Is it true that non whites wish they white?

Jow Forums uses this argument or the whole “they’re just jealous” meme frequently. Is it actually true? I don’t why exactly and when I talk to them they seem pretty secure in their skin. Sounds like bs.

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Sounds like one of the myriad retarded strawmen you prop up to delegitimize white ethnocentrism

My Nepali friend says so

>I don’t why exactly and when I talk to them they seem pretty secure in their skin
Skin lightener companies would disagree, kike.

Why though?

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I kinda wish I was a Goy.
You know just for a day so that I can clear my mind.

Get the fuck outta here schlomo.

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I'm half-white and I wish I was white. Having a white brain but a black body is kind of awful.

Fuck wrong pic lmao

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I swear I read this exact thread with these exact posts several years ago

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talk about segregation, see what they feel like without gibs

White people are the crown of creation. Everybody wishes he were white.

Do they really though, I’m unimpressed

I'm nonwhite, and nah. Being nonwhite gives me a unique perspective, though aside from that I've noticed no difference between me and a white person. I don't feel disadvantaged either.

BS POC have to deal with racism every single day in this country. Stop lying

why would anyone want to look like a whiteoid

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I'm half italian with brown eyes and wish I was white

Check up on the concept of "colourism".

It's a phenomena in mutt-societies such as Brazil or India where lighter shades of beige are considered superior to darker shades of beige, to the point that eg. models and celebrities are all light-skinned and dark-skinned people in those society especially think it's inappropriate when fellow darkies are nominated in whatever events of festivities they are competing in.

There's also the concept of "upgrading" your genes (pic related) where you or your family advise you to marry someone with lighter skin to lighten up the bloodline.

Friendly reminder that the race-mixing door swings both ways and where we find it terrible that a white woman is having non-white kids, the black guy necessarily wishes to have/does not mind having kids less black than he himself.

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lol but really fuc that, im german ital, and thank god every morning for not being born to nords or bongs.

It's a weird accusation because it's too generalized and diffuse. If the real question is actually whether such people wish they were more intelligent, successful, or attractive then the meaninglessness of it becomes more apparent because it's likely an accusation you could hurl at just anyone, even someone who is by most standards incredibly intelligent, successful or attractive..

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