You better click that shit Nigga

>Be me get email from wife UH OH
>open Email hey user i had to do a personality test for a work evaluation why don't you try it.
>Open test expecting Facebook tier Boomer shit.
>Oh shit Nigger.jepg its an actual legit
scientific psychology Personality test.
>cool lets do this.

> 3 min later
>WTF is a Logician INTP-T
>Look at description
>Bill Gates And Albert Fucking Einstein.
>OH what Nigger.exif
>ok now i,m intrigued
>look at personality profile
>oh Fuck there on to me.exif
>they have me to a fucking T
>learn shit about my self my strengths and weaknesses
>am one of the most intelligent personality
>also prone to sperging out LOL they got me
> anyway learn a lot about myself how too improve and what to use my strengths for.

What personality type are you pol/

in before CIAglowinthedarkNigger.Tiff

post PERSONALITY TYPE type if you wanna

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Other urls found in this thread:

>newfag: the post

MBTI is bullshit

hi every1 im new!!!!!!! holds up spork my name is katy but u can call me t3h PeNgU1N oF d00m!!!!!!!! lol…as u can see im very random!!!! thats why i came here, 2 meet random ppl like me _… im 13 years old (im mature 4 my age tho!!) i like 2 watch invader zim w/ my girlfreind (im bi if u dont like it deal w/it) its our favorite tv show!!! bcuz its SOOOO random!!!! shes random 2 of course but i want 2 meet more random ppl =) like they say the more the merrier!!!! lol…neways i hope 2 make alot of freinds here so give me lots of commentses!!!!

>Learn your strengths and weaknesses with this one weird trick LOL
>Love, the marketing department

dont now man they had my shit down to a tee

Calm down you fucking spastic. Also ENTP

is this one of those post-ironic trolls I keep hearing about, if not then please neck yourself

hence the sperging out part

get out newfag lurk moar

Is this a larping post from Jow Forums circa 2015?

Nice data mining you have there, CIA faggot.

At least you aren't larping as an INTJ, the specialest of special snowflakes in this site. You're still a faggot and a nigger, OP.

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You prove that being an INTP doesn't make you Einstein. I use this quiz to extract information from people. I know for a fact it isn't 100% accurate. People are usually in-denial little freaks that project who they think they are versus who they really are. There's even a three-part examination of man that acknowledges this (ideal self, self-image, reality).

What's it like getting BTFO by a le feeler INFJ-A you sperg?

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jesus fucking christ

Back to plebbit

you sound more like the faggot type

underrated norwegian digits

I think Jow Forums attracts INTP people. I see more on here than anywhere.

entj master race

same as taylor swift

Its a copypasta newfag

not pasta just fucking happened yesterday thought i would share
God you people are jaded

INTP reporting in, my Dad is also

Go collect data somewhere else nigger

entj masterrace

This test is pretty accurate.

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thank you user just trying too help out

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>He can't appreciate the INTJ master race
Cross me and I'll defeat you through sheer logic and masterful strategy.

As another user says it doesn't make you a genius, although I do think most people are dumb nowadays.

I think Jow Forums attracts us because we're not interacting face to face and the infocomes to us to evaluate and investigate.

Honestly I think our thirst for even the most seemingly mundane info on all things pertaining to so many topics must keep alot of people busy

Though this is reddit tier horse shit I feel inclined to participate. ISTP here.

This but with twice the irony


>Meme test
Come on, MBTI is about cognitive functions not about this kind of shit


Attached: download.png (242x208, 13K)

Citation needed

Intj reporting in


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Did it anyway because I'm bored.
>2% of pop
>No female attention and no chance of finding a mate
Sounds about right.

This makes me nostalgic of 2004 internet, what did i did with my life for fucks sake

I'm going to guess You made a series of bad decisions

INTP-T masterrace here too.

Since when were intps so retarded?


Get on my level manlet

>being this new
AAAAAaaw. Kawaii

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I love these threads. They point the finger at newfags.
I hate these threads. They show just how far Jow Forums has fallen.

I am part of the INTP master race as well.

Maximum Shillverdrive

I am an INTP and as any real INTP would do, I researched this little personality test and found it's complete unscientific bullshit.

Attached: childrensbooks.png (500x652, 782K)

INTJ here to tell you that you are in fact a faggot.

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Just took the test.
For me it's INTP. Intelligent, Nihilistic and with a Wicked Sense of Humor.

Pic related:me

Attached: me.jpg (600x599, 65K)

Daily reminder that all IXXX personalities sans ISTP deserve the gas.

Except for women, women who are INFP are fine.

I bet a horoscope does too. Also a real MBTI test takes 2 or more hours to complete.

mods can you ban this nigga for larping as underage?

INTJ is here. I think that % of INT+ people on Jow Forums is extremely high.

>And Albert Fucking Einstein.
Yeah. I'm sure Einstein took that test 50 fucking years before someone came up with that retarded personality system.

You know who DON'T uses that system? Professional psychologists, that's who!

>% of INT+ people on Jow Forums is extremely high

do it user, pull the trigger, oh shit he did it
what next to do...

Attached: entp.png (159x166, 22K)

>You know who DON'T uses that system? Professional psychologists, that's who!

business does, it's a somewhat useful tool for determining few general personality traits

you don't want types like INTx/ENTx dealing with customers, if you don't want to get sued

Christ, learn to type coherently my man.

INTJ, sounds flattering but also somewhat true

You post like an absolute faggot.
I don't give two shits about your personality data mining test but the whole story is really unneeded.

Astrology tier

INTP-A (A is for Alpha!)

i hate intps


VERY intelligent as well

Its all pseudo-science. Every score you get is going to sound flattering. INTJ-masterrace btw.

President of Jow Forums here. Get off my board.

flag checks out, gtfo

my nigga

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I've taken this test multiple times over the last few years. At first I got INFP (mediator), then INTP (Logician). I'm currently on ENTP-A (debater).

>Its all pseudo-science.

the Army uses it

Attached: Screenshot 2018-05-25 at 2.22.35 PM.png (619x386, 48K)

einstein is a kike fraud, kill yourself faggot

>be most intelligent personality type
>believe in stereotyping personalities

I am INTP and it is not uncommon here to find the INTP people also yes online INTP is often the people that you will talk to as other types are more normal or busy.

Haven’t seen this in a while

?stna rof erutcip a, siht si tahw¿

Attached: Zoolander_01.jpg (1275x538, 97K)

You know they log the results of these and sell them to social media spambot ops, right?

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Honey why you callin me soooo late?
it's kinda hard to talk right now..
Honey why you cryin is everything ok?
I gotta whisper cause I can't be to loud..

Another Wikipedia faggot. Do you get your entire news feed vetted and “fact checked” by Faceberg too?

I was absolutely nailed, nailed as an ENTJ. I’m one of the most skeptical, analytical people you’ll ever meet, and I would only ascribe to this system if there were no doubts. The more I have other people tested, and study the functions, the more of a believer I become. Jungian typology slowly grows on you after that initial mindfuck upon being typed correctly.

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intp here. they are in search for absolute truth so yeah

Someone post the screenshot of one of the last data mining threads that surveyed what people got. It was 95% INTP or INTJ.

>People are usually in-denial little freaks

>I use this quiz to extract information from people.

what did they mean by this

>muh depression

>I was absolutely nailed
yeah, going to a gay bar and getting picked up by a huge guy would lead to ...
... wait, you are impressed by a test asking you questions, then repeating your answers at you in a different formulation?

Fucking kys

Got the same thing... your not special

Attached: Screen Shot 2018-05-25 at 3.19.05 PM.png (2516x1566, 418K)

your'e specal

Pretty funny pun, Zsombor. Admittedly better than anything I could do in your language, not that a single human being in the history of existence has had any reason to learn it.

user this is an ad

Just took it and got INTP

reddit pls go

It means you can learn a lot about a person by knowing who they want to be, user. I know who I am but that's due to prolonged solitude where you are forced to look in the mirror. The average idiot spends most of his or her time focusing their attention on external stimuli.

Intp is shit tier autism
Estp master race

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agreed, the old inet was a dope place to be.

INTJ is THE masterrace. this is not up for debate

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