Does Jow Forums have a cool wine aunt?
Does Jow Forums have a cool wine aunt?
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That is mgtow levels of coping
If you encourage stupid aunties that travel, then everyone will want to be one, this leads to no one having kids, this leads to entry level employees, this leads to no viable tourism industry at all, travelling auntie dream is dead.
A fuck, why do I keep missing words.
Meant "no entry level employees"
Yea, she's in rehab kek
She is married and reads books
She doesn't fly around the world sucking cock
Just realised url is misleading, this woman regrets not fulfilling her biological reason to exist.
No. I am a Gen Xer and women weren't encouraged to be single degenerate sluts when I was growing up. Sluts kept it private. We still shamed people for bad behavior back then and shaming is efective in curbing and stopping bad behavior.
yeah she's legitimately sad and takes anti-depressants, recently turned into a jesus freak