How was this soft virgin able to establish such a massive big hit out of a tiny cult and make it a religion and empire...

How was this soft virgin able to establish such a massive big hit out of a tiny cult and make it a religion and empire? And he didn't even go to war for it.

I don't think anybody else achieved such thing in human history.

Mohammed went to war and killed a bunch, his religions ended up causing too much trouble,
Hitler tried and failed
Nobody cares about Budha anymore.

Seriously you gotta give Jesus some credit.

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Because he is Christ Jesus, the Son of God.

yea it impresses me too, like why did the romans even adapt christianity with cesar augustus.

He stole his idea from the ancient Greek Hellenic religion.

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his sacrifice and torture had big impact.
No one ever has gone through so much pain for their cult or organization like Jesus did. People were like
"wtf this guy really means it"

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god which no one believes in felt Jesus paint that he decided to take this motherfucker with him.

Usually god never does shit for anybody, except for Jesus.

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Jesus Christ is GOD

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because he had the balls to call out the filthy work of the Jew

Iesous is God. That's how.


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His religion became big after he died, a bunch of powerful and big politicians thought his concept was nice for controling society and used it.
The whole sacrifice thing was very good.

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He was a virgin but he wasn't soft.

look a parrot

BC he used a real power wich can move mountains. Love.
And this is not an allegory. Love is energy anyone can will learn to use.

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But your soul must be as clean as possible to use it succesfully.
He gave the instructions how to achive that.
The Sermon on the Mount.

didnt he hang out with whores all the time?
Jesus probably banged tons of them.

Literally this. Who would want to be a Christian if not for the whole worshipping God thing? It literally preaches being a social outcast, and if the world hates you you're doing it right. But we do it because Christ is the LORD. Everlasting life and love awaits us, and you too, if you let Christ into your heart. I know it sounds cheesy but it's true.

If he were an incarnation of god to live as a man to experience what is to be a man to pass judgement in a subjective way then he fucking failed. He gets special powers which real men dont get, and he never even tries to get laid(or lies) and have kids which is a huge part of humanity, you cant go and say oh we're all his children. No, Im talking creating person using exclusively his and another humans genes and feeling they are the only people that matter because you are invested in helping that person grow and experiencing life in a satisfying way you know how.

It's called the Word.

Because he represents the very inner good-nature of mankind.
He placed good above power, materialism and greed.
No matter how I much I think about, just to think a single guy split Judaism and created his own version and gave it to everyone.
No wonder Jews still resent him in modern day and why Jews have been so reluctant to be conversion after endless prosecution for centuries in Europe.
Just tells how Jews are truly wicked creatures.

>Social outcast
Does that mean Jow Forums are the true Christians?

>Seriously you gotta give your lord and savior some credit

wow thanks for clearing that up for me anarchist

Emperors gave the Church money.

And then they banned paganism.

Then Christianity spread through violence

He didn't.

Constantine is the only reason why Christianity didn't die into obscurity thousands of years ago. In hoc signo vinces.

everyone can see that you're answering your own question, retard.

The miraculous comes naturally to God.

His mother was the virgin, not Jesus. Jesus was married.

People thought they were worshiping pic related. It's an easy mistake to make.

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Its called having thousands of years of prophecy foretelling your first coming and then fulfilling that prophecy with thousands of witnesses and 500 witnesses of His resurrected form.

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Jesus Christ was never married. He ascended into Heaven to sit on the Throne of David.

he didnt, constantine established christianity and the bible, jesus was unknown jew killed somewhere in 33ce before jee revolt in 70ce.

He was rugged af. You don't build impressive structures with your bare hands and end up "soft". The holy spirit was with him from birth to death, dude was awesome.

>reddit tier history
Even contemporary Jews wrote about Him and hated his guts, and when 70 AD happened as Jesus said it would, they were even more terrified and ended up abandoning scripture all together and following oral law, until finally writing it down in 600 AD (Talmud), even writing about how they think Jesus is in hell in some very gruesome terms.

Jews very much knew Jesus was real. Why don't you?


Jesus absolutely has no mentions untill.constantine other than christens being fed to lions if you belobged to this judaic cult.


Christianity started off hundreds of years after jesus' death and all of his miracles have been confirmed by his closest cult-bros only.
If jesus had such a big impact on his era, why did nobody follow him, even after his rebirth?

It made the plebs docile and encouraged/deified an authoritarian patriarchy. The original Jesus was not a "nice guy" he was a man of conviction. He lived and died by his beliefs and his beliefs became the foundation of western civilization...

All that said, modern Christianity is the product of the careful reconsolidation and structuring of both systems of power as well as the holy texts themselves. Shit, the currently accepted bible didn't become set in stone until centuries after Jesus' death.

Jesus is pretty much just the mascot of modern Christianity, but he is the greatest mascot to every walk this earth.

Nothing was founded by Jesus, in fact civilization ended by the domination of this judaic cult over European religion and sociwty it was a hostike invader and enemy and still is, every christian must die.

Might wanna calm down before posting. Your text is barely legible.

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I imagine that he started out simple, and kept it that way. Pretty much have to if you're going to get mass appeal.

What they have now is the result of a bunch of opportunists complicating the hell out of that simple message ("Be good to each other") in attempts to take and keep power over the faithful.

Its their own fault that they let this perversion continue, though.

Proof of witnesses?

The 0 era had nothing to do with jesus. People merely expected something fancy to happen and nothing did. 300 years later they made up a bunch of miracles and mysticism to make their religion more appealing to the amorale average joe and spread about jesus having been a magician

He was not soft.

Also this is very important what he taught he got from the Greeks.

Filthy Christen dog.

he crashed the jewish banking system, but escaped through a wormhole before crucified

look a jew.

All you Christians must be exterminated like pigs.

The pen is mightier, through politics and spreading a popular message Christian can conquer society.


>constantine other than christens being fed to lions if you belobged to this judaic cult.
He believes the meme history...

The Christians were never outright persecuted for their beliefs. What you are referring to was quite literally legal mishap. The roman emperor ordered pagan sacrifices and all within the realm were to attend these rituals. Fundamentalist Christians refused to attend and hard line government officials responded by killing them. They weren't killed for being Christians; but rather, they were killed for refusing a decree from the emperor. Most Christians just went to the temples and watched them cut the head of a goat before going back to their business. There was only an issue when fervent believers were overseen by officials who where unwilling to shirk their dudes... Shit, there was only a couple thousand killed in the entirety of the roman empire (death within the arena was just the standard means of execution at the time).

No, it was just constantines sword and empire.

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> How

By rising from the dead.

Christianity was a secret jew cult that came to power with constantine they were enemies of "pagans" which constitited the entire roman greek world.

We have manuscripts of the NT dating to 53 AD. What are you smoking?

Jesus is a myth dumb ass. This answer sums it all up. The fucking Jews invented Yahweh.

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>Christianity was a secret jew cult
Is that why half of early Christianity was fervently antisemitic? Or did you forget that the Gnostics/Marcians/etc. believed that the jew's god was literally Satan in disguise?

The dumbest statement on /pol ever posted is that the Jews invented Christ. They did no such thing. They wrote about Christ but they said his miracles were done by devils and that he is burning he hell.

Exactly what is written in the Gospels, except from their side where they were seething in anger that Christ called them the synagogue of Satan.

See the Talmud for the angry rustlings of Jews.

because he fought the jews. And through his sacrifices, he won. Now the question is, who will fight the latest incarnation of jew enablers?

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The same Jesus Christ in the second coming. See Book of Revelation for the coming shitstorm.

the Roman emperor corrupted true Christianity though, to keep common people ignorant

Post yfw you die and meet Jesus and he's unironically brown.

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Then read the Bible. The manuscripts are unaltered.

The Catholic church is just a heretical jumbling of pagan beliefs with Christian beliefs.

Whew Lad! The Jews invented Yahweh. That means Yahweh is a myth. There is zero empirical evidence for Jesus the 'Christ". I don't care who made him up he is a myth. Even by some small chance he was a real man he definitely was not a God.

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I don't think you need to worry about what he looks like. The Book of Isaiah even said 700 years before He was born of a virgin that he wouldn't be a looker.

See Isaiah 9, and 7, and 53.

It's almost like the true church was pre-Catholic isn't it?

Of course, but true Christians were murdered by Catholics. Recent popes even acknowledged they murdered 100 million Bible believing Christians who believed that its only through the blood of Jesus Christ one gets into heaven.

The remaining armies fighting at the time of the tribulation will take up arms against Christ and be destroyed almost instantaneously.


>Huurrrrr duurrrr eberyting da juice duss iz ebul!!!¡¡¡

I bet you also believe every jew is behind the world conspiracy and needs to be exterminated, yeah?

What a time to be alive. The end times, that is.

I feel nervous about living in the end times desu. My family and my wife's family. All unsaved.

>lefty thinking he's edgy by picking on christians
>not realizing his (((edginess))) is 20 years late

What do you think about islam

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Truth: Jesus, Christ, Son of God, Savior.

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Is that pic real?

Yes, they are the lost sheep from Christ's parable

I think about this all the time. Being aware of the impending shiticane that's going to unfold on esrtj, yet still not doing everything I can to help myself and my family.

Well.. the majority of them are still lost user. The fields are white and ready for harvest, but the there aren't enough harvesters. There is my horrible paraphrase of scripture but yeah. We need more people helping.

Reminds me of the weeping Prophet Jeremiah. Told to go tell Israel to get their shit together but God tells them they won't listen anyway, but if he doesn't tell them, their blood will be on his hands. No wonder he wrote the book of Lamentations.

>Bunch of European aristocrats joined his cult and did it for him

Shut up you damn dirty jew

That's like asking "How did Gandalf create Lord of the Rings??". Jesus is a fictional character created by kikes to manipulate the goyim and replace European culture with kike-centric culture. It's the most successful Jew trick of all time.

This is the real synagogue of Satan. You guys.

Not quite; it's from a template of Israel's PM's "Iran LIED!!" presentation, and another user filled in the power-point with truth... THE TRUTH.

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He chased an entire temple of jews away from their money because he felt like it.

What have you done with your life?

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Hah, love it.

>Hah, love it.
So did I, that's why I saved it.

there is no feasible way some random Jew could convince the entire planet he was God in the flesh, TWO THOUSAND YEARS later, if it wasn't true.

every other bullshitter has been found out, and pretty quickly. Joseph Smith, Jim Jones, David Koresh, they've all been fingered within months.


>there is no feasible way some random Jew could convince the entire planet he was God in the flesh
Jews mastered the art of nepotism millennia ago. Jesus is just the penultimate example.

You got some explaining to do. Jews wrote about Jesus in the first century, contemporary Jewish historians wrote about him and the earthquake and the black skies and the eclipse of the moon.

They still hated him and eventually wrote down all their vile hate for God in the Flesh in the Talmud.

All evidence points to Jews still hating Christians even today.

Bwahahahahahaha! Jesus never existed. That is the conclusion of researchers who have combed 126 texts written during or shortly after the time Jesus is supposed to have lived. The research concluded that there was no creditable mention of Jesus whatsoever. The known sources such as Josephus etc. that do have very vague mentions of a possible Jesus are now known to be Christian interpolations and are academic embarrassments when used to prove the historicity of the "Christ". Jesus, the messianic figure at the center of the world's largest religion, Christianity, was simply a fictional character. The story of Jesus bears a close resemblance to numerous other mythological stories of ancient gods who were born of virgin mothers and performed miracles. Man invented the Gods of religion.

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Your Sweet Jesus hated the goy.
only the ((tax collector)) could spawn such an insidious cult in his name to out jew the jew

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>All evidence points to Jews still hating Christians even today.
They just mad that he out jewed them.

Then when did Jesus Christ send his Apostles to preach to the nations/gentiles when the Jews rejected Him?


>Huurrrrr duurrrr Bible invented by Catholics says ends times.

Grow up child.

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He didn't. That was all the work of Paulus of Tarsus and he realized he could destroy the Roman Empire from within and that the name of Jesus Christ would bend to the Jews. It worked. See Murica today.

I can barely believe anyone can seriously believe anything in your post or you yourself do unless you are painfully ignorant of history.