Haven't kept up since the shooting. What was the edgy cunt's motive?

Haven't kept up since the shooting. What was the edgy cunt's motive?

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He was a nazi

>t. reddit

Bullies by teachers though they deny that rejected publicly by a girl he liked and people are saying he was stalking her and people demanding a ban on salt rifles.


>sickle & hammer
The kid was antifa.

lol thinking we'll get a motive despite the police finding a complete journal the day it happened. the media decided his motive based off a girl's mother who said he was asking her out and she told him to stop (she neglected to mention that the girl humiliated him in front of his entire class while doing so).

still no motive for parkland either
or vegas...

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he just wanted to do hoodrat things with his friends.

Vegas was a pair of muslim brotherhood backed antifa shooters. That's why they targeted a (country) concert that stereotypically attracted white christians.

i dunno why everyone is taking the comment the mothers said as gospel truth. she is a druggie who has been in and out of prison as early as January. shes a mess

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some girl rejected him and she died in the shooting so most likely that

He was teaching bullies an important lesson about how they treat autistic lardasses. That is, always break their fingers so they can't pull the trigger.

>edgy cunt

He only killed edgelords

Sounds like he deserved to be humiliated

He took that dark synth aesthetic a little too seriously

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also find it funny the police may or may not have accidentally shot some students with friendly fire during the epic gun battle. I guess we wont know since they aren't releasing the autopsies reports

nah the kid was an edgelord. some guy in the classroom said that he was saying shit like "another one bites the dust" when he killed someone.

yea im sure its all totally true.

Have you fucking seen his trenchcoat with a hammer+sickle, the Iron Cross, and a Cthulhu pin on it? The guy was 100% an edgelord memer and, for some reason, you expect him NOT to shitpost while committing a massacre.

He was getting bullied.

Where'd you hear this from?

this is what I have a hard time wrapping my head around
>SANTA FE, Texas — Police responding to shots fired inside Santa Fe High School got locked into a 25-minute gun battle with the gunman, a Texas sheriff said Monday.
>Addressing reporters, Galveston County Sheriff Henry Trochesset said that as far as he could tell none of the 10 victims were killed by crossfire from law enforcement officers, but that he won't know for sure until the autopsies are completed.
but then
>The Texas prosecutor handling a high school shooting that killed 10 people says autopsies won't be released while the investigation is underway.

shit is weird.

thot patrol

That's completely normal.

just keep up with the articles. this shit slips under the radar

I also forget about the the sub teacher pulling the fire alarm while the shooter was still active. That was fucking nuts

This. He got turned down by a thot and chimped out.

Yeah people are often thinking rationally in those situations.

according to the junkie mom whos always in jail

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Typical white, right wing beta

That doesn't disprove anything tho. You're fucking shitty at research.

"he was rejected by a stacy"
that girl looks like an ugly down syndrome tranny

Get fucking SKINNED you absolutely worthless maplechink

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you have a horse in this race? You seem awfully defensive

He had good taste at least then

Sorry everything isn't a big conspiracy :(

lets check out some family members of the girl who tossed in their 2 cents

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No. You do. You started with a conclusion and are working backwards with nonsense.

How is it even possible to be this mentally ill, to be this fucking sick and still maintain an aura of arrogance?

Fucking HOW? Are we really going to have to start killing you worthless rats, just to have a normal civilization again? Is it really going to be necessary to go that far, just to stop you from ruining everything, you fucking turbonigger demon?

trip back to Orlando Nighclub
>Orlando Police Chief John Mina told reporters the day after the shooting he wasn’t aware of friendly fire deaths, but if they happened, “those killings are all on the suspect.”
>Orlando police can’t say whose bullets were whose. That will be addressed in the investigation results the FBI has yet to release, but Mina said he’s fairly sure the report won’t show that his officers shot anyone — except Omar Mateen
just normal procedure I guess

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>accusing others of being mentally ill
>posts gore in attempt to be edgy
>fantasizes about massacring people
user, you might be a psychopath. A mental defective like you should be the one getting a bullet in the back of the head to be completely honest.

it was a publicity stunt for the upcoming school shooting simulator Active Shooter, available on steam june 6th. that was hit motive.,

>trenchcoat with a hammer+sickle, the Iron Cross
so which is it?

Ask him.

Don't forget the gay pride heart

Some undercooked tendies, his mommy came back late from work and was half asleep, so she couldn't cook the tendies properly. This sent him on a rampage, and the rest is history.

Is it really relevant? For now I'm guessing he wanted to be a little tranny cunt and where he will be going he will be learn all the different shades of red lipstick.