why are white American men constantly so angry, racist, and filled with hate?
Why are white American men constantly so angry, racist, and filled with hate?
Having to live around subhuman brown people will do that to you
You'll be mad too if you were a mutt.
Living in a country stripped of history and truly meaningful culture and realizing this fact makes you mad i think.
why are you non white faggots always here complaining about something you're not going to change? your posts simply move more normies to the right.
Why do minorities hoot and screech like triggered children at the slightest provocation? Is it because they're deeply insecure?
Our country, culture, and birthright are being openly deconstructed and divided among third worlders. Who wouldnt be upset?
this, we will cleanse you niggers
knowing that your way is obviously the best way to live and think, and yet having to deal with subhuman retards who spent their early lives addicted to drugs/thieving/etc. desperately grasping at any shred of power they can possibly get their hands on.
if it makes more trumpers keep posting, all its done fo r me and my friends is shorten the fuse to kill niggers and sleep well.
Why aren't you?
Because 50 years ago you could work 40 hours a week and have a wonderful life, a large family and maybe even a vacation home. Now this country is a fucking shithole filled with hateful people and it is nearly impossible to get ahead.
So that’s why europoors are so angry all the time.
They are fat. Lack discipline. Blame all their problems on the "other". Truly lack self responsibility.
Because all men are angry, racist, and filled with hate you fucking retard. Open a history book nigger.
where was this posted?
Watch fight club. It's angry white guys the movie
This is one white man that cant wait for the DoTR.
Our parents sold out our birthright because of hippie ideals and now they will die before the consequences have fully manifested. Fucking Boomers.
Why is x, x?
Because subhumans like you move into my country, fuck everything up, and then ask why we don’t like you. Lol it’s okay though my friends and my bro have been dreaming about RaHoWa since we were kids.
They haven't excepted me as their lord and savior yet.
I permanently except you from being anyone's saviour
Because we are the fighting stock of Europe. Most early white Americans were risk takers, adventurers, pissed off and dispossessed in Europe. We came here looking for a better life and built it from nothing. We fought, bleed, struggled, killed, and made the greatest nation on Earth. Europe lost of it's fighting stock in 2 world wars and what is left is modern cucked Europe.
Because our country was good until a bunch of Jews and shitskins started fucking it all up. Nice dumb slide thread. Sage
Just lord is fine too
Racism might go down eventually if it weren't the topic everywhere all the time. That's a pipedream though, cause a lot of shit is trying to be incredibly emotional to get clicks or views. No wonder we have this
because I have a big dick and choose to subjugate those around me.
Well well well well looks like we have a kike on here. That or your a filthy fucking nigger.
Because America was supposed to be something better
But it isn't anymore, and the blame lies with people like you
Kek even Arabs are whiter than the average argie nigger
>Racism might go down eventually
America never stood with God, they were reprobates masquerading as something righteous. So now they're being taken over by reprobates masquerading as something righteous.
Jews are the ultimate karma.
This cannot be refuted. The rest of the world has no sympathy.
The amount of shit skins on here is glorious
Get the rabbi's dick out of your mouth.
>1 post by this ID
>this many comments
Thanks to all of the_donald refugees posting in this thread for not saging.
that's just something that parasites say to get handouts
Aside from mixing up correlation with direct causation, bringing up racism all the time certainly won't make it cease. You could at least put an end to it inside a country, I mean NA is still almost compareable to Europe in these statistics.
Can you also explain why Mexico sticks out like a sore thumb in the rape statistic?
Op is proably a news memeber from a cuck sight or something. Op is a fag
>constantly so angry, racist, and filled with hate?
Right back at you, ignorant niggers.
How is irnpossiblenthat these animals have access to the internet I thought they didn't have the intelligence for anything except for complaining about reparations and wanting handouts.
t. nigger slave
t.loose edomite with no jew handler
How about you ask them, I'm pretty sure they have a lot to be angry about
My point still is that that annoying talk about race or anything else won't positively affect the impression most people have on those of other races. Even if there is some causation between race and IQ, it hardly matters cause it's all on average. As long as we don't go the road of equity, we still have meritocracy to select the ones who're actually productive.
This and having to see degeneracy and multicultural propaganda every where you look. It was one thing when it was just the radical niggers and tumbler dykes hating on white men, but now that shit is going mainstream and you'd have to be stupid to not see it. All our archetypal heros and legends are being flooded with colored and women. They are trying to teach our kids in schools that colonialism and imperialism had no benefits and were evil, but the truth is, those historical things are responsible for bringing civilization and technology to the world.
When you have no skills or worthy attributes, you attack anyone you feel is superior to you.
That's why white men attack literally everyone around them, they're insecure cowards.
>muh dik
Sure Jamal. What skills do you have besides being stupid and getting shit because of your proclaimed victim hood. White men built the modern world. Tamed the savage lands, and invented all the technology you use today. We should attack anyone that threatens that and refuses to acclimate to our way of life while still claiming to be entitled to live in the world we made.
>What skills do you have
The word of the most high god and the truth of this world.
Theres a reason this false reality is crumbling, you feel it. The truth is coming. Why stop it?
is that so? then put respect on the Word and the God by capitalizing them, nigger.
Of what false reality do you speak?
>a nigger
>worshiping the European and middle eastern god.
Your people worshiped dirt before the white men of old came and tamed you.
Because you're not dead yet.
You failed in your plan to strip weapons from US citizens, mainly white men. In fact gun ownership is increasing -- yet despite this you continue with your 'deconstructionist' iconoclast social war against the United States. Not very smart, you were supposed to take the weapons first before moving into final steps. You can choose copper, lead or biodegradable slug
God is merely a title, it isnt his name. The most high has a name edomite. That your handlers hid from the world.
The 400 years of esau's reign before the end of the world.
Your elites know everything but havent slow dripped the truth to you. You're a mindless child.
I was just in McDonald's and everything was quiet until a sheboon showed up with her little nigglet.
The little nigglet immediately started wailing at the top of its lungs and continued. The sheboon didn't really do much to shut it up. Then the father arrives, and his bix nood rap phone ringer goes off loudly, which he ignores.
Fucking shitskins have no manners or sense of common decency.
>This level of leading question
>combatting "wayycism"
>through EXPOSURE
You DO realize the states with higher nigger population (like the south) tend to be more "racist"? In other words, whites aren't racist because we hate nigs, we're racist because we are forced to see their retarded, animalistic behavior DAILY
Why the anger? They probably ar happier than you no matter if they live in Mexico or living arround you. Why can you just copy them? Be happy
why are shit OP's like this one making blind accusations on white people?
Oh. So more WE WUZ KANGZ AND SHEEIT revisionist make believe nonsense to make niggers feel like they have actually contributed anything to the world. Your real history is, animistic, cannibalistic, tribal genocide and starvation bro. There is no secret history of niggers ruling the world. They lack the brain power to even dream beyond the next meal time. That is the real "secret" truth that is being hidden. If the world accepted this real truth, you would be left to go extinct a long fucking time ago. Without the innovations and charity of the whites, that is exactly what would have happened to you. Extinction. You would go the way of the other great ape hominid species. Yours were just easily domesticated.
OP, "Thank you!" for pushing more young minds, robbed of identity since birth, suffering from dysphoria and dissociative disorders by the methodic undoing of their ethnicity, the SWM-niggers of society shat on and shunned ... over to the "Right" end of the political spectrum
>Well Done!
If they're fine in mexishit they should stay there, they shouldn't have to risk their lives getting here. You will all be slaughtered btw.
I've got no issues with Mexicans. I am happy to live with them in peace. I just don't do well around blacks.
Our birthright was sold to buy the boomers big houses and vacation homes
Partly. Jews infiltrated like they always do. Now the 3 million a day sent to Israel is being used to subvert our political system.
Because we don't like uneducated, unprepared fellows so we send them to U.S. Overall they are happier than the average american.
>not sending their best
Remember the troup angry black man?
Funny thing it is not white men l see running around with signs in the streets disrupting everyone.
It's just the natural expression of being a good human being living in an ever-increasing degenerate world.
What degenerate forum is that from?
Why are pathetic niggers, fat whale feminazis, and commie jews so angry, racist, and filled with hate?
>justify yourself to morons
No thanks nigger. Go die.
Try harder
ill tell my Mexi friend you say that
Projecting or kikeshilling?
Either way, fuck off jelly
Im with you
Mods ARE these shills
Itll be soon and thats beautiful
Honestly I’ve seen more racist black people if you scale for population difference.
I can't wait for European white men to be the same way in 20 years from now after the influx of niggers into their societies. We're racist because we know how they are.
>inbred yid manlet
Mods are literal fags