Quebec MUST be independent

Canada with never be free as long as Quebec os part of it

Attached: 600px-Québec,_Canada.svg.png (600x509, 99K)

Agreed. cut the bottomfeeding parasites off of equalization and transfer payments. we're sick of handing them 11 billion per year

I agree
t. Port Hardy

If michael Rotundo was a province, he would be quebec. a bunch of fucking freeloaders.

>more nation states
We're going to have North Atlantic Union within our lifetime and you're going to like it, goy

And French!

Canadians thinking Québec wants to stay when they literally rigged the referendum in 1995.

Attached: issou ordi.png (352x264, 67K)

They voted to stay, like Scotland

What's keeping this from happening, stop the foreplay and get on with it.

wouldn't be against it
Canada isn't a country, it's a collection of 5-6 metro areas spread over an area greater than the US

>the hillary voter excuse

And we have a super chat here from Kikeslammer1488 saying that "the jews will...." I will not read this.

Canada really is more or less just city-states loosely held together with a string of laws and nothing else.

Why does it even still exist?

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Attached: IDon'tPeelSoGood.png (516x526, 406K)

if quebec leaves, that could give the west the chance we need to also leave the tyranny of ontario

The average "Canadian" sentiment is pretty much summed up with "Whatever". Nobody especially cares about anything.

I too live in Alberta.

One day we shall annex interior BC to protect the ethic Albertan minority and Saskatchewan for the Lebensraum

This. Toronto might as well be Brussels and Edmonton Warsaw

Oh look what we have here - UN Flag

Attached: 1525728180314.jpg (682x515, 23K)

I was using this to make a joke a yesterday, just haven't posted since and forgot about it.

LOL idiots don't understand the separatist movement in Quebec was boycotted by every left wing political party in Canada and after they rigged the referendum they flooded the province with immigrants to make sure they would never have an opportunity to do so again. It was literally a 1 percent defeat and even today in quebec the quebecois nationalist are still extremely tradition/conservative due to the strong influence of the catholic church on the people. Just saying if you want an ethnostate this is North Americas best shot.