Which political figure, dead or alive, is his ideologies closest similar to?
Which political figure, dead or alive, is his ideologies closest similar to?
>giving a shit about (((hollywood movies)))
>paying money to jews to watch them
>actually paying money
>to jews
>in hollywood
>to watch their propaganda
>and then literally loving it
>and spending days afterwards
>THINKING about the made-up characters
>literally deriving pleasure from this
>actual pleasure
Kill yourself
Ted Kaczynski
This is you op. This is who you are.
Probably Pol Pot. It seems like the whole genocide he was doing was under the guise to help Cambodia. One Khmer Rouge leader said that the killings were meant for the "purification of the populace."
So yeah, I'd say Pol Pot is probably the absolute closest to Thanos. Other fuckheads like Mao Zedong and Stalin only committed genocides partly unintentionally due to their shitty policies and not under the guise of helping people.
Someone post the better version.
mr. lori....
I'm glad I don't know who that thing is or what the fuck op is talking about. Don't spread that filth here
very nice.
>the jew meme
Why don't you torrent the movies you cuck fag onions boy incel!
>muh precious movies
This. There are very few truly omnicidal figures in history that you'd know the name of, but the issues Kaczynski had with the modern world were surprisingly close.
how about not watching kike propaganda at all?
Thomas Malthus
How about you fuck off back to your containment thread. I can‘t be bothered to find natcuck general in the catalog but i‘m sure a bassed boi like you can do it.
david rockefeller