What's this EU General Data Protection Regulation thing all about?
Been getting loads of prompts on websites asking permission for cookies. I had to check a couple boxes and accept to access Disqus as well. It is asking about tracking and IP addresses and stuff like that, should i be worried?
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It's anti-Jew law preventing kikes from profiting from your shitposting. Good thing you Brexited, amirite?
Probably the only good regulation the Commission has made in years. Thankfully we'll still have it after we leave.
It imposes more limitations on companies when it comes to holding your data
Are you sure it's not some ploy to get us to agree to our own tracking and monitoring? The language in the agreements was kinda worrying.
GDP Regulation says companies can track and monitor you as much as they want (as you are using their services) but cannot do anything with the data without your explicit approval.
Isn't there new regulatory burdens on companies to report law-breaking included in this as well?
That's my point, they make approval a requirement to access a website now. With that approval aren't they free to do nefarious shit?
cookies approbal isn't new. If you logged into fb (some time ago) or twitter (today) you had to check the things you agree with. As example, I unchecked everything they want because fuck Burger Jews.
To add, you MUST have a choice if you agree with the company using your data or not.
Just logged into twitter just now. Greeted by this.
Continue and unclick all that kikery.
Boom! Now twitter can do fuck all with the data collected from you (unless your Orwellian government demands it by law)