Micheal Rotondo is ourguy

Alex Jones just gave him 3k to move out of his house

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who is this guy and why is he everywhere this week ?

Alex is dropping major redpills and I dont think Micheal can handle it.

should have made him an info warrior too

He is the king of the neets, /b/ has already crowned him.

the fuck? can I have 3k to move out of my parents house?

I would love that, hed be just like Owen


>literal deadbeat dad
not our guy, you dum dum

Nope, dead beats are based


I'm so fucking sick of Alex Jones and his bullshit. He parades around like he's some bastion of truth and true journalism and all he does it report on oversensationalized bullshit. He hasn't told the truth about anything at all in months and he's actively avoiding covering SPYGATE at all. Alex Jones prefers siding with the Globalists over being a patriot. He is a globalist because he's a zionist. They're one in the same and he's a piece of shit.

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What scandal? The fake news fbi spying bs, pshhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

spygate is fake news and alex knows that

this was fucking hilarious jones just called him an autist

Alex wants to wake up everybody, Jews included. If he starts accusing the average Jew that he is behind globalism then the average Jew will just write him off as a nut.

Alex Jones knows his autistic fan base

Reminder that this guy is an actor and this news story is manufactured. You guys honestly believe some random neet gets national attention and interviewed on major news networks? The point being, the news is much more fake than most people realize.

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What's the purpose? To shit on people living with their parents?

I find it interesting that the right wing clearly wants to defend this guy, giving excuses, 'Mexicans do it to', etc, despite knowing they know they're not supposed to. While the left absolutely hates him

horseshoe theory is real


To feed the 24 hour news cycle without having to do any actual reporting.

Well ''they'' are clearly showing this to the nation for a reason. This NEET isn't a minority, a lot of people live like him right now. Look at statistics

The government or private individuals must bail out all neets to the tune of $5k/per. This must be done as a form of boomer penance against the sins they have committed against neetkind, and for raising them up in a social experiment society that failed so utterly.

Yes, the entire point of the millennial shaming is to offset the economic crisis onto the victims.
It's why there are so many (literally) "Millennials are Destroying the _____ Industry" articles.
Human shields for when the real crash comes.

Let's be honest though. Millenial boomers are the worst trash of all.

30 year old refused to move out of parents house so they took him to court to get evicted

Like when a bolt starts to wiggle lose on an assembly line and the products become increasingly defective until one day...

to push the narrative that millennial American kids are lazy and entitled vs those super scrappy hungry migrant sub-humans?

This guy was no ordinary parent-liver though. There's nothing wrong with doing that (especially in the case of having an attached apartment or similar) while getting yourself off the ground. This guy seemingly couldn't figure out how to even try.

I think most neets are piss broke and paralyzed by unemployment gap & defaulted student loans. How do you get a job if you haven't been employed for years? And you can't go finish college using Pell Grants and Gov. Stafford Loans if you're in default on old loans. They feel trapped with no way out

meanwhile they are both 70 and will soon be asking him to move back to help change their diapers

>millennial boomers

You can get a shit entry level job without fancy credentials. You know, high school / college summer job type stuff. Or drive for uber. Schlep on craigslist. The point is to get out there and start hustling at least, and then at least you have some income to work with while you plot out grander schemes.

Do neets have their own car? Seems unlikely without any revenue from any job. And if they have shit credit from defaulted loans, they can't even do one of those cheap $100/m leases of a Chevy shitbox

> $3,000 dollars to move out on your own in New York
Cool, one month's rent, that'll really take the guy who has no work experience far in life.

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I've been applying for entry level crap since January and only finally managed to get something in the past week.

Maybe some do some don't. But if you're living with your parents on their dime, then maybe they can help you out in one way or another, or even just help find you a job in the family somewhere.

I've been through stuff like that before, and yeah it's not magic. Sometimes you have to be inventive and get help from friends or family. But if you just check out and go full NEET, then you're definitely going to go nowhere but into an even longer and more ponderous employment gap.

just literally saved this mans life, if he chooses to be saved.

See? Have to keep it up. That's why unemployment exists so you're not completely derelict if you can demonstrate you're at least making an effort to score something.

One day I was fixing some shit on my car in the street after the 2008 crash when I lost my job and some dude came out of his house to chat with me. He was interested if I could do car work for him. Turns out he's a general contractor and I can also do general contractor type stuff. I found a different gig before we hooked something up, but it just goes to show opportunities can pop up sometimes when you don't expect.

New York State, up around Syracuse.

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He lives near me. A one bedroom apartment us only $500/month with utilities included. He just got half a years rent, m8.

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It's getting frustrating as hell though. Also, all the listings turn out to be lures so that, during the interview, they can offer you a temp position instead of what you thought you had actually applied for.

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Kid should come and work with me at Wal-Mart. I've been working there for over a decade and I can definitely show him the ropes!

Implying Pell grants and student loans can pay for community college in my state at $4k a semester

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Alex should have taken him to a barber for a haircut and proper shave

Holy shit. The cost of higher education these days really is retarded. My degree today costs almost 6x what it did when I got it.

Isn't full pell grant $6k? 1 year of CC is usually right around that much. plus you qualify for work-study on campus. that's an easy way to get work experience for your resume

if you get good grades 1st and 2nd semester you'll qualify for scholarships 3rd and 4th semester at CC. then you leverage good CC grades for transfer scholarships at local universities

>tfw alex wont give you 3k for literally no reason

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I thought it was $2.3k or something to that effect. I already work 50 hours a week, so I'll have no time for a work-study job.

It's New Hampshire, one of the most expensive places in the nation for education and housing. The only reason education costs so much is because they expect everyone to go on the CC to university pipeline and can charge as much at both places, which undermines the concept of a CC.

People who call me crazy when I reveal the number are probably from California or out west, so I cannot blame their bias.

I haven't been in a classroom since 1998. There's no way I'm going to get decent grades on the first go. I'm too old anyways and only have a decade or so in the workforce.

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Yeah, and taught him how to fake a decent resume lol

>one more decade in the workforce
Did you go to school late in life or are you planning on retiring pretty early?

Its not like the pornography industry is in bed with (((the educational))) INDUSTRY or anything.

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oh wait it is ? thats sad.

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Say what you want about Alex Jones but he is shining here. Imagine having him as your uncle. He really is a natural.

The Six purposes of Schooling.

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I love how he's pinched the Ares88 intro.

>I find it interesting that the right wing clearly wants to defend this guy
>While the left absolutely hates him
>horseshoe theory is real
reread your post you dumb sharter

You cut the NEET off cleanly. You don't allow them to saunter about. Alex you are enabling a mentally ill uninformed manchild. Wake up, break the conditioning.

Yeah, the mexican argument about multi generational homes really shits up your boomer astroturf huh

Maybe when they voted to borrow against social security for a second time recently, all that unearned money will go to retraining the new dalit untouchable caste like they retrained people in the 70s? No?

nobody is going to hire someone in their 40s vs hungry 20-somethings with six-figure debts, which is one hell of a control mechanism to the employer. I know this is a radical claim, but it's a shared sentiment among those in HR departments of several fields I had the pleasure (or displeasure depending on your perspective)in chatting with. I don't even have a GED, so that road in education is going to be a long one if I have the energy to persue it.

This guy has been on every fucking news station imaginable, if you dont realize hes a deep state psy op of some sort, youre a fucking idiot.

deep state psy op to fuck with parents heads about allowing the neet culture to thrive via their funding of it.
>parents see example of horrific neet-ism in son
>fear sets in
>parents start revolution to stop their neet kids
its pretty fucking obvious.
the media is literally all one big conglomerate.
just like central banks answer to the FED
there is a shadow news leader that spews their liberal filth to the masses and coordinates it all.
wake up

This guy is quite the sperg, wonder if he visits the chans