Check this shit out.
Alex Jones does it again.
He's actually one of us!
Check this shit out.
Alex Jones does it again.
He's actually one of us!
>He's actually one of us!
Get back to plebbit, circle jerking moron
run him as the Libertarian POTUS nom!!!
better than johnson/weld,,,
this shit is live?
>Open video
>Roger stone
>Something something
>You see that is why your trip to our store is so important
>To combat globalists and the vatican
This is when I close the video
why do they do this?
I know the culture is very different between the us and here on this, but ffs. I always shut down when they start like this. If they hadn't been this pushy I might have tested some of their products, but no never.. not like this.. it's in their livestreams, it's on each damn video it's on their site.
people know it's there
god fucking damnit
It's very rude
again cultural differences but for it to work here and bait more people they have to be more sublime, saying at the end of the show or something
>We need your help
>Please consider to visit our online store and check out our products
that wouldn't be pushy and would make at least mountain niggers go there and check it out. Add a video to each product and you are good
yeah. It's cringe as all hell so far.
not the word I was looking for but you get my point
alex jones gave this nigger 3k