Pray for the good people of Ireland to defeat the abortion lobby's attempt to legalize baby murder

Pray for the good people of Ireland to defeat the abortion lobby's attempt to legalize baby murder.

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Pray that President Trump will continue to fight for the rights of unwanted babies like me and my sister.

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It should be restricted for my in-group and mandatory for out-groups

And bring more potential pedophiles into the world? I say abort all babies. We know at least one out of the millions of babies that would be born is bound to be a pedophile. Better safe than sorry.

Also pray for all pregnant women and their unborn children.

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No. Abortion in the US is a net positive.

We should kill everyone in the entire world. Think of all the money we would save!


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Yes, let's bring more unwanted babies with terrible genetics into this world! Even if you think abortion is morally wrong, you need to see the bigger picture.

I agree.


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You're weird. Straighten yourself out.

>supports killing babies for eugenicist reasons
>calls me weird

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Yes do!
This is abortion

Hows it going? How are the chances? When do the votes come in?


Bump for innocent unborn Irish babies.

It is a test of racial value.

If you cannot legally protect your most vulnerable citizens, then your race is doomed to extinction.

fuck off you anti white piece of shit
abortion only targets leftists, fake conservatives and shitskins


#Neo-Nazis for Abortion

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