Which ethinic group this guy belongs ?

which ethinic group this guy belongs ?

Attached: abram lincon.jpg (960x720, 76K)

100% mutt

This is peak muttism

you can be more mutt than him.

He's personification of muttland ideal look

Shit. I meant you can't be more mutt than him

Purebred Amerimutt


South American, possibly Portuguese


Sand nigger

despite the mistake, fpbp

Attached: Ana De Armas 4.jpg (879x1298, 175K)


There are no ethnic groups we are all human.


Attached: 1521177208132.jpg (1024x762, 66K)

>and it's beautiful


Attached: Brittany Venti.jpg (857x1128, 123K)


He is a bearded version of El Goblino

Attached: 56%.jpg (800x800, 67K)



goblinus americanus


I guess it's 5% european, 40% south american and 30% indian, the rest 25% goes to your imagination (maybe some for native american but who could guess)

also latinos and latino-looking people could be fucking top tier, tell him to fucking groom himself, stop eating like a fucking nigger in KFC and shave himself even be like those cartel looking guys with almost no hair, he could be a nigger chad and pick up everyone to be honest when people look for mixed races they look for an improvement of these kind of guys, happens too with latinas btw

Definitely a mudbaby.

most of us here look like this and it is horrible. No sense of identity, no culture, no heritage, no language. We feel like a big nothing.

>ethnic group

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