As a burger paddy, I cannot partake in the referendum in Ireland today. But I can pray for them. Join me in praying the rosary for the Irish people today, that the 8th amendment may be protected and the filth of abortion may not be allowed to take root in Ireland.
You let me down anons.
The Left had Soros money in the pocket, false flag posters, news articles and social media accounts and best thing we had was me and about 5 other anons making memes.
I worked hard memeing Trump into the WH with you all and would have appreciated a bit of support when we needed it but you Amerifats are so fucking focused on yourselves that you don't give a shit.
we had a bunch of threads about this earlier, but it's three in the morning in burgerland, most of us are asleep
I stand with ye, Eirebro.
Who the fuck wants to kill redheads!.
We needn't be many, user. We just need to fight.
it's too late
Not one you can win in this age, some can't be won with memes.
I'm an insignificant third worlder, but this referendum has been troubling me the past days. I prayed the Chaplet of Divine Mercy a while ago and I'm going to Mass later for this. I'll also join you in praying the rosary.
T. shill
Then let us stand together. Let us fight now. It's not too late. Even the most recent polls show the vote standing on the edge of a knife. The swing votes are too numerous, too many people are undecided for anything to be known for sure. We can change that, even now. Soros and the globalists can choke on their schemes and money. This isn't just about abortion. It's about fighting for your country. Poland is doing it. Hungary is doing it. Even Italy is doing it. Why not Ireland?
Thank you Filipinobrah. I will be going to mass later today as well.
The yes side have won, Ireland is lost
Feminism is a viral bio weapon
You don't need memes, only horror.
If they win, it will be because you have allowed it.
No nation is lost so long as men still defend it.
I voted no today, let's hope we can win
If you guys lose I will never let your larp as a Catholic nation again.
Didn't the Irish invent abortion?
Well said.
Dam I am so upset abortion is still fucking a thing in my country I am praying for you in a sense
>take root
M8, they'll be doing it anyway. All it means is more danger.
Post a Holy pepe to keep abortion Illegal and keep the world from the death we long earned
True. But you know what I mean. There's a difference between the thing land and letting it make a nest.
>no general on a referendum that will fundamentally change our society forever
Just remember, the Americans and the English felt the same on those morning, that it was hopeless and futile, that their votes didn't matter, but the still went out and voted. We can win this, just go out and vote.
It's not exactly like "dudeweedlmao"
Bitches aren't getting abortions willy nilly, like it's a contraceptive, or just a fun weekend.
>everyone gets gonhorrea
>become sterile
yeah all those stds will do it
This is deeply saddening, I was always taught my fatherland fought to be a papist state. To see so many people throwing away what their ancestors established is confusing to say the least.
Its not over yet, there are a LOT of silent No voters, the grey vote will be overwhelming No, a lot of undecideds, and a lot of people who say they're voting Yes just so they wont get lectured by the shrill feminist in their family. No can win, we just need to get out and vote.
Fuck off blackpilled faggot
Here's a potato Pepe. Abortion will remain illegal, as it should, in Ireland.
the fact that my shithole atheist country had a bigger no vote in the poof plebiscite than potatos just goes to show catholic ireland is dead
fuck off you sheep fucking retard. i'm going to enjoy watching your ass backwards position get BTFO while all you can do is bitch and whine on an anime website.
I really hope you're right user. It's been too long since I've lived in Ireland. I am too detatched from the political climate there to know for sure. But I hope you're right.
How is not wanting babies to die backwards?
Great bait. But have a (you) anyway.
Yes voter here. It's not even going to be close.
Most Europeans are pro-abortion, retard fat fuck. Stick your middle Eastern sandnigger, jewish superstitions up your ass you mongoloid monkey.
no will win 65/35
drinkin all night and gotta cycle 12 miles now to vote
We need more abortion, not less. We need eugenics. KYS brainlet kraut.
So if medical tests revealed to you your baby will look like pic. related, and God decided to give you a baby like that, you'd keep it and not abort it? Delusional fucks. Abortion is the greatest kind of charity in such cases. The greatest cruelty is to let these alien entities live.
my district will be 90% No
we didn't have a single No canvasser nor a single No poster
>We need less white people
>Not more
>We need more abortion
For niggers. Not Whites.
Because it's supporting niggers and unfit parents.
Leaf living in Ireland here. All the old guys I work with are definitely voting no, as well as anyone with kids. Any guy I work with who is in their early 20s are massive cuck faggots.
I wish your mum had an abortion
West Brit detected
one sheep fucker moving the goal posts to dick ride for another sheep fucker. no surprise there. bodily autonomy > your fallacious appeal to emotion, shit head.
>puerile bitch can't cope with fact
>sticks to his "everything i don't like is bait" narrative
how embarrassing.
>All the old guys I work with are definitely voting no, as well as anyone with kids.
People without kids should not be allowed to vote because they don't have a stake in the country's future.
More people should be saying this openly.
Whiter than you, Bruce.
Fucking oath, cunt
Same with landowners.
It should actually be taken a few steps further. It should be one vote per nuclear family, and only to people who own land. Why we allow the opinions of peasants to shape politics is beyond me.
>Cannot draw a concrete line where the right to life begins
>Most practical decision is to allow abortion until the baby has vitality
>N-n-no you can't do this because my man-made religion says so!
Lmao it's going to pass.
>Implying this is even the liberals' argument and not "it's muh body I can do what I want"
medical tests aren't 100%. They aren't even fucking close.
When will be getting results?
>Cannot draw a concrete line where the right to life begins
Literally conception.
Yeah, lets wait for the race conflict to happen when Whites are 3% of the population instead of 30%
In cases where the mothers life is in danger due to medical complications abortions already taken place here. What they are seeking to do with repealing the 8th is easy access abortion on demand which is pure degeneracy.
god is a meme but abortion is wrong still
like its gonna be human one day if you leave it in there? its not the same as busting a nut? Let the little bastard live
Reminder that Irish Iberians are not White
also this
Do they have a "what race is it" option?
>because my man-made religion says so!
Based atheist!!!!
That will just lead to a violent revolution, where you would most likely be one of the peasants. As delusional as fucking commies who think they'd be card carrying party members. I wouldn't count on your medieval-tier beliefs coming back, not when the potential for horizontal WMD proliferation is so great.
>The Iberians are believed to have been originally an African race, who thousands of years ago spread themselves through Spain and Western Europe. Their remains are found in the barrows, or burying places, in sundry parts of these countries. The skulls are of low, prognathous type. They came to Ireland, and mixed with the natives of the South and West, who themselves are supposed to have been of low type and descendants of savages of the Stone Age, who, in consequence of isolation from the rest of the world, had never been out-competed in the healthy struggle of life, and thus made way, according to the laws of nature, for superior races.
I'm sending my power
The concrete line is obviously conception. The point at which new genetic code is formed separate from the mothers. You have a sick mind if you honestly think killing a baby a day before it's due to be born is ok
Who do you think are getting abortions?
you don't even have to believe in god to see this dudes point
how about we dont kill kids fucking wild idea am I right
>wanting leftists and genetic fuckups to reproduce more
The absolute state of potato niggers
I don't count in it happening and I also recognize that would most likely happen. People are allowed to idealise politics. Reality is the harsh hammer that brings you back to your senses. What I wish would happen and what I know would happen are two different things. Next time you're walking down the street and you see a junkie with a syringe poking out of his collapsed vein, sitting incoherently in a pile of his own putrid feces, remember that his vote is equal to your own.
exit polls tonight 10pm gmt
>like or lump it
What did he mean by this?
I'm in fucking Central Burger time I don't know when that is
Leftists already don't reproduce.
White people.
It's 930 am here.
Even among those faggots theres a lot paying lip service to yes but will vote No, it can be done.
We're all cycling with you Paudie.
>Follows the doctrine of one of the largest kiddy diddler organizations in the World
>Thinks God is some being with intent/desire, and not just nature/harmony
>Being so cucked as to allow other men to define how he interprets his own spirituality
Takes 22 hours for "conception" to occur, and there isn't a non-arbitrary line between when the sperm and egg truly form into one individual conceptus
It's literally the same as busting a nut, and most pro-life arguments can be reduced to this.
And that's where you're wrong.
Plus, any "whites" who would otherwise get one are just going to do it anyway, OR they'll raise a liberal who will do worse damage.
I just finished praying. May god be with Ireland.
Muslims, African and Chinese immigrants and pajeets, clearly. Haven't you been paying attention to the repeal rallies? Loaded with them.
>only to people who own land
This can apply to foreigners who buy land so no. It should be only to natives.
96% of the abortions in Munich are by Germans, and done out of convenience.
Then you should thank them for being crime fighters.
Fuckin oath, cunt.
>there isn't a non-arbitrary line between when the sperm and egg truly form into one individual
That shit all happens weeks before the mother even knows she's pregnant so why should that matter to you?
>the largest kiddy diddler organizations in the World
Huh, liberals are the ones who love Hollywood.
I can't tell if you are trolling you Stupid American Bastard but it is a HELL of a lot different then nutting a pile of nut is no different then a bunch of dead skin but as soon as it joins with a egg it is almost assured to become human one day till some evil fucking Jew doctor interferes you Dumb FUCK
Thanks user. I know it's late here in burgerland. May God be with us all.