Jazz and Jesse 42
Anyone have it?
Jazz and Jesse 42
Anyone have it?
nobody cares about you people and soon enough all you israeli faggots are getting locked up for sedition.
>nobody cares
>saves images so he can hop into a TRS thread the second one pops up
sure thing shlomo
Yeah I got it
There's a redpill waiting for you and you refuse to take it. If you watch TRS you've already taken many. Why stop there? Why isn't Mike Enoch supporting Patrick Little?
paycucks plz gib
what if I support both mike enoch and patrick little
that show sucks, but I'm curious if they talked about the trial shit from yesterday. if so can I get a tldr?
Then you have a problem, because Mike Enoch does not support Patrick Little, and is still married to a jewess.
You can't oppose jewish power AND support a guy who is married to a jewess while pushing himself as a White advocate.
LIkewise curious.
why not? with how hard the jews are trying to fuck him in court you can't convince me that he's controlled opposition.
>muh controlled op because one won't openly support the other
Literally everyone living in commiefornia and listening to TRS knows who Patrick Little is.
All these /our guys/ running for office before Little have either cucked or got buried under strange personal matters, so it's not too surprising they're cautious around the midterm elections.
>some jews are attacking him that means he isn't a threat!
Then you're fucking stupid mate.
That's called an ad hom retard. It's a logical fallacy explained in the fucking sticky. I've never heard or seen this supposed jewess and she frankly has no bearing on what Mike is doing or saying. Do you think we're retards? Do you think if Mike is giving us some JIDF message we're going to just swallow it? All our little e-celebs stay in line or they get smacked hard.
Mike is doing gods work (fuck Sven he should be fired)
Gibs it or TRS dies. You've been warned.
>That's called an ad hom retard. It's a logical fallacy explained in the fucking sticky.
Holy shit son, kill yourself right now.
>I've never heard or seen this supposed jewess
>she frankly has no bearing on what Mike is doing or saying.
How new are you newfag? Because saying "The fact that Mike is married to a Jewess holds no bearing!" is hilarious.
>Do you think we're retards?
I know you are.
>Do you think if Mike is giving us some JIDF message we're going to just swallow it?
You do. On a regular basis.
>Mike is doing gods work (fuck Sven he should be fired)
Mike is married to a kike bro. He admitted it himself. Pics related.
according to the comments on the trs site, there's no update. although there's this c-ville.com
>[Kaplan] said her team is still gathering evidence from sites that alt-right leaders used to plan for the rally, such as Discord, where they often use screen names to conceal their identities.
>When she gave the real-life screen name example of “Chef Goyardee,” Peinovich shook with laughter.
was today's court hearing discussed on J&J?
That's rather amusing.
I'm still amazed this thing is even happening. If you can connect people to crimes in the way they're trying to do in this trial, through vaguery and shitposting, its going to open up the legal field to all kinds of bullshit.
They absolutely can't and they know it. This is about doxxing, harassing, and bankrupting the alt right, nothing more.
This country is such a joke though, at that point.
The ligitious nature of kikes has crept into and throughout the political infrastructure to the point wherein you can use these sorts of tactics to achieve this outcome, and there's no means of counter-suing or what have you when it inevitably concludes with either "Yeah this was all bullshit" or "You're gonna get fucked by the jewdicial system goy".
Checking comments, it appears there's no commentary on the case, which is a let-down.
can a white nibba re-up the podcast for a fellow white nibba
i literally only canceled my paywall acct because of the court case doxxing shit lmao
g i v e i t
probably because he’s currently being sued by Jews so maybe it’s not a good idea to be talking about little
please comp paycucks
allright paycucks. hope you enjoyed TRS while it lasted. for you insolence, you will pay
Nonsense, he's talking about all kinds of other things that could be looked at unfavorably. They have decided to not get too close to questioning power. They are going to build their media empire and cash in on it, and not rock the boat. They are the new Alex Jones.
Someone fucking post it already
>building a "media empire" while talking constantly about jews
sure thing bud. that's why mike is representing himself, cos they are just making millions. all them less than 500 paycucks or w/e are rly putting in the work with 90$$ per hour or w/e the current rate is
They've made the decision to not get too close to power. They aren't going to be activists. They've done good work but they've decided they aren't going to go to jail for their beliefs and instead continue to build the brand and make money to build their lives, be normal, and have families. I don't think people blame them, it's just the gag orders appear really dishonest. They are going to be the new Alex Jones, but nationalist. But like Alex Jones they will only ever take the listener so far and stop right before the point of actually taking action. This is how all movements have been neutralized, it's pretty damn clear.
He's literally been talking about sci-fi and comic books for the past week+, retard, fuck up faggot, before you wash up dead on the fuckin' beach.
Did mike call in from court? Also gib
talks tough (has chinese cartoons)
Yeah, I've got it. Thanks for asking.
claims to be all about free speech,
everyone shuts up when told to do so
fuck those fake ass daily stormer ugly ass faggots
Please share
public activism for wn in the form of speeches ala charl 2.0 doesn't work, period. it's a circlejerk for a few speakers and bad press, doxxing and lawsuits as we've seen. not to mention kicking the stormer off the net. waking the masses with propaganda, podcasts, articles, etc. is the only way (if it is even possible at this point but let's not get super blackpilled). public activism for the left has only worked because they had the support of the kikes, media and educational institutions. the right has to work with grass roots, changing the minds of the people which in tern will act, elect and educate the next generation with wn/right-wing views.
srsly, anyone who advocates for public activism at this point is retarded or a plant. considering your meme flag either read sage and go join attom or go away FBI.
If you believe all the idiocy about Mike still being married to his ex you are a penis. I have met Mike and he is a stand up guy who cares alot about this stuff. In every movement people will have differences. TRS is not controlled opposition and I say this from actually meeting people involved with TRS not from BS internet speculation. They are good guys who make good content. Sven not so much.
The payment processor would still have your information and would give it up if subpoenaed (they won't be). TRS themselves don't have access to your info. You're a silly person.
Women aren't smart, i'm sorry but it's just science.
Perpetually waking the masses up, yet always herding the masses away from actual action, yea thats the Alex Jones fake opposition formula.
The masses are awake, they just need a leader as evidence by Patrick Littles popularity. I'm not blaming the goys for taking the comfy pill, no one wants to be a hero, i'm just calling out their lack of testicular fortitude to own it that's all.
In the beginning of a change the patriot is a scarce man, and brave, and hated and scorned. When his cause succeeds, the timid join him, for then it costs nothing to be a patriot.
nice try fbi/antifa plant
> 30+ posts in the thread
> responds to every poster
> first reply
t. moarpheus
Pay for a subscription, heeb
Smash dat gibs button, paycucks.
Give me an upload site and I'll put it up for you poor fags.
No, fuckin' find one yourself faggot. How retarded are you?
Guess you didn't want it then
Guessed wrong, moron, figures you couldn't find a fuckin' site, bitch.
Begone Satan
this works just got to add the .mp3 file extension manually for all you brainlets ready to say its broken or a virus.
Or just right click save as mp3
I read in a thread the other week that they are going to close trs, mike and sven are sick of it and are done with this thing. Then they closed their forum. Seems likely then?
im still not gettin anything bruv
well they're making a new forum so wherever you heard that from its wrong
this is the 5th time they have had to do this so there's no reason to think they won't put it back up.
>well they're making a new forum so wherever you heard that from its wrong
With the old accounts or will you have to make a new one?
I'm not sure, I wasn't around for the last remake but I think Sven setup a thread on the re-made forum where people could be vetted and get their old accounts.
>TRS in One Image B.jpg
Thank you
Go into where you saved it, change the name of it to manually add in .mp3 at the end and it will become an mp3
thanks heaps mmmbud
You should be fuckin' thanking me, asshole.
nvm works with vlc, old mac...