Oh no :(
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he got asshole cancer....too many dicks?
S Trump curse strikes again
Oh shit, really?
Did he really wait like 6 months on ass/colon cancer?
nice what was his last video? lol
ladies and gentlemen, this what's happen when you shit bloods blood from your ass and you don't go to the doctor
a year and a half
I'm enjoying how the faggots he started pandering to still hate him all the same
>ladies and gentlemen, this what's happen when you shit bloods blood from your ass and you don't go to the doctor
Even he admitted that . well i have learned from his mistake and always get stuff checked as should we all
a year and a half of literally shitting blood and he never got checked
How do I know if my ass is bleeding or if it was something I just ate
Colon cancer is the worst way to go. Remember to take regular shits and have good plant based diets.
3+ months of shitting blood, more than a year of knowing something was wrong with a family history of ass cancer
Terminal butthurt
FUCK THEY GOT BAIN! The Dentist is going to pay for this!
if it's bright red, the blood is from a tear or hemorrhoids, if it's tarry black that's usually a gi bleed and needs immediate attention. If it's just kind of dark and doesn't smell worse than usual it's just something you ate or a medicine like pepto
Did someone pull the mask ?
GenX fag didn't make it past 33yrs old.
Men shouldn't put things in their ass
typical also a emo.
why is every GenX a fucking emo.
Did the boomers black pill us or something?
You were too fucking stupid to even know what generation X is. 1977 is the most standard cut off for Generation X, some people will go all the way to 1982 but that’s not excepted by the vast majority of people who understand generations.
He was definitely not Generation X, born way too late
O god all of you soibois please die already
fucking year and half of shitting blood, fucking drinking sugar like crazy, idiot brought this to himself
quit drinking caffeine and alcohol for a few days, and quit wiping your ass like you're sanding down a woodworking project. If it's still bleeding then you have ass cancer
He probably figured it was just the chipotle.
What a shame.
What a rotten way to die
Yeah rip
he could have killed himself before getting to that point
>missing the obvious deus ex reference
basedboys revenge. check out 10 steps to prevent ass cancer #3 become basedboy
Are there really people who do this? Have clear medical problems and then don't go to the doctor?
Yup, lots of men die because they are too stubborn to go to the doc.
My mum works in healthcare , and she says its very common .can't belive it myself since i found a lump on my ball and i went to the GP within a week and it was all fine
Poor diet alongside sitting around too much. He was fat before his cancer.
I know. What a retard. If i was shitting blood for a week i would get that checked out.
Play degenerate games. Win degenerate prizes.
This is a cautionary tale lads, don't let yourself bleed from your ass for half a year without checking with your doctor.
He got nice reviews but turned in to political cuck.
One less best goim
Phew, thanks for an advice m8. Panicked a couple of days ago because of this
never heard of him before today, saw his yt and noticed nothing of value was lost.
sissies who go to the doctor for the slightest thing get to live longer. youre still a sissy tho
Is this a u laff u lose thread?
goodnight, sweet prince
Any blood is worth getting checked, there are a lot of conditions that can cause it ranging from simple to lethal so might as well check it.
And nothing of value was lost
I remember watching him in high school. It's weird that he's dead.
It's a little frustrating when your experience with doctors is them poking and prodding you, saying there's nothing wrong and then sending you home with a bill that wipes out your vehicle repair and vacation reserve, and that's if you're lucky. The older jaded ones try to push pills on you.
Kek, immediately back to the life of a roastie.
He was like reddit personified. One fewer.
worst advice I've ever read, all blood in your stool should be immediately examined (unless your poor as fuck and can´t afford burgercare).
t gi surgical nurse
Even in death he is shilling.
What a fucking professional.
I have pain in my right testicle and won’t go to the doctor because I’m afraid it’s cancer
why would a cuck sleep in bed with the bull?
why would the bull not sleep with the wife?
doesn't make sense
try stretching your hamstrings im serious its probably as tight hip flexor.
Every few weeks I cough up a few of these.
Can't wait to die.
stop being a faggot and find a female doctor that will grope your ballz
what the fuck is wrong with this board?
Imagine having such a shitty grasp of the English language you can't understand this sentence means 'instead of Leshaun getting to sleep with me'
What’s a hamstring
You were just looking for an excuse to let an old man touch your balls
Is that...is that a fucking alveoli
wtf is that
And to think, his final public act was whiteknighting an ugly tranny at a convention.
Can you tell me wtf is wrong with dis nigga
we are legion
I love ravioli
Go to the doctor you reckless faggots.
Ive had this, docs been probing me front and back it could as well be IBS, it was IBS for me.
What the fuck man
He was balding heavily, the cancer was just mother nature taking mercy on him. It's better to be dead than to be a bald man. Once your hair goes, it's OVER; you become a grotesque abomination hated by all, a shambling monstrosity, a hideous little skulking creature, a misfit shunned by society. I'll take a thousand years in hell over living a single day in the shoes of a bald man.
Muscle below your ass. It gets tight from sitting and playing video games all day especially if you exercise and dont stretch.
Today, I will remind them.
Will he report his death?
>google image search
>0 results
see a physician or you will die a lot sooner than you think.
>you get to sleep in bed with me instead of Leshaun
totally not ambiguous at all, bong
Literally who? I'm not a Twitter millennial so I have no idea what's going on here
alveoli alveoli give me the death I deserveoli
Let a memeflagger be.
Used to be the biggest PC game reviews channel.
looks like a blackberry
do you have pancreatitis?
Oh. So nothing of value was lost. Welp back to trap porn
Thanks I’ll try that when I get home
Imagine being this focused on appearance. Did you fucking fail grade school kid? If a girl is with you for looks it ain't love so why do you care? Jesus this shit is retarded
Oh and I have a full head of hair before you try to mumble some half baked retort
Coping baldcel spotted.
You should really go to the doctor, maybe you can catch whatever it is in time.
I laughed really hard at this, hopefully I won't be laughing at a dying man.
>He spent the last 2 years of his life ranting about Trump
>Had a sperg out online over his wife not voting for Hillary
Trump curse strikes again
>le alveoli
>Had a sperg out online over his wife not voting for Hillary
saw an episode of degrassi on this
wow. glad he is dead
Balding manlet detected