The left is on fucking life support

The left is on fucking life support.

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Hows that peace prize coming trumpanzee?

Wow, it's almost like when you're famous and there are literally zero repercussions from saying you got raped women conspire and lie...there isn't a possible downside to publishing every claim of sexual assault without proof, right goy?

Hillary won the popular vote.

He was the mastermind all along

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Kim really wants a McDonalds dont he?

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this one really does not surprise me

Niggers and kikes always be raping.

first they came for Jell-O caramel pop man and I did not speak out, because I was lactose intolerant.
Now they came for God himself and I couldn't give less of a fuck

Sure, you gotta get real fuckin' hungry, but sooner or later, anyone will take McD's over starving to death.

Freeman was a bit surprising, but Tambor was like "ok, yup, makes sense"

Are we sure the left isn’t turning on him because he didn’t tow the line? He thinks black people need to stop talking about race.

We "turn on" shitty people no matter who they are. I'm not siding with a piece of shit just because he votes the same way I do. Fuck all shitty people, D's and R's.

>Tambor was like "ok, yup, makes sense"
everyone from arrested development
that show was made by pedos for pedos
but tambor was definitely the most obvious

Come back to me when he raped a girl.

There is a whole spectrum of awful before you get to rape.

Reminder that this is because Morgan Freeman is a conservative that believes in racial differences.

This just in. Every normal man on earth has attempted to have sex with as many women as possible.

Shocking news. Very interesting. Much conspiracy.

Eight witnesses that didn’t say jack shit until now.

When Morgan Freeman is old and barely has movie roles now.

What the fuck?

So I guess the roasties are going after Freeman now, huh? This and the Cosby frameup can help us turn blacks against Dems this fall you know.

That's what happens you accept a blasphemous movie role.

These people spoke before, and they were ignored because Morgan Freeman was a big star with tons of roles. They were bashed then, they are bashed now, there is no win scenario for them.

You can't "blaspheme" against a fairy tale.

Speak for yourself. 99% of women i find revolting.

Doesn’t matter. Show us the rape

This makes black people hate SJWs.

You and I both now it was all an elaborate troll to piss of lefties as draw attention to barrack Obama getting a peace prize simply for being a black president. He then went on to bomb 7 countries.

I said normal men. Not low T s0yb0ys

Low standards is the new alpha male.

You don't need high standards to tap ass goofy

no youre a bitch made faggot if you dont stick your dick in as many hpv ridden cunts that have seen more nigger dick than an NBA locker room

Careful your gonna cut yourself on all that edge

its not the left explicitly

its men
this is a feminist takeover
whats the bet the majority of these cases are just sluts that were used and now are piling on knowing that its grown vague enough that they can claim rape?

Jews are defecting...

>stop talking about Weinstein goy
>we’ve sacrificed all our pet niggers, goy, look

Reminder, you would have a more trustworthy partner selling your soul to the devil himself than you would trusting a Jew.

Americans died fighting to save Jews and welcomed them in WW2. Now they openly plot to destroy us. Such grateful

It was too subtle a joke. Not nearly enough people got it.

>Angry whataboutism
Fuck off commie loving cocksucking faggot

#StopFalseAccusationCulture !

#StopParasiteGender !

#StopFalseAccusationCulture !

#StopParasiteGender !

I'm a hipocritical nigger rapist masquerading as a sensitive Hollywood leftist.

You just read that in my voice.

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All republicans careabout is political points, you don't care that there are actual lives at stake. This isn't a game. And you will lose in fall because everyone sees how fake you are.

Oh yes, so edgy. As wild as saying evolution is a thing.

fuck guys im so sick of that stupid hot cheeto puff in the office, can we finally get rid of him before he does some real damage? hes basically a ERROR_STRING_ATTACK_NOT_FOUND anyways...

Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException
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That's how these women look. They bitch on Twitter a million years after it supposedly happened, opening the floodgates for copycats to try to bring down a man because he is powerful.

spacing evolved

kek this guy is basically their favorite nigger

How ass blasted would trump be if Obama flew over there right now just to have tea with Kim

Trump Curse

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no, he was WITHHER

Ooga booga, nigga

See how much of a fairy tale it is when the sky rolls back and Christ returns for judgment. You'll be absolutely horrified and by then it will be too late for you to escape your eternal punishment.

>Criticizing others for believing in fairy tales
B..but that wasn't Real Communism™

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Every time an old black man speaks out agains black culture this shit happens

Whatever libtardo, people are waking up. This fall prepare for the red tide.


>99% of women revolting
That's called being a FAGGOT, and nothing more, user.

The people in support of this complete mockery of the law need to be imprisoned for treason. No evidence for your claims means no fucking right to publicly defame someone, end of story.

>this celebrity who's mildly leftist has been accused of sexpesting
>leftists btfo! shadilay!

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>t. homosexual

Morgan Freeman isn't that bad though. People are starting to realize that most of these #MeToo women are just looking for a quick buck

Trump curse again? This nigger has been vehemently anti-Trump for awhile now. It always comes back to bite them.