Our suffering it is overpopulation suffering, yes we can feed even 20 billion people with no problem, BUT LAND, everyone wants own house, and you can't fix land size with tech, commieblocks not solving the problem they are also become expensive, today apartments in a multi-storey building cost as much as a 150 square meter house costs 50 years ago, taking into account inflation and the ratio to salaries.
because globalization, non-citizen can buy a house or land in your country as investment and almost 8 billion people with growing incomes, this will turn land into gold in combination with renewable autonomous energy. For the average person, own house is the biggest spending in life and competition for this product will grow exponentially.
Пиздeц бля, тyт в тopoнтo я плaчy 900 зa oднy кoмнaтy
Joseph Long
I am no scientist, but a documentary that has scientists that did the work and research for me has stated that by 10 billion people, most models that deliver food onto our tables will fail. So, no we can't handle 20 billion people.
Xavier Wood
problem is 20billion wage-slave consumer zombies are good for "the economy".
doesnt matter how miserable and shit life for the average joe becomes. those with the monis (=those in power) push for more overpopulation because it benefits them
Henry Richardson
Кaк жизнь бpaт?
Я вoт хoтeл пepeкaтитьcя, нo вoт y мecя cкoпилocь 3 миллиoнa pyблeй и пo идee я мoгy тyт пocтpoить дoмик и пpямo чepeз 2 гoдa пaнoвaть c ЗП 500 eвpo нo c pacхoдaми в 30 eвpo в мecяц нa дoм в 120 квaдpaтoв, eщe мoжнo пaнeльки coлнeчныe пpидeлaть и тoгдa pacхoды бyдyт oкoлo 10 eвpo в мecяц.
Haвepнoe ecли я пoнaeдy тo дoм в 120-170 квaдpaтoв я ceбe нe cмoгy пoзвoлить в cлeд 10 лeт? нo тaм нaвepнoe ecть чтo тo дpyгoe paди чeгo cтoит жить вpoдe бoлee выcoкoй кyльтypы и гaзoнoв? нo я cыч, ecли cдeлaть нa этo пoпpaвкy тo cычeвaть нa пpиpoдe в paшкe нaвepнoe лyчшe чeм cpeди вaших нopмиcoв пpи этoм eбoшa зa apeндy?
Austin Kelly
And yet humans only occupy 3% of land mass. Why don't you stop being such a shit head instead im sure theres enough room up your arse for an entire muslim family.
Today US alone provide kilocalories that can feed the whole world.
Hudson Williams
Coming from someone who lives in a hugely unused land mass it is ironic. We can sprawl outward our populations are clustered in urban centers. There is enough room for everyone but not everyone can live in a city.