Just an Idea

It is clear that Clinton, the DNC, the Obama administration, the FBI, and countless countless others colluded to prevent Trump from becoming president and maintaining his presidency. They've made an absolute mockery of our Constitution and our laws and this mind-boggling corruption must be exposed if we are to ever gain our country back.
The multi-pronged attack against Trump is becoming increasingly difficult to follow and make sense of with so many bad actors and institutions playing key roles. It's like a new revelation is made each day - each one worse than the prior.
I don't think a single person has the capacity to track everything that has been happening and to connect the dots all by themselves. But thousands upon thousand of weaponized autists working together to follow leads, make connections, and establish narratives may be what is needed to piece the puzzle together.
I hereby propose that Jow Forums creates some sort of database wherein such beautifully orchestrated autism can occur. I've proudly watched Jow Forums do some of the most incredible collective detective work that puts the alphabet agencies to shame. The (((media))) is complicit in the whole scheme and will never take it upon themselves to expose the most blatant case of political corruption in our nation's history because they themselves are complicit in the whole thing, but I think Jow Forums is capable of compiling what needs to be compiled which can then eventually be released to the public. Does anyone else think this would be a good idea?

Attached: pol.jpg (799x800, 139K)

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I think this sounds like a good idea. Bump for interest.

Bumping the first good idea in at least a month

I would initiate such a project but I am brainlet tier when it comes to creating websites, maintaining them, etc. However, I guess even a google doc might suffice, though anyone can edit that so idk.

An onlince encyclopedia with everything since the benghazi incident, always have it backed up when (((they))) shut it down. It's easily achievable for those that have the time


Maybe we can get a daily thread going to start with?

Your thread might need some time. Copy your text and post it tomorrow and so on until people here get in. If you don't I will. Thanks

I was thinking the same thing

Most definitely. Feel free to change any wording or spacing also to garner more attention.

then you miss over 80 documented hits that hillary called.
this needs to start before watergate, where she served as a secretary

use a simple format (e.g. txt or csv) and store it on IPFS

It's been going on for many years, longer than Obama admin...they just went buck wild and got lazy
That said I'm for doing whatever it takes to burn every corrupticrat found



This is a good idea honestly. I’m glad I thought of it.

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Wall of text did not read. Fucking newfags and the god damn reddit meme. Nothing wrong with paragraphs and sentance structure.
>be newfag
>fall for le reddit meme
>write walls of fucktard text
Fuck you. Im going to bed.

>muh Wall of text
>calls others newfags
don't let the door hit you on your way out

Attached: 15152315493899090831394222156278.png (1090x1087, 316K)

Bump ! We need this

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Bump great idea

>Not your personal army
>Not going to use your honey pot "database"


Fuck off this is a good idea