

>economic theory
>political theory

"Existential comics"
Truly a brilliant mind on twitter. I'm sure their opinion really matters a lot.


How the fuck do any human beings with a functioning brain not wanted journalists to be rounded up by the government?

I thought it was bad back before social media, reading the blatant lies, the way they'd gaslight you in totally obvious ways, but now that we can interact with journalists and see the disgusting numale/bugman/soi pieces of shit that they really are, it has taken my hatred to a whole new level.

Fuck you that's what state.

>the "journalists" in this country before the kikes
Same difference most of the time tbqh.

>I thought it was bad back before social media

Bro, it's been bad since 1930 Germany.

The same stupid post again

No, a service to publicly rate journalists services is not fascism, journalists, as any worker, need to be accountable for the quality of his work.

Please, next post some idiot makes a post with that tweet spam him this answer.

Fascism usually starts out as “those fucking jews and their stupid free market” and then goes to “lets set up a system the correct for this”

elon musk is a socialist reddit cuck

Lol look at this chart made by that twitter account in the OP. Lmfao. Another snarky bugman that needs to be beaten.

Attached: ExistentialBugman.jpg (1200x1116, 181K)

>"Freedom of speech does not mean freedom from consquences!" -Liberals when they try to get you fired.
>Freedom of the press does not mean freedom from consquences! -Me making them play by their own rules.
But only NOW it's a problem.

>No, a service to publicly rate journalists services is not fascism,
Just like snopes and the splc.

>unironically being a michigander

not even close. murdering and kidnapping and using journalists as extensions of party propaganda is fascism. this is wonderful. why shouldn't journalists be held accountable for their accuracy to report?

Attached: 1525960369704.jpg (1024x576, 81K)

>le capitalism decays into fascism meme
for people claiming to found their ideology on the material analysis of history they sure love theories based on things that have yet to happen.

Wrong flag mate

Attached: 1522978802276.jpg (779x708, 75K)

This is like the tenth time you posted this faggity link...make a real argument or stfu

and enjoyed subsidies for electric vehicles.


>How the fuck do any human beings with a functioning brain not wanted journalists to be rounded up by the government?
Because a human with a functioning brain wants to actively be involved removing all individuals from both branches of the system and eradicate their bloodlines

Same. 541 JaCo.

Jornalist neber WONCE hab tellt big lied. Abbr all oli puree n mobst rigteoos sole ebr be JORNALIST DE MOBST DIVINE OF ALL OCCUPATIONS

Reminder that these far-leftists hate Musk because he is WHITE MALE.

Attached: leftists vs space exploration_ - https___www.nbcnews.com_think_opin.png (1130x2065, 601K)

The more poignant example is the Democratic Party.

But Elon works, too. At least he clearly shows how capitalism —> crony capitalism if people don’t pay attention.

It’s called reality. Capitalism is fine but jewish corrupted ultra-capitalism is not. Everybody is tired of the bullshit and being driven far to the right

Bro, it's like you never heard of the 1700 when Governors owned the papers and so they were literally propaganda machine. Journalism was never good. They just liked to glorify themselves.

And that's a good thing.

>commie comics

Attached: 1523482235923.jpg (536x598, 82K)

Even Elans poll results are based

Attached: 4F9A748B-C40F-47A1-8E19-821623EC8CBA.jpg (1242x1043, 426K)


Every worker in nazi Germany was in a union this is humor...

Attached: ExistentialComics1.png (1000x1500, 591K)

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Never, they still believe the communist/Jewish propaganda from almost 100 years ago.

>and it's a good thing

>capitalism decay into fascism

yeah thats why roosevelt gave stalin all those free tanks and boats right?

fuck out of here bitch

wtf that must be a shoop

holy kek nice

new tweets

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Isn't it amazing how all those "free market" capitalists always turn out to be cronyists when it benefits themselves?

It's almost's almost like capitalism is just mindless selfishness or something.

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>communism doesn't work because people are greedy
>instead, lets implement a system which exploits greed and labor

capitalism BTFO again

Do you guys think the media doesn't actually know that everyone hates them? Even the people that suck up their shit wont say they like the media

Communism works fine. There are communist communes in America right now. Not surprising Americans don't know this. There is literally nothing right with destroying the entire world so 12 people can have more money than they are capable of spending in 10 lifetimes. Capitalism is literally mental illness.

fuck guys im so sick of that stupid hot cheeto puff in the office, can we finally get rid of him before he does some real damage? hes basically a ERROR_STRING_ATTACK_NOT_FOUND anyways...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
at GetChanAuth(
at ImageHandler.renameImage(
at ImageHandler.main(
at InsultHandler.main(


Attached: SCRIPT.IMAGE.DEMORALIZE_1.jpg (512x599, 40K)

A free press is a wonderful thing.

However having a lugenspresse is an aweful curse.

We have a lugenspresse owned and operated by a foreign cohort who literally view whites as the embodiment of evil and anything pro white as one step towards auswitxhz.

It doesnt mean free press is bad. It does mean having your press owned by foreigners is a really reallybad idea.

>The KKKs Harlem Weekly!

Its like a bad fucking joke

>tfw lefties turn a literal mad scientist into the future leader of the right wing death squads

Please don’t stop, keep going

He has to be reading Jow Forums.

Trade unions do sow social division. Union niggers get paid twice as much to do nothing.

>It's a lugenpresse when I don't like what it says about me
>It's a free press when it parrots my talking points
All rightists are wannabe dictators with preschooler intellects.

no, he just reads articles and is annoyed by the false statements

nobody on twitter is ever right user


lmao brainlet

>The free market solves everything
Eh... sort of. Depends on what options are available to it.

>trade unions sow social division among classes
In theory, not necessarily. In practice... yea, it tends to attract communist-minded people.

>We need a watchdog to discredit lying journalists
This just isn't controversial. Everyone advocates this. We just disagree on who that watchdog should be.

Superior post.

He's just rich. All rich men are cunts. And brainlet rightists are propagandized intentionally to worship them. You didn't give rich cunts their ideas - they programmed you with them.

nice pajeet language retard

Holy shit, imagine that is what they read unironically.

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>Focusing money to 12 people
The USSR focused every asset in the entire empire to Stalin


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>All leftists are wannabe intellectuals with preschooler intellects.
Fixed it for you

not an argument

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I know you'll throw a tantrum, but that by definition is not communism. The very definition of communism relies on communal sharing of major assets.

But the first two things are on the same side, and none of them conflict? Workers work at the discretion of their employers, and have no right to unionize. Unions are a way to coerce businesses and industries to the worker's will. Ergo big gov and unions interrupt the market's invisible hand.

The last one is just completely unrelated. Who would be against fact checking media which so much of the populace looks to for the facts?

>All rightists are wannabe dictators with preschooler intellects
Says the communist defending NYT and WaPo, literally mouthpieces for billionaires and alphabet agencies.


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Remember, when the right says "we need a watchdog", they mean private organizations. When the left says "watchdog", they mean government action.

It's not surprising this hypocryte, a self proclaimed socialist who runs a small business, employees people, and sells merchandise, would not understand the differences people have in their ideological axioms.

The problem with journalism is that it has become more concerned with "being balanced" than "telling the truth."

Sometime the truth isn't balanced and one side is just fucking wrong, but modern journalists shudder in fear of taking a side. That's partisan. Truth is relative. Everyone's a little bit right and little bit wrong. Etc. etc.

The job of journalists is not to be balanced.

The job of journalists is to find the truth, and then tell it.

We need less opinion pieces and more investigative journalism, but why bother with that? It's expensive and dangerous and doesn't move copies like ranting into a camera does. Frankly, modern journalism is worse than useless. It's actively detrimental to democracy.

ttown sup

The thing with Elon is that he's a smart guy. If he's not part of the "inner circle", then he'll eventually put the pieces together himself and see what kind of ruin society is headed to if we continue along this path. Wouldn't surprise me if Elon went full fascist in the future.
