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damn should've stayed in her country

I will not apologize. If the invaders wanna send unarmed females to attack our white countries we should be thankful to Wotan because now we can save bullets. Azov battalion will mow down every breathing intruder. It's literally stated in the edda.

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Should have stayed home, Maria.

>damn should've stayed in her country
She had a high chance of getting shot while going to school in her country though.

So if this stupid bitch and all her family & friends would have stayed where they belong, she'd be alive.
Too bad, so sad.

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>doctor, it hurts when i bend my arm like this
>have you considered not bending your arm like this?

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And that’s a bad thing?

azow is a bunch of slav niggers who kill innocent people.
they even don´t fight the russians, because they could shoot back
they are the worst kind of comunists
also they are Jewish leapdogs

>digital mourning


>be retarded indigenous mexiroastie
>tresspass with her muchachos
>get told to get on the ground, assume you are back in mexican village where police just use feather dusters and airhorns to fight off cartels and just try to bumrush an armed border agent
>get clapped

Literally what the fuck, how is this news? What's next, a vigil for an armed crack dealer that raised up on a cop that arrested him?

I'm as right wing as the next guy but Azov literally serve a Jewish oligarch. They're steering men the wrong way against their brotherly Slavs and not against the real threats (Jews and shitskins).

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Yes. She is a human being that fleeing her country from troubles that caused by American imperialism, and now she died.

that's not the USA's problem

Of course not, your entire government is jewish plus ukraine is importing tons of jews from israel and resettle them in ukraine. The lazy kinds of jews: the ones that have a million kids and don't go to work or the army and just study torah all day. They are going to make ukraine a welfare state off the EU and American money and all the goyim will be working and paying high taxes to sustain shlomo and his 40 inbred kids.

This is what its going to take to keep them out.

Start shooting.

put down a breeder squatamalan. no life time of welfare for her and her 10 squatlings anchor babies. generations of drain on the American welfare system were negated with one simple act.

it's terrible that she had to die but perhaps she should have stayed in her OWN fucking country.

Latinas are WHIIIIITE

To be fair, everyone is on welfare. This is why Ukraine is such a shithole. Hardly anyone works, Jews and non-Jews included.


Good, good

white boys are really fucked now in the pen. trump already fucked off the aryan bro + la eme biz.

How horrible, if only israel was more open to immigration. More needs to be done to open borders for israel

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Lol no. Numbers and strength wise there's more than enough peckerwoods to fuck around with the black guerrilla family and eme and whoever else.

Yes it is. It is the US's fault that those innocent people died by racist Americans, using those innocent people as target practices ans slaves.
I am ashamed to be American. We should surrender for peace.

Remember when those two border patrol agents had their skulls caved in with rocks? Do they think everyone of these people is harmless? Not a threat? They throw rocks and it is receive as a threat. Why would they not shoot? Plus they didn't explain how she got shot or if the agent targeted her. Only that there were a report, he shows up, and group of them come out throwing rocks and he shoots and kills her.

>To be fair, everyone is on welfare. This is why Ukraine is such a shithole. Hardly anyone works, Jews and non-Jews included.

So what do you guys do to pass time? Sit around and drink?

Maybe in Canada, not in texas or cali. & BGF is all burnt out dope fiends.

>According to the agent, the group ignored his verbal commands [to get on the ground] and instead rushed him. The agent discharged one round...
Why beaners so fucking stupid? They deserve this fate don't they?

We must defend this man Jow Forums, with all our might.

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>two border patrol agents
most likely hispanic, i think 80% of the force is Latino now.

Top Kek

Tbf it's totally a normal response to shoot someone for throwing rocks. Someone needs to cite all the IDF/Palestinian skirmishes that end with deaths because Palestinians where throwing rocks.

That man is a racist murdered with toxic masculinity. We need to feminize our boys to end toxic masculinity and racism.

She doesn't even speak spanish.

>digital mourning


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One less :DDD
We should do this to ALL border invaders. Illegal immigration would cease overnight.

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That thing was 20? Looks 60 years old.

Damn, spics are fucking ugly.

lul he really thought whites would be a majority in fucking California prisons

She is a traitor and a coward, she is better dead.

One less shitskin.

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Only racist bigots say that. She's innocent and brave.

So as to explain it to you, it works like this.

50+ you get pension so older people don't really have to work
If you have kids the government pays a certain amount for each one which is what alot of people live on

Those two things make the majority of people not have to work.

Now if your young and childless you do need to work which is who the majority of the labor force is made up of. Some people who get benefits still work since benefits might not be enough for them.

Is Guatamala going to declare war on the US?

Guatemala won't because Guatemala is an American puppet slave state.

>undocumeted imigrant
What a funny way to say invader, intruder, enemy, not welcomed, illegal
So many words and they chose that.

There is no such thing as undocumented. She's a human being.

>don't throw rocks at armed border agents
>don't get shot
or even better
>don't illegally immigrate
>don't get shot
wooow so easy

Lol good one.

You're a scumbag and hope to see you in blog del narco bitch.

Because in the past Israelis were killed by people throwing rocks.

This is good
Spread fear among the spics

>crtizicing someone makin fun of dead person
>wishing said person was dead by narcos
Not so fast, Paco.

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stupid maria should have stayed in her country

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good. Mowe em down border patrol!

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