you all need to pull your heads out of your asses and see reality for what it is. There has been no genocide because no one has been rounded up and killed. You all post statistics saying western nations are less white than they used to be, ok, but thats only because white people are being outbred by other races (which would be happening regardless of immigration).
if you check the actual NUMBERS you will see the population has not decreased at all, in fact its gone way up. there are more white people in america today than there were 50 years ago, there is just also a lot more non white people.
I've seen you all say statistics involving percentiles can be misleading, and guess what? they are.
stop crying and start having children if it bothers you so much.
Under the UN Convention on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide adopted in 1948, genocide was defined in Article 2 as: …any of the following acts committed with intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national, ethnical, racial or religious group, as such: (a) Killing members of the group; (b) Causing serious bodily or mental harm to members of the group; (c) Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part; (d) Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group; (e) Forcibly transferring children of the group to another group.
Faggots demanding nobody race-mixes, just imagine they were forced to breed with blacks themselves. Imagine somebody told them who to breed with, imagine the autistic outcry. It's the same logics the only difference being muh racemixing bad as argument. These autistic children poisoning civilization will get roped when they are old enough.
Joseph Foster
Is this your first day on the internet?
Christopher Ward
Theres more White people in South Africa today then there were in 1818.
I suppose there no white genocide there, and there never will be right?
How are da Jooz preventing White people from having kids?
Lincoln Harris
Benjamin Ward
except thats not what is happening to white people. did you not read what I said? we are not being "exterminated" and our populations are not being "dwindled" in any way. We're being outbred and nothing more.
David Gray
Hans nigger
Gavin Turner
in south africa it is actually happening yes, people are being literally rounded up and killed. this is not happening in america, canada, or europe.
and you're retarded for giving a fuck about south africa anyways, you have nothing in common with the white people who live there, just like american blacks have nothing in common with africans.
Michael Hernandez
>forced to breed this is not happening anywhere. no one is being forced to do anything. people are freely choosing to do things that you don't like, and thats it.
there is more non white people on the planet than white people, get over it. there is no "importing". theres over 7 billion people and there will be over 20 billion in your life time, and most of them will be non white. but guess what? when theres 20 billion people on the planet there will be more white people than when there was 7 billion, and you will still be a virgin.
Camden Fisher
Tell me more about how the Jews are why you are not a winner in life LOL
>Don’t come up in our kitchen You sure? My oven works really well.
Benjamin Torres
Black bulls are for prepping
Landon Bennett
>muh propaganda no one is putting a gun to anyones head and forcing them to do anything. have you considered that these people simply want to do what they do because they themselves made the independent choice to do so? or is it mind control. please god tell me you believe in mind control so I can laugh at you.
Gabriel Morris
I'm pretty sure the UN considers mass immigration of people with the intent of replacing the natives (look at Europe) as genocide.
do you agree with your majority white country right now? no you don't, because people are retarded regardless of race. you know who's gonna be in charge of canada in 100 years? canadians.
>mental conditioning just say it, tell me you believe in mind control
I used to be an SJW when I entered this thread. But seeing your shameful display, I realized how you have no rebuttal at all, and you have to resort to cheap forced memes. Guess what, I’m not an SJW anymore. Now I’m going to give the alt-right a chance
That's rich, coming from the race that made Native Americans a minority.
Mason Gomez
well lets all go over the UN's definition of genocide together then!
hmmm well I think we can all agree that (a) certainly isn't happening. (b) could possibly be stretched to argue mental strain but thats a tough one to count on since I've seen people be "mentally strained" from pretty much everything. (c) im sure you all think is happening but as stated in the OP, its not. (d) also not happening as no one is preventing anyone from having children. and finally (e) isn't happening because once again no one is forcing anyone to do anything.
in roughly 2 decades we as a people have moved from "what people do in the privacy of their own bedrroms is there own buisness".
To people saying "oh my 3 year old son doesn't like the colour blue, or this red toy car; I'm going to pump him full of homorone altering drugs, and cut his penis off". And society just claps.
You're telling peoples minds are being conditioned...? This is all just, what? Evolution...? sterylizing the next generation of your people, seems like a wierd way to evolve.
Oh right its fucking non sense, pushed on whites to wipe us out. Eat a dick Jew.
>you know who's gonna be in charge of canada in 100 years? canadians.
Not intersting, if its not the Whites who built the fucking country the whole thing should be destroyed.
Jose Davis
Jeremiah Davis
> There has been no genocide because no one has been rounded up and killed. That's not the definition of genocide we're referring to. We're referring to this one: > the deliberate and systematic destruction of a racial, political, or cultural group
No, shitheads, this is not "the definition of genocide by the UN's standards". Nobody is stopping the fuckwit Duggars or anyone else from having literally 100 babies of their own. People are choosing, of their own volition, to not have enough children for population replacement. Again, read: CHOOSING. So the UN, having more than two brain cells to rub together, can see that this is a potential economic disaster waiting to happen in all of the most advanced nations in the world. So because the people in the countries listed are choosing (again: CHOOSING) to not have enough kids to replace workers as they age out of the workforce, replacement populations can come from places with astronomically high population growth rates, thus fixing underpopulation in some countries and overpopulation in others simultaneously.
If you see this as such a horrible fate, then thankfully you are in a position to fix it! Wow! All you have to do is stop jerking yourself with a fleshlight to tentacle porn, and have sex with actual women that want to have your gross weeaboo babies.
Dylan Thompson
and who's fault is this? start having kids.
Joshua Cox
Pretty sure engineering conditions resulting in demographic displacement is genocide.
> replacement populations can come from places with astronomically high population growth rates, thus fixing underpopulation in some countries and overpopulation in others simultaneously. Yea except you forget white flight. This year the UK has had a NEGATIVE immigration rate, despite all their massive immigration, due to white people fleeing the nation in mass. > thus fixing underpopulation No it will simply replace the current culture, people, and society with another. That's genocide. Got it dumb ass?
>most aesthetic skin color out of all humans >white men obviously at the top of social hierarchy in all sorts of media >white women overwhelmingly choosing white men over anyone else >no gf Jow Forums cucks can't compete with normal white boys muh genocide
Jaxson Johnson
once again, thats not happening. there are more white people on the planet now than there has ever been in the history of the world.
Joseph Long
I didn't do anything :
Christian Thompson
Jews were and still are the most prominent feminist advocates. They brag about it too.
And they admit feminism reduces the birthrates.
It’s all out in the open you fucking morons
Isaac Flores
>we are not being "exterminated" and our populations are not being "dwindled" in any way Who are you quoting? It's extremely simple minded to think of genocide simply as rounding people up and putting a bullet in their heads. Lets say I want to genocide the Red People, 99% of whom live in Red People Land. I push for the migration of Blue People into Red People land. This creates a situation where Red People are now simply less likely to have children with other Red People, meaning the next generation of Red People is actually smaller than it otherwise would have been. And if Blue People are continuously migrating into the society, the rates at which each new generation will shrink in size will increase, meaning the lower percentage of the population Red People are the less likely they are to have Red babies. In "nature" this could reach a sort of equilibrium, but if the natural stigma against having non-Red children was attacked in the media going, it would just keep going. The Blue People are also "lost" in this process, but most of their population is sitting at home in Blue People Land, Blue as they ever were.
It'd be hard to argue that the above measures are not "deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring about its physical destruction in whole or in part", or "Imposing measures intended to prevent births within the group". Sage goes in all fields