Why aren't menial workers entitled to a living wage?

Attached: OOR_2017_Factsheet.pdf.png (780x436, 118K)

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mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com/For a New Liberty The Libertarian Manifesto_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market_2.pdf?file=1&type=document

they aren't entitled to shit, you fucking retard. If you have a shitty minimum wage job at the age where you have a family you're probably a failure.

Minimum wage should atleast support a single person to live. otherwise they there is no incentive for that person to even work you dumb fuck.

Get a roommate.

Yeah but all the good jobs need experience realistically now a days. So if you’re an idiot go to trade school..

Because the value of their labor is worth less than said "living wage". Setting an artificial ceiling on labor prices will only result in fewer jobs to low value laborers.

*artificial floor

Minimum wage is increasing in canada
now things are too expensive for everyone
not just people on min wage
because companies are losing money because they have to pay retards doing unskilled work too much money so they have to make their shit more expensive
you dumb fuck

Welders make around 25 dollars an hour so fuck this meme. If you make 7 dollars an hour its your fault.


>because companies are losing money
lol no they aren't. Companies are making more money today than ever before.

losing profit*

The phrase "living wage" is Marxist propaganda, btw. The fact that people aren't dying in the streets due should tell you as much.

Same with "fair trade".

>baaww the billionaire only made 4 billion instead of 4.5 billion
And small businesses are being destroyed by things such as taxes, electricity prices, government shutting down other industries like mines which empty towns of workers so nobody there to buy from small business, foreigners importing slave labor,etc.

people are dying in the streets. Homelessness is a serious problem.
>fair trade
"Free trade agreements" means gutting your country and shipping jobs to India and turning your economy into a service one. LOLbetarians just say "lol you can't compete with asians working for $2 a day, that's free market"

Why won't you pay $6 for a Big Mac?

Solution: give them free money so they lose all incentive to work

Liberals are cancer

>Minimum wage should atleast support a single person to live.

It is enough or a single person to live. Maybe not a life of excess and luxury, but they can certainly live. Most of the people whining about 15/hour are university-educated liberals from upper-middle class families who don't know a thing about living on minimum wage. When Queen Dyke raised the minimum wage here in Ontario it was those silver spoon socialists cheering her on, the real working poor were and are worried about what is going to happen to their jobs.

>otherwise they there is no incentive for that person to even work you dumb fuck.

Round here welfare pays less than half of a minimum wage income. Now that actually isn't enough to live and it is certainly incentive to work. I know this because I have been on welfare, I supported myself just fine when I managed to get a minimum wage job, and now I am living comfortably but modestly with a nice working class job.

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They would be if it wasn't for immigrants keeping wages stagnant.

Funny thing is that all the wage growth for workers in the past 2 years has been because of the market, not coercion from the govt

The people receiving minimum wage with, some exceptions, are not the homeless.

>"Free trade agreements" means gutting your country and shipping jobs to India and turning your economy into a service one. LOLbetarians just say "lol you can't compete with asians working for $2 a day, that's free market"
1) not an argument
2) not even related to what i was getting at -- fair trade, e.g. as in coffee, chocolate, etc. or more specifically paying above market rates because for some reason voluntary exchange as set by a market isn't already fair

Don't know. They can all get jobs and live in a Walmart dorm like I do. It's really not all the difficult.

As usual the bootlicker thinks everyone who says minimum wage should support one person must want it raised. Cost of living needs to come down retard, and it's usually the icompetent and traitorous government causing it to rise.

this (((memeflag))) retard thinks 7 dollars an hour isnt enough to live
most eastern euro countries, and places like africa have people living on a quarter of that


If government would get out of the way, businesses would be able to produce more goods at a cheaper cost, allowing your menial wage to purchase more goods and services for a cheaper price, thus raising your overall standard of living.

>Walmart dorm

holy shit the US are horrible

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Ex con reporting in. Back in my day you just checked no on the "Have you ever been arrested?" question.

Have a sweet $23/HR union job in a factory.

because somebody must suck dicks and suffer

Maybe that claim was a bit exaggerated. It's an apartment complex which about 10 of us in this building work for said multinational corporation. I do envision something like an official on-site walmart-type dorm to come in vogue the next time the economy tanks.

They're goyim. Meant to take care of us. At most they should be fed and clothed and thats it.

I don't expect you to actually read it but if you're interested in learning why a living wage law would be a bad idea, start with the following

mises-media.s3.amazonaws.com/For a New Liberty The Libertarian Manifesto_3.pdf?file=1&type=document
mises.org/system/tdf/Man, Economy, and State, with Power and Market_2.pdf?file=1&type=document

second book is pretty long though

You aren't entitled to anything you genetically defective dumpster fire.

What is a living wage?
Who are you or anyone else to name it?

Really? I guess starvation isn’t good enough.
Take away welfare and we’ll see how fast cleaning toilets looks to someone whose starving.

>tfw two bedroom apartment for $600 a month and making around $50,000 annually as a starting wage

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Once upon, even the common worker had money to afford a house, family, and stay at home wife. Today, even with two salaries, most household can’t afford that.
It’s almost like flooding the country with hundreds of millions of immigrants lowers the wages. REALLY makes me think

Yes and everyone that has employees makes billions

how about artificially suppressing interest rates for decades, thereby creating the largest asset bubble the world has ever known?


>1 post by this ID

probably about as good as shooting your sorry ass and taking your shit

because they are too stupid to figure out how reality works and too retarded to listen when Jow Forums tries to help them

lol this.

Because Democrats and Globalists Neocons thought that admitting 30 million 80 IQ aztec rape babies wouldn't have an effect on low-tier wages because apparently the law of supply and demand doesn't affect the labor market, or something.

Want a living wage for the worker? Then you need to be demanding immediate repatriation of all criminal aliens, and zero new immigration from any source for at least 20 years. And even that probably won't be enough.

Meh, that affects production, and production isn't the problem. As far as input ->output goes, the economy is at its most productive and its most efficient ever. And yet, the common man sees less and less of that, because he has to compete with paco and pay jamal to sit on his ass.

>Why aren't menial workers entitled to a living wage?
Because of Boomers:
(1) Outsource jobs,
(2) Bring in H1Bs for "skilled labor" due to
(a) faking the STEM crisis by
(b) posting "entry level" jobs with 3/5/7/10 years experience required,
(c) ludicrous technical requirements, such as
(d) experience in technologies for longer than that technology has existed,
(3) for the suppression of wages,
(4) demoralization of technical citizens,
(5) removing them from self-sufficiency and well-paying jobs.

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>Welders make around 25 dollars an hour so fuck this meme.
And what happens to wages if (eg) all the American programmers displaced via the H1B fraud learned welding?

This is by design.

>yfw amerimutts paying 1k to live in wooden dumpsters

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>$25/hr for blindness and respiratory issues
It's practically all hazard pay.

It's so frustrating that many don't see this.

Are you seriously blaming spics for the greed and blatant neglect by boomers? Gtfo

Never change Jow Forums

>tfw need to make $50/hour to afford rent

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>have to work 3 hours a day at minimum wage to afford rent every month
Damn. How do they manage?

you should never be paid more than you're worth

I worked at a Burger King for over 6 years and never had a shift that was less than 7 hours.

>Have to make 60/hour for rent.
>Highest I can get is 25/hour
Should I just say fuck it and kill myself?

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Of course minimum wage workers cannot afford the average rent. They are below average earners so they rent below the average. I can find many many appartments under $523/mo in my city. 2 years ago I rented a 2 bedroom for $425 while working a minimum wage job and was still able to save a good bit of money. Your picture is weak tier commie shit.

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maybe having Usury at all is what fucked us

yeah fuck voluntary exchange

Try reading it again, sweetie. Go slow, I know the words with more than one syllable make your brain hurt. We are all rooting for you!