Slovenian elections

Well boys the time is almost upon us. Who's it gonna be? Who is the best candidate and why is it Šiško?

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fuck off we're full

They all look like fags desu

I am aware of it.

There are more options than that
Why not try something new i'm choosing between
ZSi Ths one I like
Piratska stranka Slovenije Why the fuck not
SNS Why the fuck not
Združena desnica This one is a bit sketchy

Irrelevant shithole.

Yea I know there's more. This was just the best picture I could be bothered to find. I did say Šiško is best though.

Which parties are /ourguys/
Looking at their faces, I'm guessing
smc, desus and lms are our guys, while the candidates from sd,, levica, and stranka all have cuck faces. Not sure about sds
How close was I?

ZSi )))Andrej Šiško(((, others that I listed are not bad

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Who is your živi zid?