Yeah, I'm thinking he's back

Terry is back lads, the wandering monk-king, appointed by God, has made it to Portland. Terry discusses optics, the police state, libertarianism and modern masculinity

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Other urls found in this thread:

Great. The only reason I watch his videos is that I use them like an oracle. Similarly to how Terrence uses his KJB or anything seemingly random.

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what a guy

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looking dapper as fuck with that hat, Terry

he actually pulls it off, looks sleek as fuck

this is what happens to you if you read too much and become to smart. god gets you to build an OS

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Has he destroyed the fedora meme and claimed it back for Christ?

There is a really smart dude underneath all that craziness. What a shame.

Get the fuck out with your homeless schizo prophet Jow Forums. Guy claims that he's always been special, and had influence on the Bush administration. You worship an insane homeless "man".

Hey leaf, this isn't politics
fuck off with your e celeb shit

This so much
He needs to go back to nevada and get help. He gets like 1k a month from welfare

Have you ever written an ISR? Do you even know what that means, you fucking faggot?
No, you don't because you're niggerlicious.

t. Cia nigger

You could say the same about Jesus, ironically.

Spot the CIA niggers

He is mentally ill and needs help. Stop

Not like most of the shit here is politics

They glow in the dark. Just run them over with your car.

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I thought he went missing

glow harder faggots

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He's been doing those badass dances a lot lately



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Look at him, really. He's a homeless man dancing in front of a subway. He's the sort of insane person you see scribbling in a notebook in the corner, no one wants him around. Because you Jow Forums retards enabled him to do all this shit, he's never going to get any of the help or anything he actually needs, he's just gonna be one of the thousands of insane people living on the streets in portland forever.

He was a successful programmer working for decent web companies and one day he just lost it, why? how does this happen at a flip of a switch?
CIA niggers that's how.

No, just until the big earthquake, or maybe flooding, tsunami, mudslides, and the rest of the mother nature murder

so sad he needs help but he's just another crazy person on the streets who knows how to use the internet and ppl egg him on for lulz guys sick needs help

He could have smoked pot and it could have triggered schizophrenia

poor terry, wish he could get the help he needs. now he's just another crazy hobo wondering around portland, hope he stays away from the drug scene

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schizos usually have somewhat sudden onset of symptoms between their late teens and early thirties.

Just imagine if he becomes an actual crackhead. Anons have helped him irl with groceries and stuff but thats all.

he isn't insane you fucking dolt. Just because you can't understand what he's talking about. He is happy with what he is doing and doesn't need need any help from CIA niggers

>terry davis in portland
>truck runs over 3 girls on portland campus


he looks better too, idk why. actual good look in the op

Uh oh

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CIAniggers leave.

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He doesn't have a vehicle

what happened to the van he had in beatty?

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Could a homeless schizo build an operating system from scratch?
He is a prophet though

Does he say where he is in PDX? I live here. Maybe I'll look for him this weekend.

He hit a tree, and it was totalled.

It broke down and he left it or something.

He had sex with a homeless woman named "margie" from vegas in that van.

Did someone say sex with a homeless woman?

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sounds suspect. did (((they))) set him up?

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is it true he got kicked out of his parents house after attacking his dad?

. >sounds suspect. did (((they))) set him up?
ikr? (((they))) fined him 250 dollars for damage to the tree. i want to see pictures of that tree.

Portland you say?

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He was a CIA nigger.. probably a boomer as well

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any thing they do, any way they touch anyone's "personal virtual space" we make our point more clear.

Attack is too strong a word, but his parents called the police for a domestic disturbance, and by law, the offending party must be removed from the residence. So Terry left. His parents invited him to come back, and come back inside, but Terry refused, feeling he had more freedom in his van.

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Some of the posts in this topic would suggest that the summer internship has started at the CIA.

Do they know where he is now? Do they still talk?

Why do schizos always make the most sense? It's fucking uncanny.

Terry just single-handedly made fedoras cool again.

Just because he's mentally disturbed from his commune with god (before whom all words recoil) he can't know things? Can you program an operating system?

Schizophrenics talk to themselves, no censure, just raw impressions.

they are schizos because they have a hard time translating their elaborate interwoven thoughts into linear strings of words

so they sound crazy most of the time but when they get the words right you can see how their intelligence does not translate well always but it is extraordinary

I haven't heard anything about him talking to his parents directly, but there are friends and family (brothers & sisters) who keep in touch and know where he is and what he's doing. Terry likes being independent, and recently mentioned how he feels good about not having to be burdened by maintaing a house, yard, or car. So it looks like he's still going to be a wandering monk for a bit.

>Why do schizos always make the most sense?
you go insane once you figure out what the world is truly like. you'll start to talk to yourself if you ever figure it out too.

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If you look into the company he was working for they had a chemical leak.
Lots of the employees were injured, including Terry.

I only started hearing things this year, though.

Talking to yourself is a sign of high intelligence, I do it every single moment.
The difference for schizophrenic people is that they literally hear voices and experience delusions such as "Potatoes taste like Ohio".

he does look pretty /comfy/

watch out for the antifaniggers though, Terry. they roll deep in Portlandistan.

Is this Portland? The absolute state of these white "men". What's the guy on the bike want his turn?

Will they assault someone that's mentally ill for saying nigger?
I know they beat old people and women but what's the cutoff point? Wheelchairs?

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don't worry user God is with him

DUDE your webm cuts off the best part. she hugs her cuck bf at the end, and he gets nigger cum ON HIS HAND! he even looks at it like wtf.

Terry lookin good im glad he is doing well

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I hope he never starts taking his meds again

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I was hoping that's not what that guy was. All for probably what $10-$20 of crack? Probably a 2 hour high before they'll be back wanting more? It would be merciful to kill them I'm not being an edgy kid I mean it a moment of physical pain would be nothing compared to that emotional pain they're wracking up.

he seems to have way more clarity about his own situation now than having all that mind fog.

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weird how 3 people just got ran over in portland today.

they kill babies.
Why you think Terry is talking about the age of Violence ?
And having to Look Good?
Terry would kill any antifag with the power of God.

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>we didnt believe him when he talked about all the bitches on his dick

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Maybe he ran over those people in Portland with a van today ?

Do you think this was playing in the Van ?

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Fucking glow in the dark CIA niggers ITT

you mean CIA niggers?

score 6 for the good guys

hell yeah

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No, this one.

They say it was "an older man". Uh oh

Is this the insane guy who made his own OS and thinks the CIA is hunting him, yelling CIA niggers constantly?

Terry is Protected by God on his Divine Quest.

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>Terry would kill any antifag with the power of God.
They will rape them into submission.

Terry is probably mid 50s, does that count as 'an older man' or do they mean some 80 year old grandpa, who confused the gas pedal for the brakes ?

>Made an Operating System singlehandedly.
Its more likely he is literally telling the Truth than he is Insane.
>pic Related.

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He was a very talented computer programmer that developed schizophrenia. Now he's just a meme machine.

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>The thing people say he is Scitzophrenic about actually works you can go test it yourself.
Does that mean you have schizophrenia too ?

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Or are you trying to imply that the machines he created send people insane ?

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You niggers just can't handle the magic.
Your wiccan gay shit doesn't even compare.

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I don't think mid 50s is that old, but Terry always had that rugged look about him. Makes him look 70.