...Checkmate racists
Blacks Are Stup
That lil nigga got a five hunnit head
holy fuck he is making something levitate with his telepathy, zoom out
doesn't he have encephalitis
i've tried to enlighten Jow Forums about yakub a million times, they never want to hear it. for some reason they just don't "get it" and don't comprehend that there are really hundreds of thousands of niggers out there who unironically believe that shit.
Top kek call Professor Xavier, this niglet must have some mad mutant skills
This is why I come to Jow Forums. My sides are in orbit
who else thought of this
yakub was big before 2012, actually. That type of crazy shit was well known before redditors came during several bullshit events like the 2012 elections, Zimmerman, etc.
dude that line he blows is epic.
>its head is big so it must be smart!!
dumb ass goyim
[bix noods telepathically]
>I have become watermelon, destroyer of worlds
>le sides
>terribly unfunny normie comic
Is Jow Forums really this terrible?
>Claims to be starving
>Big fat Buddha bellies
Really makes you think
He is reborn.
stop replying to rule breaking /b/ Jow Forums tier threads
Every time I see David Hogg.
>Blue eyes
Is he a viking according to Varg?
Is Princess Lucina White?
Oh my god the legend was true all along
>he unironically doesn't believe in Yakub
Since Yakub made the White Man the first time around, has he returned to male a Whiter Man?
Or has he returned to sit upon the Throne of the World that White Men have made for him?
mom got him one two sizes to big. His brain ill grow into it one day
sorry, silly me.praise him.
I've seen a better looking head on a glass of rootbeer
>tfw too smart to bother with ingesting solid food
Nigga already know how to rob 5 people at once
Imagine pushing that out your cunt
It swells up after.
Ya got me, this nigga is going to take over the world.
Does it really matter who says the n word at a kendrick concert?
... Checkmate racists
Faggot. Yakub is fucking based. He is Kek’s servant, you niggerlover. His father Yiskhawk was killed by the king after his mothers promiscuous activities with her lover Fuquurs brother were found out and she along with her child were banished from the inner earth to Saudi Arabia and she later killed herself. He may be black but he turned against his own race because members of his own race made fun of him for his large head. He is the first “coon” to fight for the white race, hell he created us to beginwith, so you owe him your respects, cuck.
i know the story. i said "praise him" you dumb retard. think before you speak nazi memeflagger.
Wayne the main brain McClain
This seems like one for X ,alien human hybrids is not really political.
no it's just called macrocephaly
/x/ faggot
Those are intestinal worms.
Intestinal worms? Damn, is there anything nigs won't steal?
-mfw to smart
we need to harness his power to bring them all back to africa
Jow Forums has known about it forever, don't act like you're bringing some unheard knowledge
i didn't "bring it" you dumb idiot. i was responding to another user. Jow Forums doesn't know about yakub, sorry. oldfags do but not Jow Forums these days. nope. no way. not even a chance. you're just a moron.
he has returned
Holy shit let's spread it to black twitter and claim white supremacy is trying to keep a black genius boy hidden from the media. They'll retweet it 100k times and it'll be hilarious.
Looks like a good source of protein.
that lil nigga don't have to steal your bike. He can just think about you giving it to him and you will
That kid is suffering from a medical condition called hydrocephalus. So no, he's not smart. Just has a big head.
eating the next kid around you is even better
Your virginity