Pewds declares war on VICE

Pewds declares war on VICE.

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Alternatively our guy
For sure

vice is cancer

This won't lead to anything. Pewdiepie has been dropped by YouTube, no one who matters listens to VICE. This'll fade from all our minds in a week.

Kekus Maximus

Lol is this over the whole Alinity thing?

VICE loves whores and degeneracy .

Pewds needs to step it up and mass redpill his fanbase before the marxists try to take him down




Absolute madman

kys sören and go back to /de

Or vice will get sued and we can talk about it for another year.


jesus these women cannot take even the milquetoastest of critiques without crying about their soggy knees.

what did he do?


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Come on guys pewds is one of ours, he clearly is and that's why his content work, bluepiled people find him funny, and we understand the inside jokes

it's libel when it's written

Go check "can we copystrike pewdiepie" on youtube

He said Trump was awesome in his latest vid

you seem cool, lose the memeflag and fag spacing


Huh? You can take someone's video down for calling you a thot?

>choke me, pull my hair, and slap my ass daddy
>it's always me me me
>hear this every time when having sex

Tell me they aren't asking for it.

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He called a twitch thot a twitch thot, she filed a copyright claim against him over it, the strike has been removed, she's somehow a victim, a woman being a victim = Vice shows up

The reason it works is that the Nazis were unironically the good guys in WWII. So all he has to do is be himself, and blue pilled people love him. Jews will stop at nothing to destroy Pews because if they don't, he will red pill his audience on this fact.


Looks like he is getting sick of their shit.

>gradually he began to hate them
All the puzzle pieces are falling into place; Pewds is going to be our Fuhrer. Screencap this.

Felix will redeem Sweden

>The reason it works is that the Nazis were unironically the good guys in WWII.
You are retarded.

Pewdiepie, Elon Musk, Kanye & Trump

what a team

Let's make the same as the alright site for the wsj case, --> /pol #1 fan of pewdiepie

Holy Crap! Pewdiepie is woke to the JQ!

They should make a batlefield V team and confront the sjw teams

please do it pewdiepie


you're worth like 1 billion, we all know it, might as well put that money to good use

Pewds, we know you browse here.

You need to do this. The amount of support you will get in crowdfunding alone will make it so it won't cost you a dime.

>unironically believes that the good guys won WW2

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God, I wish someone would photoshop an image of those 4 together. Would make for some good "I'm assembling a team" memes

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>Lives in US
>Is a literal traitor
Neck yourself

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Trump has activated them all. Alphas rising. Its a FACT that women like to have an alpha in charge. Its about security. They're just better.

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>Always your personal army.

The "not your personal army" guys are fucking larping faggots. I've jumped into the breech and contributed a bunch of times when I see my guys in trouble, even if they will never know my name. I know that other people do this too.

If they go after pewds, we will be at his back. If they come after us, hopefully pewds would be at our backs too.

>Pewdiepie has been dropped by YouTube
Still most subscribed and most watched channel on youtube. Basically he has the power to mind control all those born between 2000-2010

Tbh, it was internet fags and brexit that started it all. Trump would never have run if he didn't see the winds of change that we brought online.
The internet culture war has been the globalists battle of teutoburg forest, their failure to conquer the internet has allowed the internet to remain a wild and free frontier full of barbarian tribes.

Brexit was basically the first major battle won.

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It’s true. Don’t you remember the alarm the genuine shock you felt when you saw that they voted for brexit?
It was like “holy shit I make a difference”

>She's also found to be an illegal immigrant
>Vice needs to protect illegals at all costs

>Teaching audience that women are asking for it.
What fucking mental gymnastics were used to come to that conclusion?

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He face the same thing, them trying to take him down, he needs support and we need that he sue them

Nobody talks about Gawker articles because they don't make them anymore.
Felix is gonna be the next Hulk Hogan if he goes through with this lawsuit.

Is this correct?

If so, holy shit. New level of stupidity. Be illegal and broadcast yourself to the world and get into public spats.

PewdsTube when?

Gavin would be proud.

You're not dreaming...

send him hulk's power

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never forget it's been years he browse this place


She basically found some beta in Canada to pay for her to fly in from Colombia. Supposedly they got married and subsequently divorced, but it's entirely possible that the BF is just saying that to avoid getting in trouble for assisting illegal immigration.

pewdiepie has done his homework I see.

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He should sue, what they do is slander people. at this point vice is essentially gawker with a rare mildly interesting article.

9/10 times any more though it’s a snarky liberal thought piece

>dropped by YouTube
>must have no power with millions of dollars and millions of fans
Are you retarded?

Lurk more pede fag

She publically admitted doing marriage fraud to get canadian citizenship on a livestream

this is all the time I had.

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Aren't marriage and divorce public records? Not sure how much Canadian laws differ

What will happen when the UK arrests Pewds for hate speech?

The Swede, the )))Jew(((, the Nigger, and the Chad

go away


Fucking cringe overload.


Team dragon energy

I liked Pewdiepie when he was actually making video-game related content. I have no idea why he feels the need to promote Trump-ism and alt-right ideas. Does he want to alienate 70% of his fanbase?

Vice is marxist communist propaganda glorifying poverty as seen in various documentaries... such as thumbs up... meanwhile David Cho is rich as fuck.

He has fuck-you money

Youtube no longer stands behind him and no longer include him in promotional spots they produce. They just deal with him because kicking him is bad business that doesn't benefit them.

I actually like pewdiepie now... hated him when he was this retarded screaming video playing idiot.

>VICE is still a thing

That clip was hilarious though. It was basically like Trump saying I'm so humble you wouldn't even believe it. Or something like that.


>New Media
>Old Media
We need law and medicine, and we will be complete.

You say that but the majority of his community supports him.

That's libel just FYI. Slander is spoken exclusively.

Did you take a poll of his fan base or are you just talking out of your butt hole?

Because he's an incredibly influential FUCKING WHITE MALE who has the power to help save his country from Marxism. How could you possibly be against that unless you're working for a Soros NGO?

That looks like an action movie crew I’d pay to watch


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Swedish is his first language, but he probably doesn't mind you pointing that out.

kys yourself

slush fund

All this for calling out a thot?

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Won't give them a click, but I guess it's something along the lines of
>Felix makes remark about how she flashes her boobwindow while adjusting camera, as well as... something more on some occasions (but it's alright because Twitch is "really cool about it")
>Vice holds on onto an idea that stupid literal Hitler bully shames poor womxn for her apperance, which is basically a rape threat, despite the fact that she admitted doing shit that would get any male streamer banned
>So, now Felix is under fire because he had a problem with slutty mannerisms and choice of attire of a softcore camwhore that makes a living out of 12 y/o on the Internet

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That "retarded screaming" put him on that map. Pewdiepie using his influence to promote right-wing ideas is unfair to all the fans he accumulated because of his gaming content. We didn't subscribe to his channel to hear him call Trump "awesome" all the time.

B-but without my memeflag I won't be protected!

>a fucking leaf

>he's a grown man who wants to watch another grown man play video games

is Pewdiepie at the service of the Bogdanoff?

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>why did pewds grow up while i didn't?

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go watch markiplier and jacksepticeye with the other 12 year olds then