this is the asshole without his mask who harassed Faith Goldie.
have you found him ye Jow Forums?
Jow Forums you find him yet?
Other urls found in this thread:
am I supposed to know or care about who that whore is?
post more pics
He's a jew and a member of S.H.A.R.P. Montreal chapter. S.H.A.R.P. stands for "Skinheads Against Racial Prejudice" which is about the jewiest thing I've ever heard of.
good work!
the guys a bully and needs to be arrested and deported
Jow Forums only bumps BBC threads these days.
hope he pays
He is wearing a Harrington with a plaid liner. definitely into skinhead/suedehead music.
Looks like a guy named Patrick
the good thing about antifa normies is, they could not stay off social media if their life depended on it.