Tax Equity

It's time that the scammers in the religion business were forced to pay income tax. Telling lies to idiots is just about the least honourable way to make a living. No-one deserves tax-exempt status less than Rector Minvader and Father Fiddler.

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lol why are atheists always upset that Religions don't pay taxes? Meanwhile the companies you use every day get tax returns each year. Wow really made me think.

>>Two wrongs make a right

>lol why are atheists always upset that Religions don't pay taxes?
Are you literally retarded? We are forced to subsidise these assholes, whether or not we are godtards. You actually can't work out why we object to this?

Attached: moleymoleymoley.jpg (639x351, 23K)

It shows they only care about taking down the Church they so hate

It's time that the scammers in the government business were forced to pay tithes. Telling lies to idiots is just about the least honourable way to make a living. No-one deserves tithe-exempt status less than Prime Minister Molester and Congressman Cuntraper.

The catholic church is degenerate anyway. Besides Germans arent even catholic so why do you care?

Do they receive welfare, or did you determine that their not yielding to gov't extortion is the same thing as subsidization?

>what is separation of church and state

Retard or church shill? Rector Minvader uses all the same govt services that I do. By dodging payment of tax for those services, everyone else is subsidising Rector Minvader. If this is still not clear, I will break it down into single-syllable words for you.

What is relevance?

If you tax the churches, religions that gain more money will have increased power in the state. Imagine Islam, which dictates like 2% of income going to Islamic charities, telling our government that they pay 10 times more money than Catholics and so deserve 10 times more power.

He still pays taxes that aren't related to the church. I don't know what all they tax and don't tax in kangaroo land, but I assume that means he pays sales tax and personal property tax, even if he does not pay income tax. "Muh Roads" Doesn't come from income tax.

I'm not a church shill, but fuck it, let's say I'm a retard. By all means, explain it to me in single syllable words if I'm wrong.

>He still pays taxes that aren't related to the church
Make the case that he shouldn't pay income tax. That's what the thread is about.

shouldn't, income, and about are two syllable words.

The status quo is that he doesn't pay income tax, so it falls on you to make the case that he should, and you haven't. Calling them or their profession scammers, liars, dishonorable, and molesters is not an argument.

Everyone uses the government services that income tax funds, therefore everyone should pay income tax.

tell that to the NGOs that tell us our chromosomes are connected with magic spirits

The only reason I (an American) can talk to you is because you (an Aussie) have internet access. Does this justify the Australian gov't to charge me (still American) income tax?

What if my religion isn't mainstream? Does Islam (an established and rich religion) have more right than I do to have their religion, by virtue that they have more money?

but yeah, I'm not convinced "everyone uses the gov't services that income tax funds". What gets its funding -explicitly- from income tax? Can you itemize your gov't spending? Is Australia in any debt? You can't rightfully force somebody to pay for something that you yourself (as a gov't entity) didn't pay for, but are borrowing against that person.

What happened to seperation of state and religion you atheists loved to preach. Sure the church can pay taxes then we can have them run for government and back at schools to teach against the degeneracy you atheist shits love so much.

What's worse than this is all the NPOs which do political information campaigns. 501c etc

Why should the tax payer (working class) subsidise affluent Bolshie shits pushing collectivist snake oil.