Which four countries, besides your own, would you defend if they were ever invaded? Second thread

Last thread was comfy so lets have another one
>South Africa

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brazil only
maybe argentina and chile

All countries are puppet states of America so im not sure how to answer

You live in Brazil

>Leafs because they're best neighbors
>Taiwan because fuck Gina
>Poland and Hungary because they're based huwhite countries


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Depends on how much they will pay me.


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weird they can make those hot pants look so badass

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Ireland. No place else.

South Africa would be at the bottom of my list. No point in risking my life saving those mutts larping as white.

Greece, againts Turkey
Sweeden (nationalist side) because a civil war is inevitable now
for Afrikaaners in South Africa
+bonus: Quebec

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Australia and the Realm of New Zealand

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Fighting for countries other than these 3 (4) would be stupid and cucked
Like, we would I even fight for USA? or Japan? or Sweden?

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ig that's it, everything else is too far away/language barrier for me to be of much use

Why would you fight for France though?

>Czech Republic
>Republic of Bavaria
>Grand Duchy of Lithuania

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Why France?


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Theyre neutral and just want to be left alone.

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History has not taught you that they do not think about anything other than their own ass my fren

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What's with all the people who would be willing to die fighting for the Sandra Laingians?

You're a bit late there kemosabi.

Because Poland and France have been allies for more than 400 years
Nowadays, not many people know about it

Polish foreign legion ( In France ) was formed roughly 40 years before the French Foreign Legion
During 19th century, Polish soldiers used to have their own regiments within the French army

After WW1 France supplied Poland with tanks and weapons
Thanks to France, Poland had the 4th most powerful army in Europe during the Polish-Bolshevik war in 1920

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USA, Japan, Singapore, can't think of a fourth one. These are role model countries with strong political rights (as in right-wing)

Oh wait, yes I can, Switzerland :)


Polish alliances have always been a joke, literally nobody gives a fuck about Poland and what happens/happened to it


Canada, Australia/NZ (count as one I think), Russia if it's attacked by the ZOG of the EU, France

Poland and Slovakia
My ancestors are from there and I still keep in contact with relatives there

>South Africa
>The U.S
>Britain because muh commonwealth
thats about it, really

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learn how to read before replying, retard


thats about it really

Got your back cuzzybro. We're pretty well fucked when the Chinks come for us though...

in the late 18th century the rulers of the old world order hated France and Poland because we were the only countries in Europe which believed in the true liberty and equality

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thank you for your input, ivan

Hungary really. We should be brothers and push our differences aside. We've done a lot of shit to each other but the truth is we in the east can only be strong if you view each others as brothers. We have one common thing that we share with the baltic states, with Poland and everyone else, we hate gypsies.
The Romanians of Transylvania do not hate you, we have lived with your people for a long time the only Romanians that might have a problem with you are the shitskinned southerners that have never met an actual Hungarian in their lives.

would fight to see NZ demolished tbqhwy

>Poland for obvious reasons
>Singapore because my woman is from there
>Japan for the vidya and tech
>Australia for the bantz



The cradle of european civilization - Greece.
But only if the invasion is direct and historical monuments are being destroyed.


Historically - every country around Estonia when the invaders cross our soil.


All from NATO. Because thats how the deal works and conscription isnt democratic.


I admire the fellowship Estonia and friends have.
I wish we could have such great neighbors.

>sweden (if they would even want it)

>checks out


Wouldn't even defend my own country. I want to see it invaded.

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north korea


Bouvet Island
Pitcairn Islands
Cocos Islands

>Ireland (because this is rightful British clay and if it is invaded by someone else before we can invade it then they must be put down)
>Any country in the UK

I choose France instead of Greece.

inb4 Rhodesia is gone

Great Britain

If Australia was invaded, not only would I go over and defend it, but I would be purging all you Lebbo and chink fucks
Never once have I heard a white Australian and a white New Zealander say they hate each other

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>Huns (although I still hate them we got bigger problems)
Don't need anyone else

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USA, South Korea, Chile, Venezuela (to assist whichever country that is willing to remove their socialist disaster of a government)

South Korea


Mfw I’m a (mostly Scottish) randomized European burger mutt and want to protect and preserve Scotland but it’s already been doubly overrun by not only the UK but also by “refugee” sand people.

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>South Korea
Why would you fight for disgusting zipperhead scum? Japan is unironically the only good country in Asia, prove me wrong.
>pro tip: you can't

Finland, Norway (including their settlements), estonia and Denmark (including their settlements)

Thank you, fren.

Because fuck North Korea. And China

>United States
>New Zealand

America and Israel. The only two countries on earth that have enough people I love to outweigh my indifference.
>Europe and asia
ill laugh while they burn
>Africa South America, Australia

America, Australia, Russia and Japan fuck the restive the world

Not that the norks are good, but note that North Korea is currently one of the only countries in the world without a (((central bank))).
You are right about the chankoro, though.

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An albanian for greeks? Plus we’re listing real nations roach
Anyway i’d go to war for Greece only, maybe USA as it would be fun with all the racial divide.
No way i’d give my life for france/uk which imported shitshins by millions

Fuck Scots evict them and keep the land as part of the north east

It depends on who's invading as to whether or not I'd fight for my own country. From the looks of it, we're heading towards rock bottom so maybe we need to be invaded.

But, hypothetically speaking, and in a different world, I'd fight for Canada, UK, France, Germany, and the Netherlands.

Runners up: Ireland, Denmark, Sweden, Norway, and Iceland.

Älskar dig Danskjävel. I would die for your country

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>no one will ever invade Brazil and take you as their war husbando

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Germany, Australia, Canada and South Africa.

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> Sweden
> Denmark
> Iceland
> Finland

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South Korea
France (?)

i wouldnt defend any of you pussies you are all on your own

Plus: Afrikaaners in Sth Africa


Greece and Spain

Are you faggots fucking retarded?

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South Africa

The eternal Anglo shall receive no quarter.

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>Are you faggots fucking retarded?

Is it good now mutty boy

>muh ebil russia
Yeah, dying for Israel is the real shit.

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Thank you, volvonigger. Btw I like yr Gripen. The best. Hope, we finally get them.

Thank you, but no help needed. Tried already twice, remember?

Wew,I thought this was going to be hard!Other countries are more than willing to call America to defend their asses.Yet,when we're not defending our "allies",they end up getting curb-stomped by a nig,muslim or spic while begging America for "help!" because they have laws that tells them "defending yourself is racist" and using weapons for self-defense is illegal.You're damned if you don't,and damned if you do.But when we send help,the people of certain countries keep talking shit while we're trying to help them.Then when Americans fight back against European abusive horseshit,we're once again demonized by a supposed "ally" for being simply American-don't take anyone's shit,even if you're abroad.
To properly answer the question:
I would've chose the country my father's side of the family came from,but the country doesn't exist anymore thanks to Bill Clinton and his Christian Serbian-Croatian genocide-B.Clinton chose to side with the shitskins.I could've chose the country my mother's side comes from.The family I have still living in Germany,all the shit I constantly see posted about Germany and what Germans post about Americans,our German "ally" can go eat a bag of dicks for being the most insufferable piles of shit I've ever had to encounter both overseas and in America.At least some foreigners have respect for the people,and the country that they're visiting,especially if they claim to be a friendly-ally.

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Only Canada. I would help help leafs because of mutual defense interests. If Cuba invaded Mexico I wouldn't help.

>France out of obligation because of our history
>Maybe UK if they admit we're better than them in every way

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