Incest Embraced by Liberals as "Sexual Diversity" - "Nothing Wrong With It” Say SJWs

Absolute state of muttland. Libtards BTFO'd

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This is coming from a country where you can blow dogs

t.mutt spotted

>but you're my STEPbrother

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There is literally nothing wrong with incest

Nice try
Atleast Americans are fucking humans instead of dogs tho lmao

Incest was embraced by the monarchy too

There must be something wrong if you have to admit it.

Because they had to keep themselves isolated from plebs or risk being found out as frauds

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isn't incest just between direct siblings (parents and children) the monarchy i think its endogamy (related people but not directly)

wtf I like libertarians now

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>I found one person on the street with a radical opinion
>clearly this is a widely held belief by and entire political demographic
No, you're retarded leafistan.

Embarrassed to be a liberal right now

I think they're finding themselves stuck doubling down on the logic, and can't bring themselves to completely block incest because it might make them question homosexuality. Mark Dice brought up the "let people love" and "muh consenting adults" memes and applied them to incest; if incest isn't allowed under these criteria, what if homosexuality might be wrong too

You should check out the hapsburg family tree, sometime

oven awaits you

It's one way to increase the white population

>have fun
>don't reproduce

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It is sexually diverse. It's also against the law.

Yes. And it is gross for a reason. I don't care whats hot on porn hub, I will never want to see my brother or father nude, let alone fuck them dear christ in heaven the horror

Fuck of dog fucker

Good I need some new porn.
Get bent moralfags.

Nature so smart, he implemented the Wastermarck effect in all of us for a reason.

Show us tits and vagegey

I remember we had this conversation when they first started saying homos should be allowed to get married. Now the degeneracy just get a worse and more disgusting.

The slippery slope is real, we all know where this is going.

so glad not all woman are degenerate

Incest is my fetish precisely because it's taboo and illegal
Liberals better not ruin this for me

>Unironically defending incest

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Japan was tied with Germany for most perverted perverts, before their recent migration attack. Germany needs to be re-weighed on that scale, but Japan sure doesn't. On that subject, make sure your core defense is to reject influence from groups of jews, and you should be fine and still ethnically Japanese in 100 years.

Yep, and the worst thing is they aren't even hiding it. Like they have full control over public opinion.

Thanks Japan

Fucking kek!

If only I has a sex doll of my wife's infant son