Red-pill stories

What were the story and the circumstances that led to you being red-pilled?

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the holocaust was fake, after seeing that I knew the treachery of those people knew no bounds.

T shirtgate and the Eva fake rape investigation happened around the same time. I had just got out of the military and hadn't been paying attention to current events.
The feminists going after the scientist for his tshirt and the rolling stones story pulled me in.

Uva not eva

They told me God was not real.
I found they lied.
I wanted to know how many other lies they had told me.

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start with looking up Cesare Borgia and realizing catholic/orthodox icons of "jesus" are against the Bible not to mention innacurate

9/11 happened
We saw the first plane hit before school , my dad said the top was shaking and pointed at the tv. By the time I was at school it was on all the tvs and the second plane had hit. By the afternoon it was all "plane hit the pentagon" and the other flight that evaporated in a field. The towers collapsed in the afternoon and I was awake and aware. The next month is all anthrax and terror threat levels. Being a leaf I see the propaganda for what it is. Watch my fellow leafs experience cognitive dissonance. 2003 tanks are rolling on Iraq , on the school tvs. fuck this. 2004 start college and learn everything I can in the library, discover Wikipedia. Discover Jow Forums. Discover Alex jones in 2005 talking about the shtf in the USA. Try to warn my leaf brothers and sisters, nobody is ready for what's coming. 2006 security and prosperity partnership. See their fuckin blue shield three stars on gated communities. Realize the NAU is here. 2007 gwb signs amnesty for illegals. 2008 america vote the first black gay president and shuts down the left. Drone bomber Obama switches sides in the war on terror. See what is going on; nobody believes. Bailouts. Proxy wars. Before gaddafi invasion, I warn that it's a bad idea. Realize Syria is where ww3 is going to begin. 2011 , so much more to tell. When is red pill? I think I swallowed the black pill last month. Haven't been sleeping, feeling so sick. This official investigation into Hillary is the best damn thing I've seen in my entire adult life. God help us all, and God bless trump. Hail Anu, whatever the hell the truth is we don't know. But we need the truth or we have no foundation at all.

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Mission trip to Africa, tour in Afghanistan, come home to opioid epidemic, notice a correlation in the people working to destroy me

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I already know that's a myth, you kike.