I'm right wing but I think hate speech isn't free speech

I'm right wing but I think hate speech isn't free speech

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kys then

I find the OP's comment extremely offensive. It shouldn't be allowed.

What you’re saying right now is something I consider hate speech. Off to the gas chambers you go, Shlomo.

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>I'm right wing but
Why so many shill here today ? And what do they think they accomplish ?
They dont seem to understand, that rightists are the opposite of their brainamputated counterparts ...
Were not stupid enough for your bs. Sorry, shills!

Then you're not rightwing, burger fag

Incoming redpills

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I'm right wing but we seriously should have made Bernie our president and I'm against racism antisemitism homophobia islamaphobia transphobia and nazis

lol the ironic unirony

Oh look anther shill thread

then you're a liar and a commie. on this, there is no middle ground. the 2nd amendment exists to protect the 1st.

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>I think hate speech isn't free speech
Then you have down syndrome. I'm very sorry.

inb4 who decides what hate is, think about that for a minute

I'm right wing but OP is a fag.

Define hate speech

Is this the new forced ShareBlue meme, posting a "conflicted pepe" with "I'm right wing but [liberal opinion]"

these shill threads are getting so bad that even i'm having a problem with it

I'm right wing but I think free speech is a fraud and we should get rid of it so we can execute leftists.

>I'm right wing but I think hate speech isn't free speech
Fuck you commie faggot. Go eat broken glass and drink battery acid.

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Ur a faggot then.

>hate speech
Not a real thing.

Whats up with these threads suddenly saying “I’m a right wing, but some leftist bullshit”?

Do you even know how obvious your shillng is?
Pic related

It's very blatant. You need to shill more subtly.

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They are called "shills" and they are trying to subvert our beliefs

kill yourself


Also this.
It's a D&C tactic. "I'm just like you, but (insert leftist garbage position here). It's not even well done.

What are you sliding, faggot?

>hate speech isn't free speech

i fucking hate that.

i demand it censored.

oh, it's the new media matters spin. honest, guv, i'm one of you.

>ignore shill threads
>report shill threads
>sage shrill threads

>6 gorillion replies
>1 post by this kike
Fuck this place. That's why good posts never surface.


sage D&C bread

Well that's one way to say that you're a faggot


That’s because you’re a communist faggit Jew bastard. And also probably a nigger.

good lad.
>Jow Forums has not yet learnt to handle that there is NOT a world-wide Jewish conspiracy
>I think anons are going to be part of the throes of that transformation,
>which WILL take place.
>Jow Forums is not going to be the racist anti-semitic board they were.
>Anons are going to be at the centre of that.
>It's a huge transformation for Jow Forums to make
>They are going to love people of different races,religions, and cultures,
>anons will be resented for that, because of our leading role

>i'm right wing but i like to suck nigger jew dicks

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The Supreme Court disagrees with you as the 1St. Amendment covers whatever you want to call "hate speech". God damned KYS OP.

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hate speech is just plain stupid. I wouldn't consider it anything. I would just ignore it.
But if the person not just 'hates' but actually comes up with arguments and facts for his 'hate speech' then I would consider it.
Truth might hurt you but it's still the truth.
If there's no reasoning to the hate speech then I agree with you, on the matter that it is stupid and pointless, but the person still has the right to say it whether you like it or not.

I think your post is hate speech, what now, bigot?

Please stop new friends. Please.

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