Abortion is bad

>Abortion is bad
Conservatives need to stop getting black pilled over eugenics.

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Abortion is good as long as it’s restricted to a minority only service..as it was intended to be from the outset.

what is the population of niggers compared to white folks, then compare the percentages of abortions and white women are still dumping their kids faster than ever.
White women are the true murderers

>and some here are still anti-abortion

how do i donate!!

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>what is the population of niggers compared to white folks, then compare the percentages of abortions and white women are still dumping their kids faster than ever.
Untrue. White women have far less abortions per capita than blacks/spics.

except conservatives (aka boomers) are retarded

This doesn't apply to Europe. Here nigs get gibs for large families so they breed like rabbits.

>tfw my can room hasn't reached that level of progress yet
I'm working on it though.

I hate stupid people like you ever since this board has been on the news i see idiots, especially stupid fucking leafs, just posting the most ridiculous unthoughtful nonsense.
If you think the 88ers are bad for optics you should take a look in the mirror.

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Not every country is 40% brown.

It's a sin and children unwanted should be given to adoption and not killed.

Niggers and spics have WAY more abortions than whites. Whites are still above replacement level in the US, while the black population has remained stagnant for decades, and the spic population is only going up due to "immigration".


If that was a Caucasian baby,SJWs and niggers would start chimping out while screaming,"DAS RAYCIS!"

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Oh no now conservative whites will be the ones having the majority of children what a horrible thing to have happen.

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fucking t_d niggers invading this board

No one besides degenerate moralfags think abortion is bad.

>incels slandering white women again
most homeless children are black or hispanic because shitskin mothers abandon them. you cannot save the white race by fucking a brown chick.

>Abortion is good as long as it’s restricted to a minority only service..as it was intended to be from the outset.
Okay but there is no way to get that done. Liberals would begin fighting back against abortion if we clearly stated it's to purge minorities.

Gotta think in numbers. Abortion is doing us a favor. It sure isn't right wingers aborting THEIR kids. Why not let our enemies purge their own future generations? Getting many abortions has a chance to sterilize you meaning some of them become infertile. It's GOOD!

This is why I’m wishy washy on defunding planned parenthood. The ones who can’t afforf abortions are minorities.

literally t_d newfags. before the election Jow Forums was 100% pro abortion.

>need to stop getting black pilled over eugenics
fuck off

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>literally t_d newfags. before the election Jow Forums was 100% pro abortion.
This. Everyone here is practically liberals compared to pre-2016 Jow Forums. You guys are so far from redpilled now it's laughable.

Abortion is murder, yes

But some people are just inconvenient and should be murdered

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you fuck off you reddit newfag

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Reminder that abortion is genocide that has mainstream support.

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Black population 1918: 12%
Black population 2018: 13%
Why? Abortion for one.

No no no. Revoking any and all gibs and assistance is the only way to help disincentivize minorities from churning out litters at the rate they currently do.

Only 200 years and the amish will be 10% of the population watch out

>can room

Is this a common thing? I hope you at least rinse the cans first.

t. retarded christcuck who adopted a nigger from nigeria


what about aborting jewish babies?

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>abortion is ok because niggers do it

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Prisons are the other big help.

relax kiwi no one is going to take away your sheep

it doesn't count as eugenics if your fucking the intestine while it's still in the sheep

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whatn is wrong with eugenics? as long as you don't make people suffer it shouldn't be bad. Why is it such a taboo.

Yes because that's the point i am making isn't it you dim witted kraut no wonder you retards went of Moscow instead of the oil.

They're not people so it's not murder.

fact: most of those are negros/spics

It's not shocking, but it is depressing that blacks are allowed to carry to term. Abortions should be mandatory for those who make less than 100k.

I agree.

However, it's a tragedy whenever a white baby gets aborted.

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Jews are twisted broken creatures who hate vitality and beauty.

just make mandatory abortion for poor people and the nigger problem in africa would be solved

Go remind the leftist they are openly supporting genocide of "negros/spics"

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Abortion affects all races.

>telling your enemy your plan like an evil villain from a cartoon

>Christcucks will defend this

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Looks like the left is in quite a bind here.
>muh choice
>kills too many niggers

What to do?

>reddit meme flag telling people what to do
off you fuck idiot

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Rich people call their can rooms "strategic aluminium reserve."

Its almost like everyone hates niggers.

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Even if it was for everyone, whites would still benefit greatly because the out-of-wedlock birthrates aren't as high for whites as they are for Hispanics and black people.

It's also funny because cucks like Tim Wise support abortion rights but at the same time are "anti-racist". But that's expected from a Jew.

What if a bunch of right wingers dressed as Nazis went to a Leftist Abortion Rally with "Her Body Her Choice" and pro-abortion signs.

Would they realize the irony?

They are people and it is murder, faggot, evil is universal and you're evil

Absolutely. Thank god the Republicans are incompetent niggers, otherwise they'd scrap the only nigger control we have. Fucking idiots.

This would probably help lower black abortion rates

Good less niggers

Fellow anons I think to determine the correlation between black and white population and abortion, we should also account the birthrate not only the abortion rate.

Too bad the Amish are incredibly plain.

no fuck you and your gay thread
if you are for this you need to be expunged
you and your shit thread is made from the fabric of faggots

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Yes but niggers would multiply, abortion is the main reason niggers have maintained their percentage of the population.

it's just an example showing that liberals do not have children, conservatives do. By selectively culling liberals over many generations you are culling genes that favor liberal behavior.

Anons like this are proof that God does infact exist.

>mfw liberals are just now realizing that abortion is what has kept the black population at 12% of the US total for the last half century and that the woman who created Planned Parenthood was an outspoken eugenicist

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>Left: OMG!!! They said the N-Word!!! Find what school they go to or what job that work at and get them kicked out or fired!!!
>Left: Genocide of blacks in just the price we pay for a women to have the right to choose what they do to their bodies and their unborn children.

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Literally cutting off your nose to spite the face. A bunch of childless old white women will vote all of Africa into your nations, and childless white men will too busy with sex-dolls and VR to stop it. The only future white people is making a stable population size for at least 1 generation to fight off the third world invasion.

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It is the path they have chosen.

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Trump effect too. He knows the score which is why he funded PP. Just told the Evangelitards a good story to get their vote.

More red pills please if you got em

My great-grandmother 1 kid
My grandma 3 kids
My mother 2 kids
I'll get as many as possible if I have the chance

God bless America and thank god for less of our fellow basket ball Americans


Why why why do we have so many redditors here why cant you go back to the place you were browsing that told you about Jow Forums

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>Left: Abortion is a right and is a backup plan to unwanted births.
>Left: OMG!!! We must allow mass immigration because our society is dying and there will not be enough young people to support the aging generations!!! Mass immigration is the only way to fix this problem!!!
Kill literally millions of your own native population to justify the importation of more from the 3rd world.

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>tfw society is changing in ways you don't want
>tfw you are literally powerless to stop it and can only kick and scream on Jow Forums
How does it feel to be so hopeless? Can't wait for abortion to be legal everywhere ;^)

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Me either. Blacks and other minorities abort their babies are far higher rates than whites.

he's another dumb redditor that can't even read the OP literally why i am in favor of abortion.

Fuck off Homo Nigger. Trump won by incredibly slim margins, and those kids won't be voting age for another 18 years. America is STILL missing an entire generation of white youth and it'll be your decade long jackoff fest that ruins the West's one and only chance of a guaranteed win.

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I can’t believe there are unironic christian nonraciat subhumans browsing this board

>More Black Babies Are Aborted In NYC Than Born
And that's a good thing!

If you want to look into the memo deeper it's called the Jaffe Memo. The two responsible for it are Bernard Berelson and Frederick Jaffe, the later was VP of Planned Parenthood and both were members of the Rockefeller Commission. Judging by today's society theirs plans creepily mirror modern day so they seemed to have had a high rate of success with these nefarious goals of theirs.

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but how does anyone know what race the unborn babies identified as?

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no, they're literally not people.

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Those things at the bottom, those aren't carpet threads are they?

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fuck off kiwi
everything is going according to plan

If there was a sudden boom of the nigger criminal population whites would wake up and create an ethnostate more quickly

faggots cant have babies, stick it in the pooper all day long but no baby will be born. Kill yourself.

Which is why they're so keen on being a "sanctuary state" and not having citizen status as a part of the census.

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