UK is lost

All articles reporting on the state arrest of Tommy Robinson are being shut down by the government.


Tick tock fellas, 1984 is already here.

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Tommy Robinson = Zionist Scum or my name isn't Wayne Lambright.

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this is more about the state censoring the media retard

>this is more about the state censoring the media retard

Actually, it's about Tommy being a shit for brains, like you.

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kill yourself mutt

>kill yourself mutt
I'd rather murder you.

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>State arrests someone for wrongthink
>Surprised when said arrest is censored
>Hurrrrrr I bet it's 1984 gov!
You became 1984 a decade ago you fucking egg
Quit wasting your time and do something that is productive to your life(something this shit surely isn't)

YES GOY let your (((government))) get away with censorship and corruption and just go about your normal life for an easier time goy

>islam is a race hur dur
the fucking state of this country

Attached: brtain 2025 hitchens peter.jpg (449x580, 42K)

>Destroy your country bit by bit
>Make it illegal to speak out about it
Every day gets worse in the UK

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What do you mean let?
I don't think you understand, you aren't capable of changing it, your chance to do so went by you in the early 90's
You might as well be telling worst Korea that they need to stop going full Tokyo futerist with city expansions

I can't wait until we have sitcoms about this kek
Hogan's Heroes : Orwellian Boogaloo

start making them before its too late

Rape trial involving 29 defendants from Huddersfield with 8 called Mohammed

>YES GOY let your (((government))) get away with censorship and corruption and just go about your normal life for an easier time goy
You say that sarcastically, but it's not as though you actually have a choice.

Don't be Heathen
Imprison Stephen (yet again)

He breached the conditions of his suspended sentence for contempt of the court.

>Russia Today
>Deleting random article about Britain because British power said to but secretly?

lol it rhymes

I think everyone in England needs to [THIS TEXT HAS BEEN EXPUNGED BY THE UK POLICE]

Hah I made the graphic for that flyer I think. Anyone got a link?

One of the best things about living in the United Kingdom is that most of the right-wing rhetoric you hear in America is very much against the law here. Calling Islam "uncivilised" or saying that gay marriage isn't really marriage would get you charged with inciting hatred. Suggesting that people should buy guns "for self-defence" would be considered inciting violence, which carries serious penalties as well. We're also finally starting to seriously crack down on climate change deniers and anti-vaxxers and all three of our legal systems have laws that prohibit insulting or offending people in general. Scotland has a law against disparaging the memory of deceased persons, so the crude "ding dong, the witch is dead" rhetoric coming from the US when a celebrity dies would be very much illegal. Childish name-calling and lying about people is not allowed here either, as a woman in Suffolk was recently given defamation charges for commenting "she's a liar" on a YouTube video of a politician giving a speech.

Is our freedom of expression limited? Not in the least. We are guaranteed freedom of expression through European law. Rather than restricting freedom of expression, these laws simply ensure that it's used responsibly and for the purposes of good. Unlike Americans, we understand that human rights and human dignity also need to be respected. Americans stubbornly cling to their outdated interpretation of their archaic Constitution while the rest of the world forges ahead. You Americans look very uncivilised to the rest of us when you allow bigots to speak out openly. By allowing hate speech, you are sending the message to the rest of the world that your government approves of hatred and intolerance. Is that really what you want, Americans?

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America should invade the UK.

Honestly though, I could care less about what happens to that mudshark.

go fuck yourself

Why haven't you done it already?

>All articles reporting on the state arrest of Tommy Robinson are being shut down by the government.
Yes. And?

Any effort to save the UK is wasted. They have begun down a road of censorship and criminalizing "wrongthink" that can never be reversed because anyone claiming it needs to be reversed is guilty of "wrongthink". The path forward for the UK is to enforce a policy of accelerationism that forces them to double down on all bad decisions until they collapse.

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This. It's just an elaborate ploy to make Jow Forums look stupid. He was arrested yesterday the idea that he would already receive a sentence is retarded. People need to stop and think before falling for blind sensationalism.

I don't know that any of those links ever worked in the first place. Why would brietbart care what the UK gov think?

march in the streets for god sake you all outnumber the police and military hundreds to one

Reminder that when the economy crashes, throwing bricks at the police will become an English pass-time.

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So do the bobbies have any issue arresting people over such ridiculous "crimes"? Or are they are mindless drones?

two videos showing articles being deleted
[ Tommy Robinson arrested & story censored online - YouTube ]
[ Tommy Robinson created a glitch in the Matrix? [25 May 2018]

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The UK police are too god damned busy giving supporters of Islamic terror guided tours of London.

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Pretty sure most are leftist or just don't care, because if one of them refused all the rest would assume they are right wing and then they would be arrested for wrong think

in this post you can see evidence that this links did work since they were all cashed by google
I guess even foreign outlets want to comply with UK law in fear of being shut down

pic related:
UK judge decided that media is not allowed to report on this until sentencing

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so UK is now officially colonized by Islam?

> that blinking cursor

> Generation Identity (GI) UK co-leader Tom Dupré was fired from his banking position at the City of London firm Standard Chartered earlier this week following a campaign by far-left activist group HOPE not Hate (HnH).
>Following the initial report, Dupré said that HnH senior researcher Dr. Joe Mulhall had emailed and made at least one telephone call to Standard Chartered in order to get him fired for his anti-mass migration and anti-Islamisation political views, claiming that they were a violation of the company’s diversity policies.

Kek. The country is fucked. These diversity policies are everywhere. It's politically impossible to get rid of them, because as soon as one party mentions it (not that they will mention it), the media and other parties will universally condemn them as Nazis, and they'll stand no chance in an election.

This country is done.

On the off chance this isn't bait I believe when you need to stretch what someone says to say they were inciting violence or being racist/anti-religion what you're doing is PC policing others' lives and creating a system where there is a legal and illegal opinion, the illegal opinion fearing to be discussed yet still existing if not growing from rage and feeling censored in a way human beings as an animal have never been censored before. If we cannot talk about any topic in any manner without being a hairtrigger away from someone throwing slander backed by a lawyer that the accused ultimately has no fighting chance against regardless of their core values.

I've been called racist by people who subscribe to identity politics and are likely more racial than they'd like to admit since it seems to be such a huge focal point of their life and sexist for not believing a wage gap exists when facts back that up. Discussing anything someone does not like your opinion over even if genuinely offensive is not a very progressive society when it actively creates pockets of extremism teaching their youth about censorship of state and how to them, you cant be open with your opinion unless you are agreeable. What will that do to the mental health of the next generation? What about people who simply grow up asking societal questions and having an interest in those fields who are prone to having their lives ruined by the very nature of the ground they tread? How is this in any way progressive rather than a blatant agreeable agenda being pushed through what looks very much like thought-policing and a fear-creating system?

Tick tock might as well go full bombing mode at this rate. I'm tired of this, I shouldn't have to martyr myself in the name of free speech, fucking disgraceful.

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Great example of why discussion of a topic should not bring legal threat. That's entirely out of the question in any society that brings it up because anyone against diversity quotas must be against diversity rather than quotas and therefore racist. In a system where you're legally in trouble for that there's something fucked with the law.

This article is still up.

This is reddit pasta from either the UK subreddit or Europe

>It's politically impossible to get rid of them

Why participate in a broken system?

It’s actually pretty clever. The person hadn’t even said anything yet they just looked annoyed so the bong patrol preemptively attacked them.

Just think, anons. The anger and despair you feel now will one day manifest itself in a rage of fury and violence when the tiger finally passes out. Accelerationism is key, and the sooner we can trigger the debt trap, the better the chance for a revolutionary vanguard to seize power and destroy every enemy and every traitor where they stand. Not a stone will be left un-turned, and the pain you feel now will be nothing compared to the brutal torture that is coming to the traitor class. What's wonderful about it is that our vengeance will be done completely legally, because we will make it legal.

It is dialectics in motion. It's not a matter of if, but when. Have faith my friends, look after yourselves for now, because you will be needed one day.

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Best of luck. gotta say I would heading down that road if I lived there. Luckily its not as bad here or at least as apparent.

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Got atleast one original article that has been deleted.

I know the brittish courts love gag orders but this is obviously something else considering the scale of the operation.

Keep monitoring this. Post all articles that have been deleted and lets compile them in a few hours. There are ways to bring the Streisand effect to full effect.

This is confirmed to be outright censorship of factual information. Whatever the gag order was issued on must be one classical brittish piece of newspeak.

did s_o.ygon of a cuck died?

Strange times we live in.

>On the off chance this isn't bait
it is a realistic bongger larp

The mentality shows the intent. It's a religion, but they're only there because they're brown.

I also like how the twatter bird's feet look like swastikas from the police's perspective. As if he's been trained to automatically see nazism/bigotry/racism whenever he sees anyone disagreeing with a muslim.

I'm rooting for you brit bros, go get'em!

It’s gotten bad in my area. I’ve been thinking about moving north to get away from this large city. It’s just a full on dystopia of left wing nonsense now.

It is gag order, pic But there is more I suspect.
Tommy and his crew are not complete retards. They are trying to lunch new media outlet.
Can you imagine beter promotion for this outlet as its lead journalist being arrested when reporting on pedophiles?

(((They))) grabbed the bait and arrested him. Judge figured out this is win win for Tommy and ordered media to not report on it, hoping less people will see this.

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Anyone here familiar with brittish gag orders? I know most of the famous instances of censorship usualy just ip blocks entire countries where the local goverments wants their sheeple to remain uninformed.

This happend on multpile platforms and most likely was argued in a "right to be forgotten" rule that EU implemented.

>maybe the uk outright killed him and the higherups called in the wet work cleanup crew

Attached: tommycensored.png (1161x965, 1003K)

>Judge figured out this is win win for Tommy and ordered media to not report on it, hoping less people will see this.
then he might have turbo charged it in the end.
maybe the judge figured this too...

You could always go south if you really want to get away from the cities, masses of liberals, and high population density.just don’t be supprised if city conveyances don’t exist here

Occasionally, the government/police gag the press so that if a jury are needed in court, they can get all the facts from the trial itself rather than from biased media. It prevents the jury from having their beliefs shaped by the media before/during the trial. After the trial, the press will be allowed to talk about it. If such things weren't in place, you can imagine media outlets would constantly be talking about certain cases, effectively moving the trial outside of the courtroom. That's not to say that it can't be abused to censor the media to prevent a mass uprising...

I think most countries have equivalent laws?

Its just my speculation.
Tommy was on probation for exactly same crime when he was doing exactly same thing infront of court at some other muslim pedos case.

He knew very well they can lock him up if he does it again. So I guess he sort of forced them to do it. If he doesnt get killed in prison this is win win for him. If he gets killed they created martyr and its win win for us.

This is why he was sentenced previously:

And him doiung same thing at some other court:

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He's on a suspended sentence at the time of arrest, he's in a tremendous amount of trouble and it's unlikely he won't see jail time.

I'm a socialist and would glass Tommy if he showed his scummy face around me, but 'breach of the peace' arrests are bullshit and suspended sentences changing standard conditions of civil behaviour are bullshit. It's mixed feelings but honestly your slime boy is almost certainly in trouble he doesn't deserve (for this) here.

>Would attack someone for wrongthink
Imagine muh shock

>they're only there because they're brown.
who is only where ?

>I'm a socialist and would glass Tommy if he showed his scummy face around me
Leftist who would glass someone for simply being close by.
Really gets the noggin joggin eh chaps?

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Not true, Chechens are the whitest Muslims you can get and there are plenty of them in the west.

>I think most countries have equivalent laws?

Most do, we do. But we have much stricter laws regarding the names of accused. Censorship like this requires VERY loose argumentation of a breach of law.

I cant imagine this was protested at any point and that should be the main concern. Most nations allow for protests, when the issue arrives here its usually protested and is a long process involving many institutions which hold journalists\editors accountable and does not allow courts to directly send gag orders on any topic.

Unless the entire thing was secret to begin with.

>right to be forgotten and the new GDPR rulings is a whole different ballgame

i mean, it is pretty bad here but we can always run to the mountains or go live with the natives. the UK is a tiny island and there is nowhere to run

Don't get me wrong he'd have to play the prick first. Which would take him less than a minute.

Breitbart is the only one that says JAILED but their link goes nowhere. This is pretty disgusting if there is something going on - a D Notice or Super Injunction about it.

He's hardly worth all this effort.

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Scotland, you wanna think about that whole independence thing once more?

Bosnians are the whitest Muslims and besides, Your country is all about pakis, the laughing stock of the islamic world for their tendency to boy-fuck.

Your government wants you to become pakistani.

So if he hurt your fee fees you'd glass him. Gee you sure are an adult.

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Muslims are only in the UK because they're brown. It's not about a caliphate, it's about ethnically cleanings celts and anglos as Kalergi and the elders of Zion wish.


>Post link of random ass shit
>Muh deletion

post archives you faggot.

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Just saw user post the Judges order. I thought the rapists were there to be sentenced, they had their prison bags with them on his video.

UK is now far left facist police state were the truth and freedom speech is banned

Unfortunately our biggest party want to be the next Sweden so fucking bad so might just end up worse if they had their own way.

>if I see you and don't like you I'll kill you
I expect something like that from a nigger.

This is why "whiter than you muhammad" isn't just a meme.

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Go round up your mates, make some signs that say FREE TOMMY and END RAPE GANGS.

Assemble peaceably and show the world that you still have some testosterone. ffs

either have a bloody revolution or don’t, you can’t keep riding this non-existent middle ground

So can someone explain, was it before or after the pedo case jury? Because I see contradicting information.

In Britain, the police state is your problem more than the muslims are. You will never be free unless you break away from their control. You cannot even put up a fight against Islam without them locking you in a cage.

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If Tommy had spoke anywhere other than outside a court during an important trial he would not be arrested.

He was arrested because he was endangering the defence's right to a fair trial, which is against his human rights.

You faggots better start assembling and starting fucking riots in the street before your country starts arresting you based on internet habits.

Move and act before it's too fucking late.

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>child rapists rights are more important than allowing the reporting of tommy getting jailed

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tell that to the children of your people who were not protected, pedo apologist

If you are too lazy or stupid to even check the google cache on the urls you cant into constructive criticism.

You are shitting up the thread with a retarded post. I hate faggots like yourself, especially the brittish ones. They are always the worst.

>post archives you faggot.
You must be dense if you think a regular archiver would do jack fucking shit. A crawler helps nothing AFTER the fact.

Wayback machine loggs everyday and further up in the thread you will find a link for atleast one of the articles.

>muh fake b8 censorship
>crawler or fake and gay

You have no idea of either works.

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